161. Mine Eyes Beheld the King

1 Long by sin my eyes were holden,
Weary years in blindness spent;
Wasted were the hours all golden,
All my life on pleasure bent.
Till One came in love and mercy,
Touched my eyes and sight did bring;
At his feet I fell and worshipp'd,
For mine eyes beheld the King.

For mine eyes beheld the King,
For mine eyes beheld the King;
At his feet I fell and worshipped,
For mine eyes beheld the King.

2 It was Christ, the lowly Jesus,
Who once walked in Galilee,
Now the ris'n, triumphant Jesus
Who had thus brought sight to me.
Brighter shone the sun above me,
Sweeter seemed the birds to sing;
All the earth took on new beauty,
When mine eyes beheld the King.

When mine eyes beheld the King,
When mine eyes beheld the King;
At his feet I fell and worshipped,
For mine eyes beheld the King.

3 How my load of cares fell from me,
How my doubts and fears were stilled,
And that restless void and longing,
With his precious love was filled.
How I felt my sins forgiven,
Felt new life within me spring;
I became an heir of heaven,
When mine eyes beheld the King.

When mine eyes beheld the King,
When mine eyes beheld the King;
I became an heir of heaven,
When mine eyes beheld the King.

4 Day by day he's waiting with me,
Holds my hand and guides my feet;
Ever in my ear he whispers
Words of comfort wondrous sweet.
Do you wonder I'm rejoicing,
Wonder that I shout and sing?
For I'm living in his presence,
And I still behold the King.

And I still behold the King,
And I still behold the King;
For I'm living in his presence,
And I still behold the King.

Text Information
First Line: Long by sin my eyes were holden
Title: Mine Eyes Beheld the King
Author: Mrs. C. H. M.
Refrain First Line: For mine eyes beheld the King
Publication Date: 1902
Tune Information
Name: [Long by sin my eyes were holden]
Composer: Mrs. C. H. Morris
Key: G Major

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