219. Thy Majesty, How Vast It Is

1 Thy majesty, how vast it is,
And how immense the glory,
Which Thou, O Jesus, dost possess;
Both heaven and earth adore Thee;
The legions of angels exalt Thy great Name,
Thy glory and might are transcendent;
And thousands of thousands Thy praises proclaim,
Upon Thee gladly dependent.

2 Thy Father’s equal, God the Son,
With Him Thou ever reignest;
Thou art partaker of His throne,
And all things Thou sustainest;
Both angels and men view their Maker as man,
With joy that is past all expression;
O happy, unspeakably happy, who can
In Jesus find life and salvation.

3 The Church on earth, in humble strain,
Exalteth Christ, our Savior,
She sings, “The Lamb for us was slain,
Our foe is cast for ever;
For Christ hath redeemed us with His precious blood
Out of every nation and kindred,
And make us thereby kings and priests unto God.
To Him thanksgiving be rendered.”

Text Information
First Line: Thy majesty, how vast it is
Title: Thy Majesty, How Vast It Is
Author: Johann Scheffler (Angelus), 1624-1677 (1657)
Language: English
Publication Date: 1969
Topic: God the Son: Praise and Adoration of Christ
Source: Moravian tr., 1789 a.
Tune Information
Meter: Mixed
Key: G Major
Source: Grimm's Choralbuch, 1755; C. Gregor Choralbuch, 1784

Tune Information:

Ach Gott, was hat für Herrlichheit; (172, A)


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