1 All my hope on God is founded,
all my trust he shall renew;
he, my guide through changing order,
only good and only true.
God unknown,
he alone,
calls my heart to be his own.
2 Human pride and earthly glory,
sword and crown betray his trust;
what with care and toil we fashion,
tower and temple, fall to dust;
but God's power
hour by hour,
is my temple and my tower.
3 Day by day our mighty giver
grants to us his gifts of love;
in his will our souls find pleasure,
leading to our home above:
Love shall stand
at his hand,
joy shall wait for his command.
4 Still from earth to God eternal
sacrifice of praise be done;
high above all praises praising
for the gift of Christ his Son:
Hear Christ's call
one and all —
we who follow shall not fall.