178. Evensong

1 Far in the shining west, low sinks the sun to rest,
Day now is past and the shades of ev’ning fall,
Here, in this hour of peace, while toil and labor cease,
Father, in ev’ning pray’r, upon Thy name we call.

2 Softly the daylight dies, stars gleam from out the skies,
Quiet and calm seem around us ev’rywhere,
Borne on the wings of love, tho’ts rise to Thee above,
Rest and repose we take, within Thy shelt’ring care.

3 ‘Neath Thy protecting arm, fear we no night alarm,
Knowing the watch that our Father ever keeps,
Calmly at rest we lie, under Thy starlit sky,
Safe in the care of One who slumbers not, nor sleeps.

Text Information
First Line: Far in the shining west, low sinks the sun to rest
Title: Evensong
Author: Edith Sanford Tillotson
Language: English
Publication Date: 1914


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