"Lord, Speak to Me" is a prayer that God will speak to, lead, and teach each of us so that we may do the same to others who need Jesus Christ (st. 1-3). The text also expresses our commitment to full-time kingdom service ("use me, Lord . . . just as you will, and when, and where") , an ongoing task that ultimately leads us to eternal "rest," 'Joy," and "glory" (st. 5).
Bert Polman, Psalter Hymnal Handbook
This song emphasizes our need to listen well, and includes a call to ourselves and others to receive it as God’s truth. Such prayers and exhortations implement the convictions of Belgic Confession, Article 24 and Our World Belongs to God, paragraph 32: “The Bible is the Word of God, the record and tool of his redeeming work. It is the Word of truth, breath of God, fully reliable in leading us to know God and to walk with Jesus Christ in new life.”