117. To See Him As He Is

1 I love to read and think of Jesus,
The precious Lamb of God,
Who came to die for my salvation,
Down from His bright abode!
He saw me in my cruel bondage,
And came to set me free,
He came to die for chief of sinners,
Yes, Jesus died for me!

2 I love to talk and sing of Jesus,
And feel He's by my side,
Tho' yet unseen, His spirit's with me,
My feeble steps to guide!
'Tis sweet in ev'ry joy and sorrow,
In life's or death's alarms,
To lean upon His loving bosom,
And rest within His arms!

3 I want His love to so possess me,
Wherever I may be,
That I may show to dying sinners,
What it has done for me!
Yes, may I read and think of Jesus,
And talk and sing and pray,
And thank Him for this great salvation,
I know is mine today!

4 I want one day to be with Jesus
In that bright home above,
And taste in all its precious fullness,
The riches of His love!
I'd go each day still nearer to Him,
The source of all my bliss,
Then, growing more and more yet like Him,
To see Him as He is!

Text Information
First Line: I love to read and think of Jesus
Title: To See Him As He Is
Author: F. L. E.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1938
Copyright: Owned by James D. Vaughan.
Notes: Now Public Domain. This song is sacredly dedicated to Mrs. Mattie Moore, of Hamlin, Texas, who, though in physical form is weak, is to the glory of God in abundant spiritual bloom.
Tune Information
Name: [I love to read and think of Jesus]
Composer: F. L. Eiland
Key: G Major or modal
Copyright: Owned by James D. Vaughan.
Notes: Now Public Domain

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