142. To God I Made My Sorrows Known

1 To GOD I made my sorrows known,
from GOD I sought relief;
in long complaints before His throne
I poured out all my grief.
My soul was overwhelmed with woes,
my heart began to break;
my God, who all my burdens knows,
He knows the way I take.

2 On every side I cast mine eye,
and found my helpers gone,
while friends and strangers passed me by
neglected or unknown.
Then did I raise a louder cry,
and called Thy mercy near,
"Thou art my portion when I die,
be Thou my refuge here."

3 LORD, I am brought exceeding low,
now let Thine ear attend,
and make my foes who vex me know
I've an almighty Friend.
From my sad prison set me free,
then shall I praise Thy name,
and holy men shall join with me,
Thy kindness to proclaim.

Text Information
First Line: To GOD I made my sorrows known
Title: To God I Made My Sorrows Known
Author: Isaac Watts (1719)
Meter: CMD
Language: English
Publication Date: 2023
Topic: Supplication
Tune Information
Composer: Joan J. Pinkston
Meter: CMD
Key: g minor
Copyright: © 2017 Joan Pinkston

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