Psalms and Hymns to the Living God

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
85In times of old You showed Your favor, LORDSINE NOMINE
86ABow down Thy ear, O LORD, and hearMARYTONTextPage Scan
86BHear me, O LORD, and answer meBLOCKLEY
87Zion, founded on the mountainsCORONAETextPage Scan
88LORD, the God of my salvationEBENEZERTextPage Scan
89My song forever shall recordKEDRONTextPage Scan
90O God, our Help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
91Call Jehovah thy salvationHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
92It is good to sing Your praisesELLESDIETextPage Scan
93The LORD reigns over allFESTAL SONG
94O LORD, Thou Judge of all the earthDISTRESSTextPage Scan
95Now with joyful exultationBEECHERTextPage Scan
96O sing a new song to the LORDTRUROTextPage Scan
97Jehovah reigns; let earth be gladELYTextPage Scan
98Sing a new song to JehovahAUSTRIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
99GOD is King forever; let the nations trembleNICAEATextPage Scan
100All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
101Of justice and of grace I singNEW BRITAINTextPage Scan
102Thou, O LORD, art God aloneST. GEORGE'S WINDSORTextPage Scan
103O my soul, bless your RedeemerSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
104Praise the LORD, my soul, O praise Him!NETTLETON
105Give thanks to the LORD God and call on His nameST. DENIO
106O praise the LORD, for He is goodOESTREICHText
107AGive thanks to GOD, He reigns abovePUER NOBISTextPage Scan
107BPraise the LORD, for He is goodDIXTextPage Scan
108O LORD God, my heart is steadfastPLEASING SAVIOR
109God of my mercy and my praiseST. ETHELDREDATextPage Scan
110The LORD declares unto my LordELLACOMBE
111Praise the LORD with exaltationSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
112Praise God! Blessed is the man who fears the LORDTOULON
113Hallelujah! raise, O raiseMONKLANDTextPage Scan
114When Israel out of Egypt wentDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
115Not to our names, Thou only just and trueFINLANDIAText
116I love the LORD, who heard my cryLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
117Praise Jehovah, all ye nationsAUSTRIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
118The glorious gates of righteousnessCORONATIONTextPage Scan
119AHow blessed the perfect in the wayROCKINGHAMTextPage Scan
119BHow shall the young direct their way?MARYTONTextPage Scan
119CThy servant, blessed by Thee, shall liveARLINGTONTextPage Scan
119DMy grieving soul revive, O LordMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
119ETeach me, O LORD, Thy way of truthOLIVE'S BROWTextPage Scan
119FThy promised mercies send to meST. AGNESTextPage Scan
119GLORD, Thy word to me rememberEBENEZERTextPage Scan
119HThou art my portion, LORDBOYLSTONTextPage Scan
119IAccording to Your word, O LORDWINCHESTER OLD
119JThou, who didst make and fashion meBLOCKLEYTextPage Scan
119KMy soul for Thy salvation faintsESSLINGENTextPage Scan
119LForever settled in the heav'nsBOURBONTextPage Scan
119MHow I love Thy law, O Lord!CANTERBURYTextPage Scan
119NThy Word sheds light upon my pathDISTRESSTextPage Scan
119ODeceit and falsehood I abhorVATER UNSERTextPage Scan
119PI have followed truth and justiceRESTORATIONTextPage Scan
119QThy wondrous testimonies, LordQUEBECTextPage Scan
119RO LORD, Thy perfect righteousnessBURFORDTextPage Scan
119SO LORD, my earnest crySOUTHWELLTextPage Scan
119TRegard my grief and rescue meKEDRONTextPage Scan
119UThough mighty foes assail me, LordMORNING SONGTextPage Scan
119VO let my supplicating cryDISTRESSTextPage Scan
120In my distress to GOD I criedKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
121I to the hills will lift mine eyesDUNDEETextPage Scan
122Oh I was glad they said to meJERUSALEM
123LORD, unto You I lift my eyesO WALY WALY
124"If the LORD had not been with us"BEACH SPRING
125All who, with heart confidingAURELIATextPage Scan
126When GOD revealed His gracious nameAZMONTextPage Scan
127Unless the LORD the house shall buildHERONGATETextPage Scan
128Blessed the man that fears JehovahRATHBUNTextPage Scan
129From my youth up, may Israel sayMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
130Out of the depths I cry to TheeAUS TIEFER NOTTextPage Scan
131Not haughty is my heartSOUTHWELLTextPage Scan
132Arise, O LORD, our God, ariseHERR JESU CHRISTTextPage Scan
133How beautiful the sightMILLENNIUMTextPage Scan
134You faithful servants of the LORDOLD HUNDREDTH
135Praise the LORD! O praise the LORD's nameODE TO JOY
136Let us, with a gladsome mindMONKLANDTextPage Scan
137By rivers of cruel BabylonMORNING SONG
138With all my heart my thanks I'll bringWESLEY
139LORD, Thou hast searched me, and dost knowFEDERAL STREETTextPage Scan
140Deliver me from evilPASSION CHORALETextPage Scan
141O LORD, I call upon YouLLANGLOFFAN
142To GOD I made my sorrows knownSASHATextPage Scan
143Hear my prayer, O LORD, and listenBEACH SPRING
144Blessed be the LORD, my RockLENOX
145I will extol You, God my KingJERUSALEMText
146I'll praise my Maker with my breathOLD 113THTextPage Scan
147AWith songs and honors sounding loudTextPage Scan
147BOh, sing ye hallelujah!PSALM 147Text
148AFrom heav'n O praise the LORD!
148BPraise the LORD! Praise from the heavensODE TO JOY
149O praise ye the LORD and sing a new songLYONSTextPage Scan
150Praise the LORD who reigns aboveAMSTERDAMTextPage Scan
151Awake, my soul, and with the sunTALLIS CANONTextPage Scan
152All praise to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS CANONTextPage Scan
153Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEATextPage Scan
154Round the Lord in glory seatedEBENEZERTextPage Scan
155The God of Abr'ham praiseLEONITextPage Scan
156Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
157Holy God, we praise Your nameGROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICHTextPage Scan
158Come, Thou Almighty KingITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
159All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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