80. Shouting Victory

1 Stand by your colors, let each deed and action show
Who you are serving, as through life you onward go;
Many are faithless, seeking worldly praise and fame;
Live as a Christian! let your life reflect His name.

Stand by your colors, loyal, brave, and true!
Stand by your colors, God is watching you!
“Her am I, Master,” let your answer be,
Stand by your colors, shouting “victory!”

2 Stand by your colors, let the love of Christ constrain;
Through good and evil follow ever in His train;
Up at His calling, moving on with steady tread,
Go forth rejoicing, for your Captain’s just ahead. [Refrain]

3 Stand by your colors, never compromise with sin!
Strong to deliver, Christ will give you pow’r to win;
Looking to Jesus, trust in Him, and Him alone;
Who overcometh will the King of glory own. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Stand by your colors, let each deed and action show
Title: Shouting Victory
Author: Lizzie DeArmond
Refrain First Line: Stand by your colors
Publication Date: 1922


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