437. Lord, through the blood of the Lamb that was slain

1 Lord, through the blood of the Lamb that was slain,
Cleansing for me;
From all the guilt of my sins now I claim
Cleansing from thee.
Sinful and black though the past may have been,
Many the crushing defeats I have seen,
Yet on thy promise, O Lord, now I lean,
Cleansing for me.

2 From all the sins over which I have wept,
Cleansing for me;
Far, far away by the blood-current swept,
Cleansing for me.
Jesus, thy promise I dare to believe,
And as I come thou wilt surely receive,
That over sin I may never more grieve,
Cleansing for me.

3 From all the doubts that have filled me with gloom,
Cleansing for me;
From all the fears that would point me to doom,
Cleansing for me.
Jesus, although I may not understand,
In childlike faith now I stretch forth my hand,
And through thy word and thy grace I shall stand,
Cleansed by thee.

4 From all the care of what men think or say,
Cleansing for me;
From ever fearing to speak, sing or pray,
Cleansing for me.
Lord, in thy love and thy power make me strong
That all may know that to thee I belong;
When I am tempted, let this be my song,
Cleansing for me.

Text Information
First Line: Lord, through the blood of the Lamb that was slain
Author: Herbert Howard Booth (1862-1926)
Language: English
Publication Date: 1986
Topic: The life of holiness: Challenge
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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