151. The King’s Praise

1 Unto the King of our salvation
Let praise arise with exultation;
His name above all other names shall be our joy and song.
Unworthy, yet his bounty feeds us;
Ungrateful, yet he gently leads us;
Rebellious, yet he guides and keep us all the way along.

With song we come before him,
And, grateful, our hearts adore him;
His praise, in love ascending,
From voices together blending,
Thro’out the world shall ring—
Hosanna to our King!
Rock, hill, and vale and mountain,
Sea, river, and brook and fountain,
Shall join in the mighty chorus
To him whose love supreme is o’er us,
Till earth, united, shall extol,
And crown him Lord of all.

2 His love and mercy never faileth;
His grace for ev’ry need availeth;
We in his everlasting arms of love in peace abide.
The cloud by day he shows before us,
The fire by night he kindles o’er us,
While at his word the mountains tremble, and the seas divide. [Refrain]

3 The way to life he hath appointed
Is thro’ the Lord, our Great Anointed;
Not one shall ever go astray who follows his command.
Hosanna to his name forever,
He will forsake, or leave us, never!
His word for ages hath endured, and shall forever stand. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Unto the King of our salvation
Title: The King’s Praise
Author: C. H. G.
Refrain First Line: With song we come before him
Language: English
Publication Date: 1910
Topic: Kingdom of Christ; Praise; Safety
Tune Information
Name: [Unto the King of our salvation]
Composer: Chas. H. Gabriel


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