6. Workers of the Sunday School

1 Workers of the Sunday School, be strong and true;
Faithful to the Master, who is leading you;
Happy in his service, let us sing and pray,
And his blood-stained banner to the world display.

Press on, press on, workers for the King;
Press on, press on, willing off’rings bring;
Sing on, sing on; glad our song shall be,
That Jesus lives for you, and me.

2 Workers of the Sunday School, be brave and true;
With a simple, childlike faith, his bidding do;
Gather in the wan’dring, with a love sincere,
Welcome ev’ry stranger with a smile of cheer. [Chorus]

3 Workers of the Sunday School, be glad and true;
Let the promises of God your hopes renew;
Winning souls for Jesus thro’ his grace divine,
Souls that thro’ eternity as stars will shine. [Chorus]

Text Information
First Line: Workers of the Sunday School, be strong and true
Title: Workers of the Sunday School
Author: E. E. Hewitt
Refrain First Line: Press on, press on, workers for the King
Language: English
Publication Date: 1913


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