Bible Songs: consisting of selections from the Psalms set to music suitable for Sabbath Schools, prayer meetings, etc.

Publisher: United Presbyterian Board of Publication, Pittsburgh, 1897
Language: English
Notes: There are some hymns missing from the scanned hymnal
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101I verily have sought in vainTHE LORD ONLY
102O God, why hast Thou cast us off?WHY CAST OFF?
103Because my king is God aloneGOD, MY KING
104I purpose when I shall receiveWE RENDER THANKS
105In Judah God is known and fearedROTHWELL
106I cried to God, I cried, he heardI CRIED TO GODPage Scan
107Attend my people to my lawMONORAPage Scan
108At His command, amid their campOSTENDPage Scan
109But forth from thence like sheep He broughtDEDHAMPage Scan
110O God the heathen hostsI HEAR THY VOICEPage Scan
111Hear, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flockRESTORE US UNTO THEEPage Scan
112Sing loud to God our strength, with joyMY PEOPLE WOULD NOT HEARPage Scan
113Among assembled men of mightARISE, O GODPage Scan
114Keep not, O God, we Thee entreatCOOLINGPage Scan
115Lord God of hosts, how lovelyO LIVING GOD, FOR THEEPage Scan
116Lord, Thou hast favor shown Thy landTURN USPage Scan
117O Lord, do Thou bow down Thy earALL GLORY TO GODPage Scan
118God's foundation stands unmovedGOD'S FOUNDATIONPage Scan
119God's foundation stands unmovedFULTONPage Scan
120O Thou God of my salvationIRVINGPage Scan
121My song shall evermore recordGOD'S COVENANTPage Scan
122I'll crush before him ev'ry foeHIS ETERNAL THRONEPage Scan
123Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling placeNAZARETHPage Scan
124The man who once has found abodeUXBRIDGEPage Scan
125The man who once has found abodeFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
126To render thanks unto the LordTO THY NAME SING PRAISEPage Scan
127Jehovah reigns, and clothed is HeJEHOVAH REIGNSPage Scan
128God reigneth, He is clothedSILVER STREETPage Scan
129O God the Lord, to whom aloneCADDOPage Scan
130O come and let us sing to GodO COME, LET US SINGPage Scan
131O come, and let us sing to GodSALOMEPage Scan
132O sing a new song to the LordCOME INTO HIS COURTSPage Scan
133Jehovah reigns; let earth be gladGRANVILLEPage Scan
134Jehovah reigns; let earth be gladMIGDOLPage Scan
135O sing a new song to the LordO SING A NEW SONGPage Scan
136Come, let us sing unto the LordLET EARTH BE GLADPage Scan
137Lo, Jehovah His salvationSING A NEW SONGPage Scan
138Jehovah reigns supremeJEHOVAH REIGNS SUPREMEPage Scan
139All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
140All people that dwell on the earthGOOD IS JEHOVAH THE LRODPage Scan
141All people that dwell on the earthALL PEOPLEPage Scan
142Of mercy and of judgementPRAISEPage Scan
143Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cryO LORD, THOU SHALT ENDUREPage Scan
144Hear my prayer, O Lord, attendHEAR MY PRAYERPage Scan
145Hear my prayer, O Lord, attendMESSIAHPage Scan
146O my soul, bless thou JehovahHIS TENDER MERCIESPage Scan
147Far as east from west is distantCONVERSEPage Scan
148Bless Jehovah, ye His angelsBLESS JEHOVAHPage Scan
149O thou, my soul, bless God the LordBLESS THE LORDPage Scan
150Bless God, my soul, O Lord my GodBLESS GOD MY SOULPage Scan
151The trees of God are full of lifeHOW MANIFOLD THY WORKSPage Scan
152Give thanks to God, call on His nameSING PSALMS TO HIMPage Scan
153God's mighty works who can express?GIVE THANKSPage Scan
154Blessed be Jehovah, Isr'el's GodBLESSED BE JEHOVAHPage Scan
155O praise the Lord, for He is goodO THAT MEN WOULD PRAISE THE LORDPage Scan
156To those who go to sea in shipsHIS WORKS AND WONDERSPage Scan
157My heart is fixed, O Lord; I'll singMY HEART IS FIXEDPage Scan
158O Thou the God of all my praiseTHE IMPENITENT MANPage Scan
159Jehovah to my Lord thus saidTHE TRIUMPHAT LORDPage Scan
160Jehovah to my Lord thus saidCHAMPS ELYSEESPage Scan
161Praise ye the Lord, with all my heartPRAISE YE THE LORDPage Scan
162How blest the man that fears the LordHOW BLESSEDPage Scan
163Praise God, ye servants of the LordANDREPage Scan
164When Isr'el had from Egypt goneTHE LORD IS NEARPage Scan
165Not unto us, Lord, not to usGOD'S BLESSINGSPage Scan
166I love the Lord, because my voiceHE DID ME HELP AFFORDPage Scan
167I love the Lord, for He did hearWHAT FIT RETURNPage Scan
168Praise Jehovah, all ye nationsPRAISE JEHOVAHPage Scan
169Praise Jehovah, all ye nationsHALLELUJAHPage Scan
170O praise the Lord. for He is goodTRUST IN THE LORDPage Scan
171The Lord is good, O bless His nameBETTER TO TRUSTPage Scan
172How blest are they whose lives are pureTHE PERFECT WAYPage Scan
173My soul is cleaving to the dustQUICKEN MEPage Scan
174Remember, Lord, Thy gracious wordTEACH ME THY LAWSPage Scan
175Thy hands have made and fashioned meCANAANPage Scan
176Thy statutes, Lord, are wonderfulTHY STATUTESPage Scan
177O let my earnest pray'r and cryLET MY SOUL LIVEPage Scan
178In my distress I cried to GodBACAPage Scan
179I to the hills will lift mine eyesBEHOLD, HE THAT KEEPS ISRAELPage Scan
180To the hills I'll lift mine eyesGOD SHALL GUARD FROM EVERY ILLPage Scan
181I joy'd when to the house of GodTHE PEACE OF JERUSALEMPage Scan
182With joy I hear my friends exclaimPEACE TO THEEPage Scan
183To Thee, O Lord, I lift mine eyesTO THEE, O LORDPage Scan
184Had not the Lord been on our sideTABLERPage Scan
185They in the Lord that firmly trustHIS PEOPLE'S SECURITYPage Scan
186He that in God confidethMIRIAMPage Scan
187'Twas like a dream, when by the LordSEYMOURPage Scan
188When Zion by the LordLENOXPage Scan
189Lo, children are God's heritageCHILDREN ARE GOD'S HERITAGEPage Scan
190Unless the Lord the house shall buildPERFECT SECURITYPage Scan
191Blest the man who fears JehovahPEACE OF ISRAELPage Scan
192From depths to thee, O Lord, I criedPRAYERPage Scan
193From the depths do I invoke TheeFROM THE DEPTHSPage Scan
194From the depths do I invoke TheeFOR JEHOVAH I AM WAITINGPage Scan
195My heart's not haughty, LordLEBANONPage Scan
196Lord, remember Thou for DavidZION'S COURTSPage Scan
197How good and pleasant to the sightHOW GOOD AND PLEASANTPage Scan
198Behold how good and pleasantTHE DEWS OF HERMONPage Scan
199Behold, O bless the Lord, all yePRAISE HIM NIGHTLY THEREPage Scan
200Behold all ye that serve the LordMALONEPage Scan

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