Book of Worship: with tunes

Publisher: General Synod of the Lutheran Church in the United States, Philadelphia, 1881
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
279Come, said Jesus' sacred voiceHORTONPage Scan
280I hear a voice that comes from farALL SAINTSPage Scan
281The voice of free grace cries, "Escape to the mountain!"THE VOICE OF FREE GRACEPage Scan
282Blow ye the trumpet, blowLENOXPage Scan
283Behold a stranger at the doorBACAPage Scan
284Return, O wanderer, returnONPage Scan
285Hasten, O sinner, to be wiseHAMBURGPage Scan
286Come, humble sinner, in whose breastWOODLANDPage Scan
287How short and hasty is our life!MORAVIANPage Scan
288Say, sinner, hath a voice withinHAMBURGPage Scan
289Sinners, turn; why will ye die?HORTONPage Scan
290Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw nearGOSHENPage Scan
291Religion is the chief concernARLINGTONPage Scan
292Broad is the road that leads to deathWINDHAMPage Scan
293O how divine, how sweet the joyTYNDALPage Scan
294And am I born to die?ADDISONPage Scan
295There is a time, we know not whenMEARPage Scan
296And am I only born to die?TREVESPage Scan
297Life is the time to serve the LordWELLSPage Scan
298Show pity, Lord! O Lord, forgive!PENITENTPage Scan
299O Thou, whose tender mercy hearsELIZABETHTOWNPage Scan
300Jesus, save my dying soulMERCYPage Scan
301O Thou that hear'st when sinners cryPENITENTPage Scan
302O turn, great Ruler of the skiesHAMBURGPage Scan
303Lamb of God, for sinners slainPENITENCEPage Scan
304O Thou who wouldst not haveBONARPage Scan
305O God! mine inmost soul convertBREMENPage Scan
306Thou that didst hang upon the treeMALVERNPage Scan
307Jesus, full of all compassionGOODWELLPage Scan
308Hark! through the courts of heavenBOYLSTONPage Scan
309In vain would boasting reason findHARMONY GROVEPage Scan
310Rock of Ages! cleft for meTOPLADYPage Scan
311Just as I am, without one pleaWOODWORTHPage Scan
312O Thou that hear'st the prayer of faithMERIBAHPage Scan
313I lay my sins on JesusCRUCIFIXPage Scan
314God of my salvation, hearPENITENCEPage Scan
315There is a voice of sovereign graceMORRIS CHANTPage Scan
316Blest is the man, for ever blestWELTONPage Scan
317Weary sinner, keep thine eyesROSEFIELDPage Scan
318Lord, we confess our numerous faultsRETURNPage Scan
319Jesus, Thou art my RighteousnessRETURNPage Scan
320I heard the voice of Jesus sayATHENSPage Scan
321Jesus, Thy blood and RighteousnessAVIGNONPage Scan
322O Jesus, Saviour of the lostLONGINGPage Scan
323Oh, for a heart to praise my GodWOODSIDEPage Scan
324Come, Holy Spirit, comeHAYDNPage Scan
325Prayer was appointed to conveyMERCERPage Scan
326Prayer is the soul's sincere desireBYEFIELDPage Scan
327What various hindrances we meetOLAPage Scan
328From ev'ry stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
329Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCOME, YE DISCONSOLATEPage Scan
330Approach, my soul, the mercy-seatNAOMIPage Scan
331The Lord, who truly knowsFERGUSONPage Scan
332My God, I love Thee; not becausePHUVAHPage Scan
333Happy the heart where graces reignWILTSHIREPage Scan
334Come, ye that love the LordGERARPage Scan
335My God, the Spring of all my joysPENIELPage Scan
336Ever patient, gentle, meekGUIDEPage Scan
337Jesus, cast a look on me!DALLASPage Scan
338Happy the meek whose gentle breastGERMANYPage Scan
339We journey through a vale of tearsLITCHFIELDPage Scan
340"We've no abiding city here"AVIGNONPage Scan
341O Zion, when I think of theeAUGUSTUSPage Scan
342And let this feeble body failDALMATIAPage Scan
343aOn Jordan's stormy banks I standVARINAPage Scan
343bOn Jordan's stormy banks I standBEATRICEPage Scan
344Father! whate'er of earthly blissNAOMIPage Scan
345Must Jesus bear the cross aloneCROSS AND CROWNPage Scan
346My Jesus, as Thou wilt!JEWETTPage Scan
347Thy way, not mine, O LordEMANCIPATIONPage Scan
348O Lord, my best desire fulfilORTONVILLEPage Scan
349O Lord, how full of sweet contentHURSLEYPage Scan
350Love divine, all love excellingBAYLEYPage Scan
351So let our lips and lives expressLOUVANPage Scan
352Oh, that my load of sin were gone!ORIELPage Scan
353Jesus, my strength, my hopeFURTHPage Scan
354Oh, that the Lord would guide my waysDOWNSPage Scan
355And shall we still be slavesST. THOMASPage Scan
356Our times are in Thy handSTATE STREETPage Scan
357Oh, for a faith that will not shrinkSTEPHENSPage Scan
358aJesus, Lover of my soulHOLBROOKPage Scan
358bJesus, Lover of my soulMARTYNPage Scan
359Faith adds new charms to earthly blissCADDOPage Scan
360'Tis by the faith of joys to comeDUKE STREETPage Scan
361Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaimsBLENDONPage Scan
362Holy Father, Thou hast taught meGREENVILLEPage Scan
363How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordPORTUGUESE HYMNPage Scan
364My faith looks up to TheeOLIVETPage Scan
365My spirit on Thy careLEIGHTONPage Scan
366Thou only Sov'reign of my heartOLAPage Scan
367Dear Refuge of my weary soulGEERPage Scan
368Sometimes a light surprisesCASKEYPage Scan
369Give me the wings of faith to riseCHIMESPage Scan
370Happy the man whose wishes climbBOYNTONPage Scan
371Courage, my soul! while God is nearDUKE STREETPage Scan
372I look to Jesus, and the faceORIELPage Scan
373O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore!LOOKING TO JESUSPage Scan
374Lord, it belongs not to my careARCADIAPage Scan
375And art Thou with us, gracious LordROMBERGPage Scan
376God of my life, whose gracious powerFORESTPage Scan

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