Children's Praise

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d101O bread to pilgrims given
d102O, come to the Savior, dear children
d103O do not be discouraged, For Jesus is your friend
d104O happy is the man [child] who [that] hears instruction's [religion's] [Messiah's] warning voice
d105O Lord, let our songs find acceptance
d106O speak of Jesus, other names
d107O we love to come to our Sabbath home
d108O what can little hands, little hands do
d109O when shall I dwell in a mansion
d110On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d111On Zion's glorious summit stood, A numerous host, redeemed by blood
d112One [A] sweetly [sweet] solemn thought comes to me o'er and o'er
d113One there is above all others, well [who] deserves
d114Out on an ocean all boundless we ride
d115Pilgrims, we are to Canaan bound
d116Preserved by thine almighty power
d117Religion is the chief concern
d118Return, O wanderer, to thy home
d119Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d120Saints for whom the Savior bled
d121Savior, like a shepherd lead us
d122Savior, while my heart is tender, I would yield that heart to Thee
d123Saw you never in the twilight When the sun
d124Shall Jesus suffer death
d125Shall we gather at [by] the river, Where bright angel feet have trod
d126Shall we meet beyond the river, where the surges
d127Shall we sing in heaven forever
d128Something, my God, for thee
d129Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d130The Bible, the Bible, More precious than gold
d131The children are gathering from near and from far
d132The king of glory, Lift ye up the gates
d133The little ones are going home
d134The pearl that [the] worldlings covet
d135The pennons above are fluttering now
d136The Sabbath school's a place for prayer
d137The way to heaven is narrow and its blessed
d138There is a happy land, Far, [not] far away
d139There is a realm where Jesus reigns
d140There is a Rose whose beauties grace
d141There is no name so sweet on earth, No name so sweet in heaven
d142There was a noble ark
d143There's beauty in the sunshine
d144Thou Guardian of our youthful days
d145Though the days are dark with trouble
d146'Tis but little I can do
d147Today, with songs of gladness
d148We are going, going, going
d149We are joyously voyaging
d150We are out on the ocean sailing
d151We bring no glittering treasures, no gems
d152We come, we come, with loud acclaim
d153We love to sing together
d154We meet again in gladness
d155We're passing along to our home in the skies
d156Whatever cross the world may bring
d157When, his salvation bringing [sending]
d158When Jesus, the meek, and the lowly, was here
d159When marshalled on the nightly [mighty] plain
d160When my cries ascend to thee
d161When the day with rosy light
d162When the morning light drives away the night
d163When the rosy morn is breaking
d164When the Sabbath bell is ringing
d165When the world is still
d166When thou shalt make thy jewels up
d167While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night
d168Whilst thee I seek, protecting power
d169Whither, pilgrims, are you [ye] going
d170Who bled and died for me
d171Who shall sing if not the children
d172Wonderful cross by faith I see
d173Work, for the night is coming, work through the morning hours
d174Ye angels, who stand round the throne
d175Yes, when we're grown
d176Young children once to Jesus came
d177Youthful pilgrims, whither bound

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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