The Church and School Hymnal

Publisher: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1926
Denomination: Church of England
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
271aFair waved the golden cornCAMBERWELLPage Scan
271bFair waved the golden cornHOLYROODPage Scan
272Hushed was the evening hymnSAMUELPage Scan
273Eternal rest grant them, O LordOLDBRIDGEPage Scan
274aMine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordVISIONPage Scan
274bMine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordAMERICANPage Scan
275O God of truth, whose living wordSALISBURYPage Scan
276Make what is true more true to meCOVENANTERSPage Scan
277O once in a whileCAMPDENPage Scan
278Teach me, my God and KingSANDYSPage Scan
279aThere were ninety and nine that safely layARRASPage Scan
279bThere were ninety and nine that safely layTHE NINETY AND NINEPage Scan
280aThy kingdom come, O GodST. CECILIAPage Scan
280bThy kingdom come, O GodKILSBYPage Scan
281When of old, in lowly stateST. ASAPHPage Scan
282Ye servants of the LordNARENZAPage Scan
283Eternal Father, strong to saveMELITAPage Scan
284Let saints on earth in concert singDUNDEEPage Scan
285The Church's one foundationAURELIAPage Scan
286Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!HYFRYDOLPage Scan
287It fell upon a summer's dayCHILDHOODPage Scan
288Let us sing to Him who gave us mirth and laughterGOD IS LIGHTPage Scan
289Ho! steward, bid my servantsCLUNYPage Scan
290O Christ, whom even we may loveSTOCKTONPage Scan
291A child this day is bornSANDYSPage Scan
292A virgin most pure, so the Prophet foretoldA VIRGIN MOST PUREPage Scan
293Good Christian men, rejoice[Good Christian men, rejoice]Page Scan
294Jolly shepherds hear the storyLEMBERGPage Scan
295The first nowell the angel did say[The first nowell the angel did say]Page Scan
296We three Kings of Orient areWE THREE KINGSPage Scan
297God rest you merry, gentlemen[God rest you merry, gentlemen]Page Scan
298To redeem a race forlornANNI NOVI NOVITASPage Scan
299I saw three ships come sailing in[I saw three ships come sailing in]Page Scan
300The Holly and the Ivy[The Holly and the Ivy]Page Scan
301The Babe in Bethlem's manger laidBABE IN BETHLEHEMPage Scan
302On Christmas night the joy-bells ring[On Christmas night the joy-bells ring]Page Scan
303Hosanna! they were cryingHAMBRIDGEPage Scan
304Away in a manger, no crib for a bedAWAY IN A MANGERPage Scan
305How far is it to BethlehemMINDENPage Scan
306Little children, Christmas teachesFRANKFORTPage Scan
307Riding, riding, who is this ridingDUNKIRKPage Scan
308At Easter-time the lilies fairQUIMPERPage Scan
309It is the joyful Eastertime[It is the joyful Eastertime]Page Scan
310Little children, sing to JesusDAILY, DAILYPage Scan
311Here we come with gladnessGLADNESSPage Scan
312aThe glad ascensiontide is here[The glad ascensiontide is here]Page Scan
313It is the Holy Spirit's day[It is the Holy Spirit's day]Page Scan
312bThe glad ascensiontide is hereCHILD SONGS No. 15Page Scan
314Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little childrenPRAISE HIMPage Scan
315Standing in the market-placeMINISTRES DE L'ETERNELPage Scan
316"Thank you!" for the world so sweetBATTISHILLPage Scan
317To Jesus Christ the children sangTHE CHILDREN'S KINGPage Scan
318Through the night Thy angels keptHORSHAMPage Scan
319We bring to Thee our offeringsST. ANATOLIUSPage Scan
320We thank Thee that our angels brightSALVETE FLORESPage Scan
321Gentle Jesus, meek and mildGENTLE JESUSPage Scan
322Heavenly Father, hear my prayerCASSELPage Scan
323Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear meSHIPSTONPage Scan
324Lord Jesus, who didst heal the sickST. PETERPage Scan
325For our school to us so dearTRES MAGIPage Scan
326When lamps are lighted in the townCAPELPage Scan
327Lord, who in a mangerGOTT EIN VATERPage Scan
328aHoly angels live in heavenFRANKFORTPage Scan
328bHoly angels live in heavenBATTYPage Scan
329Comes a birthday once againINNOCENTSPage Scan
330When Christ was in a stable bornWILFORDPage Scan
331A little ship was on the seaTHRUPPPage Scan
332aAs Christ, our Lord, was teachingMAGDALENAPage Scan
332bAs Christ, our Lord, was teachingLENTONPage Scan
333Little drops of waterGOTT EIN VATERPage Scan
334Little lamb, who made thee?THE LAMBPage Scan
335aGod be with you, "Good-bye" meansOHNE RASTPage Scan
335bGod be with you, "Good-bye" meansGEDLINGPage Scan
336Over the earth is a mat of greenBLESSINGPage Scan
337Over the sea there are little brown childrenPLEADING SAVIOURPage Scan
338The sky looks down into our streetDIDBROOKPage Scan

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