The Evangelical Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
488Forever with the LordLEOMINSTERPage Scan
489There is beauty all around when there's love at homeLOVE AT HOMEPage Scan
490Happy the home when God is thereNOX PRAECESSITPage Scan
491Thou gracious Power whose mercy lendsBROOKFIELDPage Scan
492Gracious Saviour, who didst honor womankindMOTHERHOODPage Scan
493Remember thy Creator nowFARRANTPage Scan
494See Israel's gentle Shepherd standDALEHURSTPage Scan
495Hushed was the evening hymnSAMUELPage Scan
496Shepherd of tender youthTIVOLIPage Scan
497Another year is dawningAURELIAPage Scan
498Come, let us anew our journey pursueLUCASPage Scan
499While with ceaseless course the sunBENEVENTOPage Scan
500Eternal source of every joyFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
501Thy providence, great God, we praiseSAXBYPage Scan
502I'm a pilgrim and I'm a strangerI'M A PILGRIMPage Scan
503When the last trumpet's awful voiceLAMBETHPage Scan
504It is not death to dieGREETWOODPage Scan
505We are watching, we are waitingADVENTPage Scan
506Christ is coming! let creationTRIUMPHPage Scan
507Lo he comes with clouds descendingZIONPage Scan
508Lo the day of Christ's appearingSOLNEYPage Scan
509Give me the wings of faith to riseNAOMIPage Scan
510Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
511The world is very evilST. COSMASPage Scan
512O mother dear, JerusalemMATERNAPage Scan
513The homeland, O the homelandTHE HOMELANDPage Scan
514I'm but a stranger here, heaven is my homeST. EDMUNDPage Scan
515O'er the hills the sun is settingNEARER HOMEPage Scan
516There is an hour of peaceful restWOODLANDPage Scan
517O Paradise! O Paradise!PARADISEPage Scan
518Jerusalem, the golden, with milk and honey blestEWINGPage Scan
519Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsSWEET HOMEPage Scan
520Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDPage Scan
521aJerusalem, my happy homeMATERNAPage Scan
521bJerusalem, my happy homeGEERPage Scan
522No shadows yonder, all light and songHOLY CITYPage Scan
523There is a land of pure delightVARINAPage Scan
524I will sing you a song of that beautifulHOME OF THE SOULPage Scan
525My heavenly home is bright and fairGOING HOMEPage Scan
526There's a land that is fairer than daySWEET BY-AND-BYPage Scan
527I hear thy welcome voiceI AM COMINGPage Scan
528Come, we who love the LordWE'RE MARCHING TO ZIONPage Scan
529Jesus, keep me near the crossNEAR THE CROSSPage Scan
530Open my eyes that I may seeOPEN MY EYESPage Scan
531I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voiceDRAW ME NEARERPage Scan
532Repeat the story o'er and o'erTHE HALF WAS NEVER TOLDPage Scan
533Saviour, more than life to meDOANEPage Scan
534Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wholeWHITER THAN SNOWPage Scan
535The whole world was lost in the darkness of sinLIGHT OF THE WORLDPage Scan
536While we pray and while we pleadWHY NOT NOWPage Scan
537When we walk with the LordTRUST AND OBEYPage Scan
538Sinners Jesus will receiveSING IT O'ER AGAINPage Scan
539We have heard the joyful soundJESUS SAVESPage Scan
540Go, bury thy sorrowGO BURY THY SORROWPage Scan
541Tell me the old, old storyOLD, OLD STORYPage Scan
542Almost persuaded now to believeALMOST PERSUADEDPage Scan
543Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mineMOMENT BY MOMENTPage Scan
544I gave my life for theeI GAVE MY LIFEPage Scan
545All the way my Saviour leads meALL THE WAYPage Scan
546A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my LordHE HIDETH MY SOULPage Scan
547Out of my bondage, sorrow and nightJESUS, I COMEPage Scan
548Sing them over again to meWONDERFUL WORDS OF LIFEPage Scan
549Under His wings I am safely abidingUNDER HIS WINGSPage Scan
550Have you any room for JesusROOM FOR JESUSPage Scan
551O love that will not let me goO LOVE THAT WILL NOT LET ME GOPage Scan
552Cast thy bread upon the watersBREAD UPON THE WATERSPage Scan
553There were ninety and nine that safely layNINETY AND NINEPage Scan
554Behold a Stranger at the doorTHE STRANGER AT THE DOORPage Scan
555In perfect peace thou keepest himPEACE, REST AND POWERPage Scan
556My life, my love I give to theeI'LL LIVE FOR HIMPage Scan
557God calling yet, shall I not hearGOD CALLING YETPage Scan
558All to Jesus I surrenderI SURRENDER ALLPage Scan
559Encamped along the hills of lightFAITH IS THE VICTORYPage Scan
560In thy cleft, O Rock of AgesHIDE THOU MEPage Scan
561So precious is Jesus, my Saviour, my KingHE IS SO PRECIOUS TO MEPage Scan
562One thing I of the Lord desireO MAKE ME CLEANPage Scan
563It may not be on the mountain heightI'LL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GOPage Scan
564I have a friend so precious, so veryMY LORD AND IPage Scan
565I do not ask for earthly storeEYE OF FAITHPage Scan
566We speak of the land of the blestTO BE THEREPage Scan
567Depth of mercy, can there beDEPTH OF MERCYPage Scan
568In the blood from the crossDEEPER YETPage Scan
569Come, every soul by sin oppressedONLY TRUST HIMPage Scan
570On Jordan's stormy banks I standON JORDAN'S STORMY BANKSPage Scan
571O land for rest for thee I sighWE'LL WORKPage Scan
572Tis so sweet to trust in JesusTRUST IN JESUSPage Scan
573Revive thy work, O LordREVIVE THY WORKPage Scan
574To thee, who from the narrow roadGIVE ME THY HEARTPage Scan
575I am coming to the crossTRUSTINGPage Scan
576Jesus Christ is passing byALBERTSONPage Scan
577While Jesus whispers to youCOME, SINNER, COMEPage Scan
578Look, ye saints; the sight is gloriousCROWN HIMPage Scan
579Blessed be the fountain of bloodBLESSED FOUNTAINPage Scan
580God calling yet! shall I not hear?Page Scan
581Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of HostsHOLY, HOLY, HOLYPage Scan
582Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts!HOLY, HOLY, HOLYPage Scan
583Seek ye the Lord while He may be foundSEEK YE THE LORDPage Scan
584Blessed be Thou, our God[Blessed be Thou, our God]Page Scan
585All things come of Thee, O Lord[All things come of Thee, O Lord]Page Scan
586Hear our prayer, O Lord[Hear our prayer, O Lord]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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