Gather (3rd ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
86bHappy all those who fear the Lord[May the Lord bless us]Page Scan
87From out of the depths, I cry unto you[With the Lord there is mercy]Page Scan
88Out of the depths I cry to you[Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord]Page Scan
89My heart is not proud, my eyes not above you[In you, O Lord, I have found my peace]
90We give thanks unto you, O God of might[We give thanks unto you, O God of might]Page Scan
91I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart[Lord, may our prayer rise like incense]
92I will give you glory, my God above[I will praise your name]
93Put no trust in the powerful, mere mortals in whom there is no help[I will praise the Lord all my days]Page Scan
94Praise God in this holy dwelling[Praise God in this holy dwelling]Page Scan
95I will sing to the Lord, in glory triumphant[Let us sing to the Lord]Page Scan
96The Lord is my strength, my protection and my shield[I will sing, I will sing to the God who sets me free]Page Scan
97aGod indeed is my Savior, I will never be afraid[With joy you shall draw water]
97bGod indeed is my Savior, I will never be afraid][Cry out with joy and gladness]Page Scan
98God indeed is my Savior (Vean al Dios gue me salva)[God indeed is my Savior]Page Scan
99Angels of the Lord[Angels of the Lord]Page Scan
100My soul gives glory to my GodMAGNIFICATPage Scan
101For he has favored his lowly one, and all shall call me blessed[For he has favored his lowly one, and all shall call me blessed]Page Scan
102My soul is filled with joy as I sing to God my saviorWILD MOUNTAIN THYME
103Now bless the God of IsraelFOREST GREENPage Scan
104Now O Lord, dismiss your servantsPEACETIME
105Although he was in the form of God[Although he was in the form of God]
106The passage of an adult into the Christian communityPage Scan
107Introductory rites
108We stand with you, we pray for you[We stand by you, we pray for you]
109We praise you, Lord, we praise you , Lord[We praise you, O Lord, we praise you, O Lord]Page Scan
110Christ will be your strength![Christ will be your strength]
111In the cross of Christ, our glory (Glory and praise to you)[In the cross of Christ, our glory]Page Scan
112Come, my children, come to me[Come, my children, come to me]
113Let us pray to the Lord[Let us pray to the Lord]Page Scan
114Dismissal of the Catechumens
115Go now in peace, go now in peace[Go now in peace, go now in peace]Page Scan
116Go in peace, the peace of Christ[Go in peace, the peace of Christ]Page Scan
117May the Word be a lamp for our feet[May the Word be a lamp for our feet]
118We thirst for living water[We thirst for living water]Page Scan
119Children are baptized in the faith
120There is one God and Father of all[There is one God and Father of all]Page Scan
121The Lord is my light and my salvation[The Lord is my light and my salvation]Page Scan
122aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]Page Scan
122bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ[Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ]
123Let us pray to the Lord[Let us pray to the Lord]Page Scan
124Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us[Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us]Page Scan
125We come to you, Lord Jesus[We come to you, Lord Jesus]Page Scan
126This is our faith[This is our faith]Page Scan
127You have put on Christ[You have put on Christ]Page Scan
128Glory and praise to you[Glory and praise to you]Page Scan
129Anointing with Chrism
130When for good reason Communion cannot be received at MassPage Scan
131Introductory RitesPage Scan
132Celebration of the Word of GodPage Scan
133Gospel acclamationPage Scan
134IntercessionsPage Scan
135Holy CommunionPage Scan
136Exposition of the holy eucharistPage Scan
137O Saving Viction, op'ning wide (O salutaris hostia)DUGUETPage Scan
139Come adore this wondrous presence (Tantum ergo Sacramentum)ST. THOMASPage Scan
140Blessed be GodPage Scan
141The sacrament of penance, also called the sacrament of reconciliationPage Scan
142Introductory RitesPage Scan
143With the Lord there is mercy[Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord]Page Scan
144aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]Page Scan
144bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ[Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ]
145General Confession of SinsPage Scan
146We pray you, hear usPage Scan
147Individual Confession and AbsolutionPage Scan
148The sacrament of the anointing of the sickPage Scan
149Introductory RitesPage Scan
150In you, O Lord, I take refuge[In you, O Lord, I take refuge]Page Scan
151aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]Page Scan
151bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ[Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ]
152Blessed be God who heals us [Blessed be God who heals us]Page Scan
153Prayer after anointing
154The mutual and lifelong commitment of a man and a womanPage Scan
155Introductory RitesPage Scan
156I will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]Page Scan
157aAlleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]Page Scan
157bPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ[Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ]
158Rite of MarraigePage Scan
159Our Father, who art in heavenPage Scan
160The rites which surround deathPage Scan
161Introductory RitesPage Scan
162Final CommendationPage Scan
163Receive his/her soul, receive his/her soul[Receive his/her soul, receive his/her soul]Page Scan
164Prayer of Commendation
165May the angels lead you into paradise[May the angels lead you into paradise]
166The Church gathers on the Lord's DayPage Scan
167Blessing and Sprinkling of Holy WaterPage Scan
168Penitential ActPage Scan
169KyriePage Scan
170GloriaPage Scan
171CollectPage Scan
172Liturgy of the WordPage Scan
173GospelPage Scan
174Profession of FaithPage Scan
175Profession of FaithPage Scan
176Prayer of the FaithfulPage Scan
177To celebrate the EucharistPage Scan
178The Lord be with youPage Scan
179Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hostsPage Scan
180We proclaim your Death, O LordPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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