Gather (3rd ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
2O God, come to my assistance[O God, come to my assistance
3Sing your joy, proclaim God's glorySUMMIT HILL
4O God, you are my God, for you I long[O God, you are my God, for you I long]
5Word of God
6Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel[Blessed be the Lord, for he has come to his people]Page Scan
7Show us your mercy, O Lord[Show us your mercy, O Lord]Page Scan
8Our Father, who art in heaven[Our Father, who art in heaven]Page Scan
9The Lord be with you[Amen, Amen]Page Scan
10May the Lord bless us[Amen, Amen]Page Scan
11O God, come to my assistance[O God, come to my assistance]Page Scan
12Light and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord[Light and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord]Page Scan
13O radiant Light, O Sun divineJESU DULCIS MEMORIA
14I have called to you, LORD[My prayers rise like incense]Page Scan
15Word of God
16My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord[The Almighty has done great things for me]Page Scan
17Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance[Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance]Page Scan
18Our Father, who art in heaven[Our Father who art in heaven] Page Scan
19The Lord be with you[Amen, Amen]Page Scan
20May the Lord bless us[May the Lord bless us]Page Scan
21O God, come to my assistance[O God, come to my assistancePage Scan
22Before the ending of the dayTE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUMPage Scan
23O, come bless the Lord[In the silent hours of night]Page Scan
24Word of God
25Into your hands, O LordIN MANUS TUASPage Scan
26Lord, now let your servant go in peace[Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake]Page Scan
27May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night[May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night]Page Scan
28Those who walk blamelessly and live their lives doing justice[They who do justice will live in the presence of God]
29I say to God, "you are my only God, I have no good except in you"[Keep me safe, O God]Page Scan
30aFaithful God, I look to you[You will show me the path of life]
30bFaithful God, I look to you[Keep me safe, O God]
30cFaithful God, I look to you[You are my inheritance, O Lord]
31The law of the Lord is perfect[The law of the Lord is perfect]
32The law of the Lord is perfect (La ley del Señor es perfecta)[Lord, you have the words] Page Scan
33All who see me laugh at me[All who see me laugh at me]Page Scan
34aThe Lord is my shepherd[My shepherd is the Lord]Page Scan
34bThe Lord is my shepherd[The Lord is my shepherd]Page Scan
34cThe Lord is my shepherd[The Lord is my shepherd]Page Scan
34dThe Lord is my shepherd[The Lord is my shepherd]Page Scan
35God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want[Shepherd me, O God]Page Scan
36aThe LORD is my shepherd[The Lord is my shepherd]
36bThe LORD is my shepherd[El Señor es mi pastor]
37aAll the earth is yours, O God[O God, this is the people that longs to see your face]
37bAll the earth is yours, O God[Open wide your gates]
38Your ways, O Lord, make known to me[Your ways, O Lord, make known to me]
39Lord, make me know your ways[To you, O Lord, I lift my soul]Page Scan
40Lord, make me know your ways[To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul]Page Scan
41The Lord is my light and my help[The Lord is my light and my help]
42I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me[I will praise you, Lord]Page Scan
43In you, O Lord, I take refuge (A ti, Señor, me acojo)[Father, into your hands I commend my spirit]Page Scan
44Your words, O God, are truth indeed (La palabra del Señor es recta)[Your words, O God, are truth indeed]Page Scan
45I will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]Page Scan
46aI will bless the Lord at all times[Taste and see the goodness of the Lord]
46bI will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]
46cI will bless the Lord at all times[The Lord hears the cry of the poor]
47I will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]
48I waited for God, who bent down to hear me[Here I am, here I am]Page Scan
49Long was I waiting for God[Here I am, Lord, here I am]
50All you peoples, clap your hands[All you peoples, clap your hands]Page Scan
51Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness[Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned] Page Scan
52Be merciful, O Lord, we have sinned, we have sinned (Create a clean heart in me, O God)[Be merciful, O Lord, we have sinned, we have sinned]Page Scan
53aHave mercy on me, O God[Have mercy Lord, cleanse me from all my sins) Page Scan
53bHave mercy on me, O God[Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned] Page Scan
53cHave mercy on me, O God[Create in me a clean heart]Page Scan
53dHave mercy on me, O God[I will rise and go to my father]Page Scan
53eHave mercy on me, O God[A sacrifice you accept, O God]Page Scan
54Misericordia, Dios mío, por tu bondad (O God, have mercy on me in your goodness)[Misericordia, Dios mío, por tu bondad]Page Scan
55O God, you are my God whom I seek[My soul is thirsting, my soul is thirsting]Page Scan
56aO God, you are my God; at dawn I seek you[My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord]
56bO God, you are my God; at dawn I seek you[I the morning I will sing]
57O God, you are my God[O God, you are my God]
58As a dry and weary desert land[O God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you]Page Scan
59Cry out in joy to the Lord, all peoples on earth[Let all the earth cry out in joy to the Lord]Page Scan
60O God, with your judgment endow the king[O God, with your judgment endow the king]Page Scan
61How lovely is your dwelling place[How lovely is your dwelling place]Page Scan
62Let us hear what God proclaims[Lord, let us see your kindness]Page Scan
63O Lord and God of my salvation[Day and night I cry to you, my God]Page Scan
64With my chosen one I have made a covenant (I have found David my servant)[With my chosen one I have made a covenant]Page Scan
65You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Most High[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Most High]Page Scan
66Come, ring out our joy to the Lord[If today you hear God's voice]
67aSing to the Lord a new song[Proclaim to all the nations]
67bSing to the Lord a new song[Give the Lord glory and honor]
68Sing to the Lord a new song[Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord]Page Scan
69O sing a new song to the Lord (Canten al Señor un cántica nuevo)[Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord]Page Scan
70Sing to the Lord a new song[Sing to the Lord a new song]Page Scan
71Cry out with joy to the Lord[We are God's people]
72Bless the Lord, O my soul[Th Lord is kind and merciful]Page Scan
73Bless the LORD, O my soul[My soul give thanks to the Lord]Page Scan
74Bless the LORD, O my soul (Benedice, alma mía, al Señor)[The Lord is kind and merciful] Page Scan
75Bless the Lord, O my soul[The Lord is kind and merciful] Page Scan
76Bless the Lord, O my soul[Lord, send out your Spirit]Page Scan
77Lord, send out your Spriti[Lord, send out your Spirit] Page Scan
78How can I make a return to the Lord[Our blessing-cup is a communion] Page Scan
79How can I repay the Lord (¿Cόmo le pagaré al Señor)[Our blessing-cup is a communion]Page Scan
80How can I make a return for the goodness of God?[How can I make a return for the goodness of God]
81Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good[This is the day the Lord has made]Page Scan
82Give thanks to the LORD for he is good[Give thanks to the LORD for he is good]
83I lift up my eyes to the mountains[Our help comes from the Lord]Page Scan
84I rejoiced when I heard them say[Let us go rejoicing]Page Scan
85I rejoiced because they said to me[I rejoiced because they said to me]Page Scan
86aHappy all those who fear the Lord[Blest are those who love you]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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