Garden of Spices: a choice collection for revival meetings, missionary meetings, rescue work, church and Sunday schools

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101There's an awful time of trouble[There's an awful time of trouble]Page Scan
102He lives to save from ev'ry sin[He lives to save from ev'ry sin]Page Scan
103When out in sin, and darkness lost[When out in sin, and darkness lost]Page Scan
104They tell me the path to heaven[They tell me the path to heaven]Page Scan
105What a Friend we have in Jesus[What a Friend we have in Jesus]Page Scan
106Cast thy bread upon the waters[Cast thy bread upon the waters]Page Scan
107Come ye that love the Lord[Come ye that love the Lord]Page Scan
108Thro' God's tender mercy[Thro' God's tender mercy]Page Scan
109Christ has the ransom paid[Christ has the ransom paid]Page Scan
110I mourn o'er the years that are wasted[I mourn o'er the years that are wasted]Page Scan
111He calms the strife of the warring will[He calms the strife of the warring will]Page Scan
112Oh, come to the Savior, thou poor, weary soul[Oh, come to the Savior, thou poor, weary soul]Page Scan
113Through love for me, Christ left His throne[Through love for me, Christ left His throne]Page Scan
114Joy to the world! The Lord has comeANTIOCHPage Scan
115No mortal eye that land hath seen[No mortal eye that land hath seen]Page Scan
116When are you coming to Jesus?[When are you coming to Jesus?]Page Scan
117Down in the valley among the sweet grasses[Down in the valley among the sweet grasses]Page Scan
118Our souls cry out, hallelujah![Our souls cry out, hallelujah!]Page Scan
119Only for souls my life's work shall be[Only for souls my life's work shall be]Page Scan
120All my life long I had pantedPage Scan
121I have learned the sweetest song[I have learned the sweetest song]Page Scan
122Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go[Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go]Page Scan
123The sun that rose on eastern plains[The sun that rose on eastern plains]Page Scan
124"Christ for the world," we sing["Christ for the world," we sing]Page Scan
125For of Him are all things[For of Him are all things]Page Scan
126Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it[Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it]Page Scan
127O, valiant hearted soldiers[O, valiant hearted soldiers]Page Scan
128Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding[Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding]Page Scan
129How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim's ear[How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim's ear]Page Scan
130Shine within me, Holy Spirit[Shine within me, Holy Spirit]Page Scan
131Traveler, tho' thy feet are worn[Traveler, tho' thy feet are worn]Page Scan
132Lo! these years I came expecting[Lo! these years I came expecting]Page Scan
133Wonderful story of love[Wonderful story of love]Page Scan
134We weep o'er the grave of our cherished hopes[We weep o'er the grave of our cherished hopes]Page Scan
135Art thou coming, my Beloved[Art thou coming, my Beloved]Page Scan
136There's much we can do if we work with a will[There's much we can do if we work with a will]Page Scan
137Had I a voice for singing[Had I a voice for singing]Page Scan
138They hushed their breath that noble band[They hushed their breath that noble band]Page Scan
139All Hail the pow'r of Jesus' name![All Hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!]Page Scan
140O have you been told of a Savior who came[O have you been told of a Savior who came]Page Scan
141With empty hands, O, Heaven I come[With empty hands, O, Heaven I come]Page Scan
142There are thousands who wander in darkness[There are thousands who wander in darkness]Page Scan
143It was not nails, 'twas love for me[It was not nails, 'twas love for me]Page Scan
144A resting time is coming[A resting time is coming]Page Scan
145Tossed on a troubled stream[Tossed on a troubled stream]Page Scan
146When Israel out of bondage came[When Israel out of bondage came]Page Scan
147O, now I am redeemed[O, now I am redeemed]Page Scan
148I've found the open fountain[I've found the open fountain]Page Scan
149My soul, be on thy guard[My soul, be on thy guard]Page Scan
150Are you willing and ready, my brother[Are you willing and ready, my brother]Page Scan
151The Savior called so lovingly[The Savior called so lovingly]Page Scan
152I've wandered far away from God[I've wandered far away from God]Page Scan
153What a fellowship, what a joy divine[What a fellowship, what a joy divine]Page Scan
154When I gave all to Jesus[When I gave all to Jesus]Page Scan
155I've no room in my heart but for Jesus[I've no room in my heart but for Jesus]Page Scan
156Almost! O yes! a Savior's loving hand[Almost! O yes! a Savior's loving hand]Page Scan
157Oh, to range the sweet plains on the banks of the river[Oh, to range the sweet plains on the banks of the river]Page Scan
158Oh, this uttermost salvation!Page Scan
159I sat 'mid the tombs by the highway[I sat 'mid the tombs by the highway]Page Scan
160Hark, I hear the millions crying[Hark, I hear the millions crying]Page Scan
161We are living, we are dwelling[We are living, we are dwelling]Page Scan
162Oh, now I see the crimson wavePage Scan
163Hear the footsteps of Jesus[Hear the footsteps of Jesus]Page Scan
164Will you in the fight be true[Will you in the fight be true]Page Scan
165What a sinner I have been![What a sinner I have been!]Page Scan
166Salvation! O the joyful soundPage Scan
167When the stars from heav'n are falling[When the stars from heav'n are falling]Page Scan
168My hope is built on nothing lessPage Scan
169"Will you save me, mister, will you?"["Will you save me, mister, will you?"]Page Scan
170There's a wideness in God's mercy[There's a wideness in God's mercy]Page Scan
171Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine![Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!]Page Scan
172The harvest field is whit'ning[The harvest field is whit'ning]Page Scan
173I had wandered off from heaven[I had wandered off from heaven]Page Scan
174The mercy seat I once beheld[The mercy seat I once beheld]Page Scan
175See two sailors bravely battling[See two sailors bravely battling]Page Scan
176Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]Page Scan
177Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight[Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight]Page Scan
178What have I on earth to boast of?[What have I on earth to boast of?]Page Scan
179I left my home in heaven[I left my home in heaven]Page Scan
180No face like thine my Savior[No face like thine my Savior]Page Scan
181What if your own were starving[What if your own were starving]Page Scan
182I'm coming now to Jesus[I'm coming now to Jesus]Page Scan
183When the brightest rays are falling[When the brightest rays are falling]Page Scan
184Will you heed the solemn warning[Will you heed the solemn warning]Page Scan
185Take the world with its follies and riches[Take the world with its follies and riches]Page Scan
186Another year is dawning[Another year is dawning]Page Scan
187Servant of God, well done!Page Scan
188All peace departed from my life[All peace departed from my life]Page Scan
189Weep for the wayward throng[Weep for the wayward throng]Page Scan
190I entered once a home of care[I entered once a home of care]Page Scan
191A wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Lord[A wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Lord]Page Scan
192When the old prophetic mantle had upon Elisha fell[When the old prophetic mantle had upon Elisha fell]Page Scan
193Out in the darkness, the rain, and the cold[Out in the darkness, the rain, and the cold]Page Scan
194Am I a soldier of the cross[Am I a soldier of the cross]Page Scan
195Rest, worker, rest[Rest, worker, rest]Page Scan
196We shall walk with Him in white[We shall walk with Him in white]Page Scan
197Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish[Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish]Page Scan
198Long in far off countries[Long in far off countries]Page Scan
199Jesus, I my cross have taken[Jesus, I my cross have taken]Page Scan
200Once he was so bright and fair[Once he was so bright and fair]Page Scan

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