Hymns of Heavenly Harmony

Editor: P. P. Bilhorn
Publisher: Bilhorn Bros., Chicago , 1910
Language: English
Notes: Images availabe at HathiTrust
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Like the love of God, the Father[Like the love of God, the Father]
2So great a joy pervades my heart[So great a joy pervades my heart]
3Kept by the power of God are we[Kept by the power of God are we]
4When I meet with my Saviour, at the sweet hour of pray'r[When I meet with my Saviour, at the sweet hour of pray'r]
5Keep moving right along[Keep moving right along]
6I am so glad I came to the Savior[I am so glad I came to the Savior]
7With our banners waving proudly in the light[With our banners waving high in the light]
8Bowing low beneath the burden of the conflict[Bowing low beneath the burden of the conflict]
9Would you be a soldier in the army of the Lord[Would you be a soldier in the army of the Lord]
10Be not weary in well doing[Be not weary in well doing]
11I was tossing about on the billows of sin[I was tossing about on the billows of sin]
12Some day the silver cord will break[Some day the silver cord will break]
13Where Jesus is, there's glory[Where Jesus is, there's glory]
14Are you a friend to Jesus?[Are you a friend to Jesus?]
15How long since you wrote to your mother[How long since you wrote to your mother]
16O tell me more of Christ, my Savior[O tell me more of Christ, my Savior]
17Since I trusted in Jesus the Lord[Since I trusted in Jesus the Lord]
18The cross is sure to conquer[The cross is sure to conquer]
19What tho' the way to Glory[What tho' the way to Glory]
20Do you long like Jesus, your dear Master, now to be[Do you long like Jesus, your dear Master, now to be]
21From the fields so white with harvest[From the fields so white with harvest]
22Tho' not ours to move the world with song[Tho' not ours to move the world with song]
23I am living, daily living 'neath the shelter of His grace[I am living, daily living 'neath the shelter of His grace]
24There are many round you who have never heard[There are many round you who have never heard]
25There is a fountain, a sin cleansing flood[There is a fountain, a sin cleansing flood]
26Someone is longing to find your Lord[Someone is longing to find your Lord]
27Someone is near to the kingdom today[Someone is near to the kingdom today]
28What will you do when eternity dawns[What will you do when eternity dawns]
29The King of my heart is Jesus[The King of my heart is Jesus]
30In my heart a song is swelling like a mighty sea[In my heart a song is swelling like a mighty sea]
31He has made peace thro' the blood of His cross[He has made peace thro' the blood of His cross]
32There is no Royal Road[There is no Royal Road]
33There is someone out on the waves tonight[There is someone out on the waves tonight]
34At the Pentecost and in the upper chamber[At the Pentecost and in the upper chamber]
35He leadeth me, O blessed tho't![He leadeth me, O blessed tho't!]
36There are songs surcharged with sorrow[There are songs surcharged with sorrow]
37Why, O why, need I ever fear[Why, O why, need I ever fear]
38The Prince of glory pray'd alone[The Prince of glory pray'd alone]
39In the same old way, with the same old pow'r[In the same old way, with the same old pow'r]
40When the waves are rolling fast[When the waves are rolling fast]
41It may not be on the mountain's height[It may not be on the mountain's height]
42You will find Him if you trust Him[You will find Him if you trust Him]
43What nobler deed was ever wrought[What nobler deed was ever wrought]
44When the heart is o'erwhelmed with the burden of sin[When the heart is o'erwhelmed with the burden of sin]
45Not grace for tomorrow, not grace when I die[Not grace for tomorrow, not grace when I die]
46There's a city of beauty and splendor sublime[There's a city of beauty and splendor sublime]
47I will sing the praises of my Lord and Savior[I will sing the praises of my Lord and Savior]
48Go preach the gospel to ev'ry distant nation[Go preach the gospel to ev'ry distant nation]
49Child of God, the call is heard[Child of God, the call is heard]
50There's a royal banner given for display[There's a royal banner given for display]
51Have you heard the voice of Jesus[Have you heard the voice of Jesus]
52Changed in a moment from crimson to white[Changed in a moment from crimson to white]
53Waiting till Jesus shall call you no more[Waiting till Jesus shall call you no more]
54The dear loving Savior has found me[The dear loving Savior has found me]
55Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit[Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit]
56By night or day, where'er I roam[By night or day, where'er I roam]
57Jesus stands ready to pardon[Jesus stands ready to pardon]
58Do not mind what others say[Do not mind what others say]
59There comes to my heart one sweet strain[There comes to my heart one sweet strain]
60Our Redeemer never slumbers[Our Redeemer never slumbers]
61I will sing of Jesus hanging[I will sing of Jesus hanging]
62If you would know the peace of God[If you would know the peace of God]
63My gracious Redeemer my soul looks to Thee[My gracious Redeemer my soul looks to Thee]
64Who will be the next to follow Jesus?[Who will be the next to follow Jesus?]
65Jesus is waiting to give you today[Jesus is waiting to give you today]
66I found a Companion in Jesus[I found a Companion in Jesus]
67The morning Light has come as last[The morning Light has come as last]
68For the love, the perfect love of God the Father[For the love, the perfect love of God the Father]
69I've cast my heavy burdens down on Canaan's happy shore[I've cast my heavy burdens down on Canaan's happy shore]
70I will sing the wondrous story[I will sing the wondrous story]
71God cares for me, should I be caring[God cares for me, should I be caring]
72Blessed Jesus, Thou art mine[Blessed Jesus, Thou art mine]
73Someone must tell the glad news of God's grace[Someone must tell the glad news of God's grace]
74If I could tell of Jesus as I know Him[If I could tell of Jesus as I know Him]
75I am thinking today of that beautiful land[I am thinking today of that beautiful land]
76Have you left the old home and a mother's care[Have you left the old home and a mother's care]
77'Twas just like my Saviour to come from above['Twas just like my Saviour to come from above]
78O heed now the sweet invitation[O heed now the sweet invitation]
79To have and to hold for Jesus[To have and to hold for Jesus]
80Keep up the fight, O Christian[Keep up the fight, O Christian]
81Unto the feast that the King hath spread[Unto the feast that the King hath spread]
82I never can forget the day[I never can forget the day]
83When I recalled how I had spurn'd His love[When I recalled how I had spurn'd His love]
84I was lying at the pool of Bethesda[I was lying at the pool of Bethesda]
85Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus[Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus]
86As a tree beside the water[As a tree beside the water]
87I will be there with Jesus in His excellent glory[I will be there with Jesus in His excellent glory]
88On the waving banner of the church of God[On the waving banner of the church of God]
89There shall be showers of blessing[There shall be showers of blessing]
90Going thro' with Jesus, marching forth in line[Going thro' with Jesus, marching forth in line]
91Let the nations hear the news of full salvation[Let the nations hear the news of full salvation]
92I walked in the woodland meadows[I walked in the woodland meadows]
93'Twas in the days of careless youth, when life was fair and bright['Twas in the days of careless youth, when life was fair and bright]
94The sower goes forth in the morning[The sower goes forth in the morning]
95We will soon depart for our home above[We will soon depart for our home above]
96Sometimes I hear a song so sweet[Sometimes I hear a song so sweet]
97In the good old way which our fathers trod[In the good old way which our fathers trod]
98He is crowning my life with His marvelous love[He is crowning my life with His marvelous love]
99Someone will enter the pearly portals[Someone will enter the pearly portals]
100The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]

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