New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of America

Editor: Philip Phillips
Publisher: A.M.E. Z. Book Concern, New York, 1889
Denomination: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Language: English
Notes: Some of the pages in the hymnal scan come from the 1866 New Hymn and Tune Book (Methodist Episcopal Church). Hymns are listed by page number, Appendix and Chants follow hymns.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
53eO God, our strength, to thee our songPage Scan
53fCome quickly, gracious Lord, and takePage Scan
53gThe counsels of redeeming gracePage Scan
54aHEBERPage Scan
54bHAVENPage Scan
54cVARINAPage Scan
55aAnd let this feeble body failHAVENPage Scan
55bWhen all thy mercies, O my GodPage Scan
55cHow great the wisdom, power, and gracePage Scan
55dThere is a land of pure delightVARINAPage Scan
55eCome, let us who in Christ believeHEBERPage Scan
56aSILOAMPage Scan
56bELADAHPage Scan
57aLet the redeem'd give thanks and praiseELADAHPage Scan
57bBy cool Siloam's shady rillSILOAMPage Scan
57cFather, how wide thy glory shinesPage Scan
57dWhen shall I see the welcome hourPage Scan
57eMy God, my portion, and my lovePAMPHYLIAPage Scan
58bWOODLANDPage Scan
58cLANESBORO'Page Scan
59aThere seems a voice in every galePage Scan
59bThere is an hour of peaceful restWOODLANDPage Scan
59cBehold, O Lord! before thy throneLANESBOROPage Scan
59dHow vain are all things here belowPage Scan
59eCome, humble sinner, in whose breastSALVATIONPage Scan
59fI would be thine; O take my heartPage Scan
60aBELIEVERPage Scan
60bPACKARDPage Scan
61aThy ceaseless, unexhausted loveBELIEVERPage Scan
61bJesus, united by thy graceBELIEVERPage Scan
61cHow happy every child of gracePACKARDPage Scan
61dA stranger in the world belowBELIEVERPage Scan
61eBehold! I come with joy to doPage Scan
62aMAJESTYPage Scan
62bKENTPage Scan
63aBlest be our everlasting LordMAJESTYPage Scan
63bGreat First of beings! mighty LordKENTPage Scan
63cThe Lord our God, is clothed with mightPage Scan
63dGod of all consolation, takePage Scan
63eThe heavenly treasure now we havePage Scan
64bNAVARINPage Scan
65aO God, our help in ages pastPage Scan
65bJoin all ye ransom'd sons of graceNAVARINPage Scan
65cBefore thy mercy-seat, O LordPage Scan
65dThe Lord of Sabbath let us praiseEXHORTATIONPage Scan
65eMay I, throughout this day of thinePage Scan
65fJehovah, God the Father, blessPage Scan
66cST. JOHN'SPage Scan
67aOn Jordan's stormy banks I standBRIDGETONPage Scan
67bI want a principle withinPage Scan
67cLord, while for all mankind we prayST. JOHN'SPage Scan
67dO joyful sound of gospel graceJOYFUL SOUNDPage Scan
67eFather, I stretch my hands to theePage Scan
68aRADIANTPage Scan
69aO who, in such a world as thisRADIANTPage Scan
69bFather of me and all mankindNOTTING HILLPage Scan
69cSing to the great Jehovah's praisePage Scan
69dGod of all grace and majestyPage Scan
69eMy drowsy powers, why sleep ye so?Page Scan
70aFRIENDPage Scan
70bHENRYPage Scan
70cMARLOWPage Scan
71aMy Saviour, my almighty FriendFRIENDPage Scan
71bHow sweet the name of Jesus soundsHENRYPage Scan
71cO what amazing words of grace MARLOWPage Scan
71dGod of thine Israel's faithful threePage Scan
71eA thousand oracles divine Page Scan
71fWalk in the light! so shalt thou knowPage Scan
72aPATMOSPage Scan
72bOUR FATHERPage Scan
72cDUNNINGPage Scan
73aVain man, thy fond pursuits forbearPATMOSPage Scan
73bOur Father, God, who art in heavenOUR FATHERPage Scan
73cGrant me within thy courts a placeDUNNINGPage Scan
73dSince all the varying scenes of timePage Scan
73eJehovah, God, thy gracious powerPage Scan
73fCome, O thou all-victorious LordPage Scan
73gTo thee, O God, when creatures failPage Scan
74bNAOMIPage Scan
75aThou Lamb of God for sinners slainMOURNING WANDERERPage Scan
75bWhile thee I seek, protecting PowerNAOMIPage Scan
75cMy span of life will soon be donePage Scan
75dHear, gracious God, my humble prayerPage Scan
75eOur old companions in distressPage Scan
76aBEACHPage Scan
76bJUBILEEPage Scan
76cPRAISEPage Scan
77aHail! holy, holy, holy LordBEACHPage Scan
77bHow precious is the book divineJUBILEEPage Scan
77cJesus, thine all-victorious lovePRAISEPage Scan
77dAll praise to Him who dwells in blissPage Scan
77eThy gracious presence, O my GodPage Scan
77fThy presence, Lord, the place shall fillPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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