Our Thankful Songs

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d201'Tis God's own hand that leadeth
d202'Tis sweet to obey, and walk
d203'Tis the good old time religion
d204We are but pilgrims far from home
d205We are marching onward
d206We are marching to a land above
d207We are on our way to the realms of day
d208We are pilgrims on the way
d209We are traveling to a better land
d210We gladly meet in our Sabbath home
d211We meet today to magnify
d212We meet today to magnify
d213We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
d214We shall meet those gone before
d215We shall meet where the shadows
d216We would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen
d217We're a band of singing Christians
d218We're a happy band
d219We're on the straight and narrow way
d220What a fellowship, says the Christian
d221What a fellowship, what a joy divine
d222What equal honors shall we bring
d223What if the world with pleasure
d224What various hindrances we meet
d225What wondrous love of God on high
d226When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d227When I can read my title clear
d228When I come to Christ in prayer
d229When I survey the wondrous cross
d230When I think of the heavenly place
d231When the path grows rough
d232When the waves of time sweep o'er me
d233Whence Jesus came, I cannot tell
d234Where dwellest thou
d235While Jesus whispers to you
d236While we labor for thee
d237Who's guiding your bark
d238Whosoever will may come
d239Why will ye die, sinners
d240With one consent let all the earth
d241Work for the Lord, for thee he
d242Would you flee from the darkest shadows
d243Ye nations round [of] the earth, rejoice

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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