Select Hymns and Psalms: for the Church and Sunday School

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Like a chime of silver bells[Like a chime of silver bells]Page Scan
102Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]Page Scan
103If the dark shadows gather[If the dark shadows gather]Page Scan
104From the depths do I invoke Thee[From the depths do I invoke Thee]Page Scan
105When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed[When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed]Page Scan
106Somebody did a golden deed[Somebody did a golden deed]Page Scan
107More like the Master I would ever be[More like the Master I would ever be]Page Scan
108I'll go anywhere, my Savior[I'll go anywhere, my Savior]Page Scan
109When the clouds of affliction have gathered[When the clouds of affliction have gathered]Page Scan
110Angel voices, ever singing[Angel voices, ever singing]Page Scan
111How blest was that life once lived upon earth[How blest was that life once lived upon earth]Page Scan
112Around the throne of God in heav'n[Around the throne of God in heav'n]Page Scan
113Look, the harvest-field is teeming[Look, the harvest-field is teeming]Page Scan
114Lord, take my all[Lord, take my all]Page Scan
115Stand up! stand up for Jesus[Stand up! stand up for Jesus]Page Scan
116Art thou weary in the way[Art thou weary in the way]Page Scan
117Gird on your steadfast armor[Gird on your steadfast armor]Page Scan
118Sing them over again to me[Sing them over again to me]Page Scan
119O, to be more faithful, working day by day[O, to be more faithful, working day by day]Page Scan
120Earthly joys may fail and perish[Earthly joys may fail and perish]Page Scan
121Some one is knocking on the door of your heart[Some one is knocking on the door of your heart]Page Scan
122On ev'ry side a voice I hear[On ev'ry side a voice I hear]Page Scan
123Jesus, the tender Shepherd[Jesus, the tender Shepherd]Page Scan
124Worldly pleasures charm no more[Worldly pleasures charm no more]Page Scan
125Most perfect is the law of God[Most perfect is the law of God]Page Scan
126Low in a manger—dear little Stranger[Low in a manger—dear little Stranger]Page Scan
127Open the door for the children[Open the door for the children]Page Scan
128What can we do from day to day[What can we do from day to day]Page Scan
129Jesus wants me for a sunbeam[Jesus wants me for a sunbeam]Page Scan
130Watch above us God is keeping[Watch above us God is keeping]Page Scan
131Back of ev'ry drop of rain[Back of ev'ry drop of rain]Page Scan
132In the midst of darkness, let us ever shine[In the midst of darkness, let us ever shine]Page Scan
133I dreamed one night, not long ago[I dreamed one night, not long ago]Page Scan
134In the temple the children sang[In the temple the children sang]Page Scan
135Three colors has the nation's flag[Three colors has the nation's flag]Page Scan
136High in the treetop's leafy bough[High in the treetop's leafy bough]Page Scan
137Away in a manger[Away in a manger]Page Scan
138From God's great treasure-house of love[From God's great treasure-house of love]Page Scan
139Have you seen the sunbeams shining[Have you seen the sunbeams shining]Page Scan
140Little evangels for Thee, dear Savior[Little evangels for Thee, dear Savior]Page Scan
141We're cadets that want to battle for the right, you see[We're cadets that want to battle for the right, you see]Page Scan
142I know three little sisters[I know three little sisters]Page Scan
143On the battlefield of life[On the battlefield of life]Page Scan
144Ringing out the joy-note from a thankful heart[Ringing out the joy-note from a thankful heart]Page Scan
145Under the snow, under the snow[Under the snow, under the snow]Page Scan
146Jesus bids us shine[Jesus bids us shine]Page Scan
147Savior, like a shepherd lead us[Savior, like a shepherd lead us]Page Scan
148Jesus loves me! this I know[Jesus loves me! this I know]Page Scan
149I think, when I read that sweet story of old[I think, when I read that sweet story of old]Page Scan
150A mother bent over her child[A mother bent over her child]Page Scan
151Oh, what shall it profit thee, brother[Oh, what shall it profit thee, brother]Page Scan
152A Stranger stands outside the door[A Stranger stands outside the door]Page Scan
153My soul is so happy in Jesus[My soul is so happy in Jesus]Page Scan
154As I cling to the hand of my Lord each day[As I cling to the hand of my Lord each day]Page Scan
155Failing in strength when opprest by my foes[Failing in strength when opprest by my foes]Page Scan
156"Come unto me," 'tis Jesus' voice["Come unto me," 'tis Jesus' voice]Page Scan
157Now and forever, Thine would we be[Now and forever, Thine would we be]Page Scan
158aJesus, Lover of my Soul[Jesus, Lover of my Soul]Page Scan
158bJesus, Lover of my SoulMARTYNPage Scan
159There's a beautiful gate where we lingering wait[There's a beautiful gate where we lingering wait]Page Scan
160We've a story to tell to the nations[We've a story to tell to the nations]Page Scan
161Like a bird in its nest[Like a bird in its nest]Page Scan
162"But for a moment" this weight of affliction["But for a moment" this weight of affliction]Page Scan
163A voice is sweetly singing[A voice is sweetly singing]Page Scan
164I shall not want for the Lord is my shepherd[I shall not want for the Lord is my shepherd]Page Scan
165Who will open mercy's door?[Who will open mercy's door?]Page Scan
166Holy Bible, Book divine[Holy Bible, Book divine]Page Scan
167Yield not to temptation[Yield not to temptation]Page Scan
168Be careful what you sow[Be careful what you sow]Page Scan
169How blest the perfect in the way[How blest the perfect in the way]Page Scan
170Only floating down a river[Only floating down a river]Page Scan
171Look away to Jesus[Look away to Jesus]Page Scan
172Hallelujah, praise Jehovah[Hallelujah, praise Jehovah]Page Scan
173Give ye to Jehovah, O sons of the mighty[Give ye to Jehovah, O sons of the mighty]Page Scan
174Praise ye the Lord, the God of our salvation[Praise ye the Lord, the God of our salvation]Page Scan
175While we pray, and while we plead[While we pray, and while we plead]Page Scan
176At Calv'ry's cross I met a Friend[At Calv'ry's cross I met a Friend]Page Scan
177Crown Him, crown Him with glory the King of kings[Crown Him, crown Him with glory the King of kings]Page Scan
178Loudly unto the world is a chorus resounding[Loudly unto the world is a chorus resounding]Page Scan
179All hail to Thee, Immanuel[All hail to Thee, Immanuel]Page Scan
180From ev'ry stormy wind that blows[From ev'ry stormy wind that blows]Page Scan
181The church's one foundation[The church's one foundation]Page Scan
182O God, to us show mercy[O God, to us show mercy]Page Scan
183Take my life, and let it be[Take my life, and let it be]Page Scan
184Savior! teach me, day by day[Savior! teach me, day by day]Page Scan
185O Jehovah, who shall dwell[O Jehovah, who shall dwell]Page Scan
186While shepherds watched their flocks by night[While shepherds watched their flocks by night]Page Scan
187Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung[Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung]Page Scan
188O God, give ear unto my cry[O God, give ear unto my cry]Page Scan
189Faith of our fathers! living still[Faith of our fathers! living still]Page Scan
190Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place[Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place]Page Scan
191Fling out the banner! let it float[Fling out the banner! let it float]Page Scan
192To thee in praise, I'll lift my song[To thee in praise, I'll lift my song]Page Scan
193Onward, Christian soldiers[Onward, Christian soldiers]Page Scan
194Christ shall have dominion[Christ shall have dominion]Page Scan
195Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise[Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise]Page Scan
196Father, again in Jesus' name we meet[Father, again in Jesus' name we meet]Page Scan
197O Savior, precious Savior[O Savior, precious Savior]Page Scan
198Lord god of hosts, how lovely[Lord god of hosts, how lovely]Page Scan
199O mother dear, Jerusalem[O mother dear, Jerusalem]Page Scan

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