Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book

Compiled 1866 original edition: C. H. Spurgeon
Editor: Chris Fenner, Matt Boswell
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications Ltd., Fearn, Ross-shire, IV20 1TW, Great Britain, 2019
Language: English
Notes: A new reediting of the 1866 "Our Own Hymn Book" compiled by Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
831Vital spark of heav'nly flame!
832Why do we mourn departing friends
833Hear what the voice from heav'n proclaims
834Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb
835O happy they, who safely housed
836Peace, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's hand
837When blooming youth is snatchd away
838Now let our mourning hearts revive
839I know that my Redeemer lives
840The time draws nigh when from the clouds
841Blest be the everlasting God
842And must this body die?
843My life's a shade, my days
844We sing His love, who once was slain
845Oh! how I long to reach my home
846“Forever with the Lord!”
847Let me be with Thee where Thou art
848My rest is in heaven, my rest is not here
849This is not my place of resting
850Now let our souls on wings sublime
851There is a house not made with hands
852Give me the wings of faith to rise
853Father, I long, I faint to see
854“We've no abiding city here”
855Descend from heaven, Immortal Dove
856What is life? ’Tis but a vapour
857With heav'nly weapons I have fought
858When I can read my title clear
859Come, let us join our friends above
860From Egypt lately come
861See! the Captain of salvation
862Far from these narrow scenes of night
863Jerusalem the golden!
864O heavenly Jerusalem
865Jerusalem on high
866Jerusalem! my happy home!
867Jerusalem, my happy home
868O paradise eternal!
869Oh for the robes of whiteness!
870From Thee, my God, my joys shall rise
871The people of the Lord
872Earth has engross'd my love too long
873O happy saints, who dwell in light
874On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
875There is a land of pure delight
876Our journey is a thorny maze
877Who are these array'd in white
878Palms of glory, raiment bright
879We speak of the realms of the blest
880Too long, alas! I vainly sought
881Look down, my soul, on hell's domains
882That awful day will surely come
883O where shall rest be found
884Glorious things of thee are spoken
885Not to the terrors of the Lord
886Zion stands by hills surrounded
887O Jesus Christ, most holy
888Partners of a glorious hope
889Happy the souls to Jesus join'd
890In one fraternal bond of love
891Lord, we all look up to Thee
892Blest be the tie that binds
893Come in, thou blessèd of the Lord!
894Now we'll render to the Saviour
895Kindred in Christ, for His dear sake
896As the sun's enliv'ning eye
897Lord, Thy church, without a pastor
898Let Zion's watchmen all awake
899We bid thee welcome in the name
900Shall I, for fear of feeble man
901With heavenly power, O Lord, defend
902Father of mercies, bow Thine ear
903O Thou, before whose gracious throne
904Risen Lord, Thou hast receivèd
905Safely through another week
906Another six days' work is done
907Welcome, sweet day of rest
908The festal morn, my God, has come
909This is the day the Lord hath made
910Sweet is the task, O Lord
911Bless'd morning, whose young dawning rays
912Lord of the Sabbath, hear our vows
913Awake, our drowsy souls
914Hail, ye days of solemn meeting!
915In Thy name, O Lord, assembling
916To Thy temple I repair
917My Lord, my love, was crucified
918The light of Sabbath eve
919Holy Father! whom we praise
920Ere another Sabbath close
921Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus!
922Come, happy souls, adore the Lamb
923Come, ye who bow to sov'reign grace
924O Lord! Whilst we confess the worth
925Buried beneath the yielding wave
926Hearken, ye children of your God
927Dear Lord, and will Thy pard'ning love
928In all my Lord's appointed ways
929Lord, in humble, sweet submission
930Jesus, mighty King in Zion!

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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