C. H. Spurgeon

C. H. Spurgeon
Short Name: C. H. Spurgeon
Full Name: Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892
Birth Year: 1834
Death Year: 1892

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, the world-famous preacher, was born June 19, 1834, at Kelvedon, in Essex, where his father was Congregational minister. He was educated at Colchester, and at an Agricultural College at Maidstone, after which he was for a few years usher in schools at Newmarket and Cambridge. In 1851 he became minister of a small Baptist church at Waterbeach, near Cambridge, and soon attained great popularity. In 1854 he removed to New Park Street, London, the place where Drs. Gill and Rippon had formerly ministered, and ere long the thronging of people to hear him led, first, to the temporary occupation of Exeter Hall, and of the Surrey Music Hall, and then to the erection of the great Metropolitan Tabernacle, where he still ministers.

Mr. Spurgeon is chiefly known as a preacher and as the author of many vols. of sermons, expositions, and other homiletical literature; but he is also a hymn writer, and the compiler of a well-known hymn book. This book was prepared, in 1866, primarily for the use of the congregation at the Tabernacle. Hence its title Our Own Hymnbook, a collection of Psalms & Hymns for public, social, and private worship. It contains 220 versions of the Psalms, and 910 hymns. Of Mr. Spurgeon's contributions noted below, only one, "Sweetly the holy hymn," can be regarded as possessing any particular merit. The others do not rise above respectable mediocrity. His psalm-versions and hymns, all dated 1866, are:—
1. Amidst us our Beloved stands. Holy Communion.
2. Behold, O Lord, my days are made. Ps. xxxix.
3. Blessed is the man that feareth. Ps. cxii.
4. Here, O ye faithful, see. Holy Baptism.
5. I will exalt Thee, Lord of hosts. Ps. xxx.
6. Jesus, poorest of the poor. Ps. xli.
7. Lord, I would dwell with Thee. Ps. xv.
8. Lord, make my conversation chaste. Ps. lxviii.
9. Lord, Thy church without a pastor. Election of a Minister.
10. Make haste, O Lord, my soul to bless. Ps. lxx.
11. O God, be Thou no longer still. Ps. lxxxiii.
12. O God, Thou hast cast off Thy saints. Ps. lx.
13. Our ears have heard, O glorious God. Ps. xliv.
14. Praise the Lord with exultation, My whole heart, &c. Ps. cxi.
15. Risen Lord, Thou hast received. Election of a Minister.
16. Sweetly the holy hymn. Prayer Meetings.
17. The foes of Zion quake for fright. Ps. liii.
18. The Holy Ghost is here. Prayer.
19. The Kings of earth are in the hands. Ps. lxxxii.
20. Thy strength, 0 Lord, makes glad our King. Ps. xxi.
In addition to these Mr. Spurgeon re-wrote or added to the hymns of others, as "Come ye who bow to sovereign grace"; "Great King of Zion, now"; "O God, before whose radiant throne"; and "Woe's me that I in Mesech am"; and composed two Graces for before, and two for after Meat. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.]

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by C. H. Spurgeon (40)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Amidst us our Beloved standsC. H. Spurgeon (Author)English27
Behold, O Lord, my days are madeCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)4
Blessed is the man that fearethCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)1
Come ye who bow to sovereign graceCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)2
David rejoiced in God his strengthC. H. Spurgeon, 1834-1892 (Author)English1
Den Heilge Ande 'r h'rCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)2
God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aidC. H. S. (Alterer)English1
Had not the Lord, my soul may cryC. H. S. (Alterer)1
Here, O ye faithful, seeCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)6
I will exalt thee, Lord of hostsCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)4
Jesus, poorest of the poorCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)2
Like as the hart for water brooksC. H. S. (Alterer)1
Lord, I would dwell with TheeCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)English3
Lord, make my conversation chasteC. H. Spurgeon (Author)2
Lord, thy church, without a pastorC. H. Spurgeon (Author)2
Make haste, O God, my soul to blessC. H. Spurgeon (Author)English4
O give thanks unto the Lord, Praise his name with one accordC. H. S. (Alterer)English2
O God, be Thou no longer stillCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)1
O God, thou hast cast off thy saintsCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)English4
O praise ye the Lord With heart and with voiceC. H. Spurgeon (Alterer)English1
O Thou that art the Mighty OneC. H. S. (Alterer)1
Our ears have heard, O glorious GodC. H. Spurgeon (Author)English3
Our Father, bless the bounteous storeC. H. Spurgeon (Author)English2
Plead my cause, O Lord of hostsC. H. S. (Alterer)English1
Praise the Lord with exultationCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)4
Reigns Jehovah, King supremeC. H. S. (Alterer)2
Risen Lord, thou hast receivedCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)2
Suave e Santo hinoC. H. Spurgeon (Author)Portuguese2
Sweetly the holy hymn breaks on the morning airCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)English37
The foes of Zion quake for frightCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)English2
The Holy Ghost is here, Where saints in prayer agreeCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)English44
The kings of earth are in the handsCharles H. Spurgeon (Author)English2
The Lord who hath redeem'd our soulsC. H. S. (Alterer)1
Thou shalt arise, and mercy haveC. H. S. (Alterer)English1
Thy strength, O Lord, makes glad our KingC. H. Spurgeon (Author)2
Vainly through night's weary hoursC. H. Spurgeon (Alterer)English1
Warm with love my hearts inditingC. H. S. (Alterer)2
When once I mourned a load of sinRev. Chas. H. Spurgeon, D. D. (Author)English2
Why should I sorrow moreCharles Haddon Spurgeon (Author)2
Woe's me that I in Mesech amC. H. Spurgeon (Author (stanzas 3-5))2
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