Sacred Songs of the Church

Editor: W. D. Jeffcoat
Publisher: Psallo Publications, LLC, Atlanta, 2007
Denomination: Churches of Christ
Language: English
Notes: Data sourced from third printing (2014)
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601Look away from the cross to the glittering crown[Look away from the cross to the glittering crown]
602There is a habitation[There is a habitation]
603One sweetly solemn tho't[One sweetly solemn tho't]
604I know the Lord will make a way for me[I know the Lord will make a way for me]
605Father, in the morning[Father, in the morning]
606Lord, dismiss us in Thy care[Lord, dismiss us in Thy care]
607Jesus, lover of my soul[Jesus, lover of my soul]
608I will meet you in the morning[I will meet you in the morning]
609Up to the bountiful giver of life[Up to the bountiful giver of life]
610When the darkness of trials surround me[When the darkness of trials surround me]
611Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming[Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming]
612Gird your armor 'gainst the foe[Gird your armor 'gainst the foe]
613Alas! and did my Savior bleed?[Alas! and did my Savior bleed?]
614There's a city over yonder someday I'll call my own[There's a city over yonder someday I'll call my own]
615Gracious God we come before Thee[Gracious God we come before Thee]
616I want to draw closer to Jesus my King[I want to draw closer to Jesus my King]
617God of compassion we come to Thee[God of compassion we come to Thee]
618There's a beautiful home far over the sea[There's a beautiful home far over the sea]
619Out of sadness into gladness[Out of sadness into gladness]
620Father of mercy and of light[Father of mercy and of light]
621What a fellowship, what a joy divine[What a fellowship, what a joy divine]
622I am going to heav'n some day[I am going to heav'n some day]
623God, our Father, doth care for His own[God, our Father, doth care for His own]
624What light is this shining so brightly for me[What light is this shining so brightly for me]
625Marvelous grace of our loving Lord[Marvelous grace of our loving Lord]
626From all the dark places[From all the dark places]
627Just beyond the rolling river[Just beyond the rolling river]
628Majestic sweetness sits enthroned[Majestic sweetness sits enthroned]
629On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
630In the resurrection morning[In the resurrection morning]
631O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder[O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder]
632When I come to the river at ending of day[When I come to the river at ending of day]
633Shall we gather at the river[Shall we gather at the river]
634Oh, God of our salvation, no foe have we to fear[Oh, God of our salvation, no foe have we to fear]
635Yield not to temptation[Yield not to temptation]
636Let me tell you of a man, man from Galilee[Let me tell you of a man, man from Galilee]
637He leadeth me, O blessed tho't![He leadeth me, O blessed tho't!]
638God, give us Christian homes![God, give us Christian homes!]
639As I journey thru the land singing as I go[As I journey thru the land singing as I go]
640The love of God is greater far[The love of God is greater far]
641Lord we come to Thee confessing[Lord we come to Thee confessing]
642Of Jesus' love that sought me[Of Jesus' love that sought me]
643I need the prayers of those I love[I need the prayers of those I love]
644My heart is overflowing with gratitude and praise[My heart is overflowing with gratitude and praise]
645In times like these you need a Savior[In times like these you need a Savior]
646God be with you till we meet again[God be with you till we meet again]
647Come, let us all unite to sing[Come, let us all unite to sing]
648Some day before the throne I'll stand[Some day before the throne I'll stand]
649Jesus, meek and gentle[Jesus, meek and gentle]
650Take time to be holy[Take time to be holy]
651I was on the downward way, weary, worn and sad[I was on the downward way, weary, worn and sad]
652There is a name I love to hear[There is a name I love to hear]
653Of one the Lord has made the race[Of one the Lord has made the race]
654Jesus bids us shine, with a clear, pure light[Jesus bids us shine, with a clear, pure light]
655Before Jehovah's awful throne[Before Jehovah's awful throne]
656Looking to Thee from day to day[Looking to Thee from day to day]
657Lead me to some soul today[Lead me to some soul today]
658The chimes of time ring out the news[The chimes of time ring out the news]
659Light from the cross is beaming[Light from the cross is beaming]
660Dread not the things that are ahead[Dread not the things that are ahead]
661Lord, the nights are so long and my burdens so great[Lord, the nights are so long and my burdens so great]
662At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home[At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home]
663In the harvest field now ripened[In the harvest field now ripened]
664O Lord, our Lord, how excellent Thy name[O Lord, our Lord, how excellent Thy name]
665I've seen the lightning flashing[I've seen the lightning flashing]
666Tell me of the Savior who on Calv'ry died[Tell me of the Savior who on Calv'ry died]
667On the happy, golden shore, where the faithful part no more[On the happy, golden shore, where the faithful part no more]
668The kingdoms of earth pass away one by one[The kingdoms of earth pass away one by one]
669Though hosts of sin encamp around[Though hosts of sin encamp around]
670Mighty God, may all adore Thee, high on Thine eternal throne[Mighty God, may all adore Thee, high on Thine eternal throne]
671Prince of peace! control my will[Prince of peace! control my will]
672Mighty God oh let Thy light bless our blinded sight[Mighty God oh let Thy light bless our blinded sight]
673There's a land that is fairer than day[There's a land that is fairer than day]
674Jesus is all the world to me[Jesus is all the world to me]
675My stubborn will at last has yielded[My stubborn will at last has yielded]
676In the land of fadeless day[In the land of fadeless day]
677I was lost in sin but Jesus rescued me[I was lost in sin but Jesus rescued me]
678When life for me shall end and family and friends[When life for me shall end and family and friends]
679There is a song in my heart today[There is a song in my heart today]
680On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross[On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross]
681We read of a wonderful city of gold[We read of a wonderful city of gold]
682Standing by the cross of Christ my Lord[Standing by the cross of Christ my Lord]
683As I journey thru this vale of sorrows[As I journey thru this vale of sorrows]
684Trusting in Jesus, O wonderful theme![Trusting in Jesus, O wonderful theme!]
685O think of the home over there[O think of the home over there]
686We must forward march with our banners lifted as good soldiers of the Lord[We must forward march with our banners lifted as good soldiers of the Lord]
687O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer[O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer]
688On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
689Live in the glow of the Savior's love[Live in the glow of the Savior's love]
690Since the love of Jesus touched you, giving peace and joy untold[Since the love of Jesus touched you, giving peace and joy untold]
691Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder[Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder]
692O for a faith that will not shrink[O for a faith that will not shrink]
693Lord, bless our soul's endeavor[Lord, bless our soul's endeavor]
694Savior, grant me rest and peace[Savior, grant me rest and peace]
695Father hear my soul's petition[Father hear my soul's petition]
696My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]
697Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin[Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin]
698We're looking above to that beautiful home[We're looking above to that beautiful home]
699Like a star of the morning in its beauty[Like a star of the morning in its beauty]
700When our work is ended, we shall sweetly rest[When our work is ended, we shall sweetly rest]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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