Santo, Santo, Santo: cantos para el pueblo de Dios = Holy, Holy, Holy: songs for the people of God

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
701Blest be the tie that binds (Sagrado es el amor)DENNISTextPage Scan
702Ahora, según tu promesa (Lord, to fulfill what you promised)[Ahora, según tu promesa]Page Scan
703Dios te bendiga, protección te dé (May God Almighty bless and keep you safe)MORECAMBEPage Scan
704My friends, may you grow in grace (Amigos, que crezcan en gracia)BENEDICTION
705Bençãos virão sobre ti e te alcançarão (Blessings from God will rain down and will overtake you)[Bençãos virão sobre ti e te alcançarão]Page Scan
706Come, all you servants of the Lord (Vengan, acudan al Señor)OLD HUNDREDTHPage Scan
707El Señor Jesucristo esté con tu espíritu (May the love of the Lord Jesus Christ always rest in you)[El Señor Jesucristo esté con tu epíritu]Page Scan
708Dios nos tenga compasión (May god be gracious to you)
709Bendigamos al Señor (Let us bless the Lord our God)[Bendigamos al Señor]Page Scan
710Go, my children, with my blessing (No están solos, vayan, lleven)AR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
711La bendición del Dios de Sara, Abraham y Agar (The God of Sarah, Hagar, and of Abraham)[La bendición del Dios de Sara, Abraham y Agar]Page Scan
712May the love of the Lord rest upon your soul (Que el amor del Señor guíe tu andar)SOON TIPage Scan
713Mas el Dios de toda gracia (Oh, the God of grace o'erflowing)[Mas el Dios de toda gracia]Page Scan
714We go in peace, we go in love (Salgamos hoy a proclamar)EDWARDS
715Sent forth by God's blessing (Con sus bendiciones)ASH GROVEPage Scan
716A este santo templo (In your holy temple)SANTO TEMPLO
717Siyahamb' ekukhanyen' kwenknos' (We are walking in the light of God)SIYAHAMBAPage Scan
718Enviado soy de Dios mi mano lista está (The Lord now sends us forth prepared to serve and give)ENVIADO
719Sizohamba naye, wo wo wo (We will walk with God, my brothers)SIZOHAMBAPage Scan
720Go to the world! Go into all the earth (¡Vayan con Dios a toda la creación)SINE NOMINEPage Scan
721¡Dios de la esperanza, danos gozo y paz! (May the God of hope go with us ev'ry day)ARGENTINATextPage Scan
722Go now in peace, go now in peace (Vayan en paz, vayan en paz)GO NOW IN PEACEPage Scan
723Thuma mina, thuma mina (Send me, Jesus, send me, Jesus)THUMA MINAPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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