Santo, Santo, Santo: cantos para el pueblo de Dios = Holy, Holy, Holy: songs for the people of God

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501Ven, Espíritu, ven (Come, O Holy Spirit, come)[Ven, Espíritu, ven]
502As a deer in want of water (Como el ciervo ansioso brama)GENEVAN 42Page Scan
503My Lord, you have examined me (Señor me has probado tú)RESIGNATIONPage Scan
504"Forgive our sins as we forgive" (Nos enseñas te a perdonar)DETROITPage Scan
505Perdón, Señor (Forgive us, Lord)CONFESIÓNPage Scan
506Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Mi corazón, oh examinia hoy)MAORITextPage Scan
507Change my heart, O God (Cámbiame, Señor)[Change my heart, O God]Page Scan
508God, be merciful to me (Dios, ten compasión de mí)REDHEADPage Scan
509God, be merciful to me (Dios, ten compasión de mí)GOD BE MERCIFUL
510Examíname, oh Dios (Search and know me, O my God)[Examíname, oh Dios]
511Renuévame, Señor Jesús (Come, change my heart, Lord Jesus Christ)[Renuévame, Señor Jesús]Page Scan
512Hoy perdóname, hoy por siempre (Mercy, Lord, we pray, now and ev'ry day)[Hoy perdóname, hoy por siempre]Page Scan
513Out of the depths I cry to you (De lo profundo clamo a ti)AUS TIEEFER NOTPage Scan
514Make your face to shine upon your servant (Haz resplandecer tu rostro sobre tu siervo)GLÁUCIA
515In you, LORD, I have taken refuge (En ti, SEÑOR, busco refugio)
516Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night (De mi tristeza y esclavitud)JESUS, I COMETextPage Scan
517O Lord, hear my prayer (Señor, ten piedad)[O Lord, hear my prayer]Page Scan
518How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? (¿Hasta cuándo, SEÑOR, me seguirás olvidando?)
519Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy) (Ten misericordia)[Kyrie eleison]Page Scan
520Ten piedad de mí, oh Dios, conforme a tu bondad (Lord, have mercy on me, in accordance with your grace)TEN PIEDAD DE MÍPage Scan
521Kyrie eleison, Señor, ten piedad (Kyrie eleison, show mercy, O Lord)[Kyrie eleison, Señor, ten piedad]Page Scan
522Señor, ten piedad de nosotros (O Lord, Lord, have mercy upon us)CLARA LUZText
523Amazing grace – how sweet the sound (Sublime gracia del Señor)NEW BRITAINPage Scan
524El Señor es compasivo (The Lord is kind and merciful)[El Señor es compasivo]Page Scan
525Alaba, alma mía, al SEÑOR (Praise the LORD, my soul)
526There's a wideness in God's mercy (Hay anchura en su clemencia)IN BABILONEPage Scan
527How blest are they whose trespass (Es bienaventurado)RUTHERFORDTextPage Scan
528Cuán profundo es tu amor (Lord, how deep is your love)CHICAGOPage Scan
529I know not why God's wondrous grace (No sé por qué la gracia del Señor)EL NATHANPage Scan
530Mira allá en el Calvario (Look on Calvary's summit)NUEVA CREACIÓNPage Scan
531Porque tú eres bueno (For your steadfast goodness)[Porque tú eres bueno]Page Scan
532El Señor es mi pastor (You, O Lord, you are my Shepherd)[El Señor es mi pastor]Page Scan
533All who are thirsty (Tiene tu alma)[All who are thirsty]Page Scan
534Canto de alegría porque tengo amor (Joyfully we sing here of the Savior's grace)ARGENTINAPage Scan
535Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers (Ni la muerte, ni vida, ni ángeles, ni poderes)[Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers]Page Scan
536Oh, how he loves you and me (¡Cuánto nos ama el Señor!)PATRICIA
537I stand amazed in the presence (Que Cristo me haya amado)MY SAVIOR'S LOVETextPage Scan
538Savior, like a shepherd lead us (Pastoréanos, Jesús amante)BRADBURYTextPage Scan
539I'm forgiven because you were forsaken (Soy perdonado, tú fuiste abandonado)YOU ARE MY KING
540And can it be that I should gain (Cómo en su sangre pudo haber)SAGINATextPage Scan
541Before the throne of God above (Ante el gran trono celestial)BEFORE THE THRONEText
542Jesus, lover of my soul (Cariñoso Salvador)MARTYNPage Scan
543Jesus, lover of my soul (Cariñoso Salvador)ABERYSTWYTHPage Scan
544O God, we kneel before your throne (Oh Dios, postrados en tu altar)KNOLLCREST FARMPage Scan
545To God be the glory, great things he has done (A Dios demos gloria, pues grande es él)TO GOD BE THE GLORYPage Scan
546Tengo se de ti (Bless the Lord, my soul)[Bless the Lord, my soul]Page Scan
547He has done great things (Grande es su poder)BLESS HIS HOLY NAME
548¡Aleluya! Señor, ¿a quién iremos? (Alleluia! To whom shall we go, Lord?)[¡Aleluya! Señor, ¿a quién iremos?]Text
549Sing them over again to me (Oh cantádmelas otra vez)WORDS OF LIFE TextPage Scan
550Tu Palabra, Señor (Far more precious than gold)[Tu Palabra, Señor]Page Scan
551Dawk'yah towgyah thawy báhtawm (Take the saving Word of God)DAWK'YAH TOWGYAHPage Scan
552Break now the bread of life, dear Lord, to me (Dame, mi buen Señor, de vida el pan)BREAD OF LIFETextPage Scan
553Tua palavra e lâmpada para meus pés (I know your word, your word is a lamp to my feet)[Tua palavra e lâmpada para meus pés]Page Scan
554Vengo a buscarte a ti, Señor (I come seeking after you, my Lord)[Vengo a buscarte a ti, Señor]
555Spirit of the living God (Santo Espíritu de Dios)IVERSON
556Lord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us (Cristo Jesús, oh fuego que abrasa)[Lord Jesus Christ, your light shines within us]Page Scan
557Lord, speak to me that I may speak (Oh ruégote, Señor Jesús)CANONBURYTextPage Scan
558Que los dichos de mi boca y la meditación de mi corazón (Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart)[Que los dichos de mi boca y la meditación de mi corazón]Page Scan
559Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios (The heavens declare the glory of God)
560Prepare our hearts, O God (Prepáranos, Señor)[Prepare our hearts, O God]Page Scan
561Speak, O Lord, as we come to you (Habla, oh Dios, y te escucharé)SPEAK, O LORD
562Open our eyes, Lord; we want to see Jesus (Abre mis ojos, quiero ver a Cristo)OPEN OUR EYES
563Lord, to whom shall we go? (¿A quién iremos, Señor?)[Lord, to whom shall we go]Page Scan
564Teach me, LORD, the way of your decrees (Enséñame, SEÑOR, a seguir tus decretos)
565Send out your light, Lord, send your truth (Tu luz envía y tu verdad)[Send out your light, Lord, send your truth]Page Scan
566Send me your light and your faithful care (Envía tu luz y tu verdad)
567Happy are they who trust (Felices son los que)[Happy are they who trust]Page Scan
568Blessed is the one (Dichoso quien no sigue)
569I love to tell the story (Grato es contar la historia)HANKEYTextPage Scan
570Jesus loves me! This I know (Cristo me ama, bien lo sé)JESUS LOVES METextPage Scan
571Spirit divine, inspire our prayer (Inspira, oh Dios, nuestro oración)GRÄFENBERGPage Scan
572Hear our prayer, O Lord (Óyenos, Señor)[Hear our prayer, O Lord]TextPage Scan
573Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD (A ti, SEÑOR, elevo mi clamor)
574Ayúdanos, oh Dios [Ayüdanos, oh Dios]Page Scan
575To you, O Lord, I lift my soul (A ti, Señor, levanto mi alma)[To you, O Lord, I lift my soul]Page Scan
576In you, LORD, my God, I put my trust (A ti SEÑOR, elevo me alma)
577Lord, listen to your children praying (Dios, oye el ruego de tus hijos)CHILDREN PRAYINGTextPage Scan
578Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer (¡Oh dulce, grata oración!)SWEET HOURPage Scan
579Pelas dore deste mundo, ó Senhor (For the troubles and the suff'rings of the world)PELAS DORES DESTE MUNDO
580Wait for the Lord, whose day is near[Wait for the Lord, whose day is near]Page Scan
581A ti acudimos sedientos ¡Ven Señor! (We thirst for life-giving water: Come, O Lord)PANAMAPage Scan
582I am weak and I need thy strength and pow'r (Débil xoy, necesito tu gran poder)LEAD ME, GUIDE MEPage Scan
583Open my eyes, that I may see (Abre mis ojos a la luz)OPEN MY EYES
584I am weak but thou art strong (Te preciso, mi Señor)CLOSER WALKTextPage Scan
585What a friend we have in Jesus (¡Oh, qué amigo nos es Cristo!)CONVERSETextPage Scan
586What a friend we have in Jesus (¡Oh, qué amigo nos es Cristo!)BEACH SPRINGTextPage Scan
587Father, I adore you (Padre, te adoro)MARANATHA
588El nombre de Dios te ampare (May God's holy name uphold you)[El nombre de Dios te ampare]
589Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor (My only thought, it is of you, O Lord)[Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor]Page Scan
590Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor (My heart will meditate on you, my Lord)[Mi pensamiento eres tú, Señor]Page Scan
591Al Señor clamé estando en angustia (I am crying out to God in my anguish)RIO FRIOPage Scan
592My soul thirsts for God, the living God (Yo tengo sed de Dios, del vivo Dios)[My soul thirsts for God, the living God]Page Scan
593You, God, are my God (Oh Dios, tú eres mi Dios)
594Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord)[Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho]Page Scan
595Our Father, which art in heaven (Padre nuestro en los cielos)[Our Father, which art in heaven]
596Amen, siakudumisa (Amen, we praise your name, O God)[Amen, siakudumisa]Page Scan
597Knocks like Jesus (Puede ser Cristo)SOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN'
598Will you come and follow me (Si te llamo, ¿seguirás)KELVINGROVEPage Scan
599Tú has venido a la orilla (Lord, when you came to the seashore)PESCADOR DE HOMBRESPage Scan
600Yo siento tu voz muy dentro de mí (I'm sensing your voice deep down in my heart)[Yo siento tu voz muy dentro de mí]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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