International Song Service: with Bright Gems from fifty authors, for Sunday-schools, gospel meetings, missionary and young people's societies, prayer-meetings, etc.

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!CORONATION SONGTextPage Scan
2All people that on earth do dwellALL PEOPLE THAT ON EARTHTextPage Scan
3Rejoice, and hail the KingREJOICE, AND HAIL THE KINGTextPage Scan
4Be still, O heart! Why fear and tremble?BE STILL, O HEARTTextPage Scan
5Singing of Jesus all the way alongSINGING OF JESUSTextPage Scan
6God will take care of you GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU TextPage Scan
7Oh, praise the Lord, sing to His namePRAISE THE LORDTextPage Scan
8Life in His favor! Forgiven all sinLIFE IN HIS FAVORTextPage Scan
9All glory to Jesus be given JESUS IS MIGHTY TO SAVETextPage Scan
10Onward! O Christian WarriorsONWARD! CHRISTIAN WARRIORSTextPage Scan
11Come, we that love the LordWE'RE MARCHING TO ZIONTextPage Scan
12I need Thee ev'ry hourI NEED THEE EVERY HOURTextPage Scan
13Give thanks and rejoice in the name of the LordARISE FOR THY LIGHT IS COMETextPage Scan
14Thou, whose awak'ning wordTHOU, WHOSE AWAKENING WORD TextPage Scan
15We have taken up our standON TO THE CONFLICTTextPage Scan
16There is a happy landHAPPY LANDTextPage Scan
17Lord, I care not for richesIS MY NAME WRITTEN THERE?TextPage Scan
18Nothing but the love of JesusNOTHING BUT THE LOVE OF JESUSTextPage Scan
19Speed the tidings o'er the oceanSPEED THE TIDINGSTextPage Scan
20On the Rock of faith I am buildingTHE ROCK OF FAITHTextPage Scan
21To Christ, our Lord and faithful FriendREDEEMING LOVETextPage Scan
22I'm helpless, Lord, to Thee I flyJESUS OF NAZARETH DIED FOR METextPage Scan
23Who is ready, who is willingWHO IS READY?TextPage Scan
24There's a promise from the LordTHERE'S A PROMISE FROM THE LORDTextPage Scan
25My faith is stayed on Thee, O LordMY FAITH IS STAYED ON THEETextPage Scan
26I am trusting Him who died for meBENEATH HIS WINGSTextPage Scan
27Not far from the kingdom, O words of the LordNOT FAR FROM THE KINGDOMTextPage Scan
28Hark! there comes a whisperGIVE THY HEART TO METextPage Scan
29Come, walk and talk with JesusWALK AND TALK WITH JESUSTextPage Scan
30Is there a heart that is waitingJESUS IS PASSING THIS WAYTextPage Scan
31I am resting in the LordREST IN THE LORDTextPage Scan
32O weary burdened souls opprestCOME TO THE GREAT PHYSICIANTextPage Scan
33The Saviour's workers are in lineWORKING FOR THE LORDTextPage Scan
34Oh, land of rest for thee I sighWE'LL WORK TILL JESUS COMES TextPage Scan
35Alas! and did my Saviour bleedAT THE CROSSTextPage Scan
36There is a land of pure delightVARINATextPage Scan
37Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingSOFTLY AND TENDERLYTextPage Scan
38What tho' clouds are hov'ring o'er meJESUS ONLYTextPage Scan
39Sing to the Lord, to God our FatherCOME WITH REJOICINGTextPage Scan
40Brightly gleams our bannerBRIGHTLY GLEAMS OUR BANNERTextPage Scan
41A ruler once came to Jesus by nightYE MUST BE BORN AGAINTextPage Scan
42Jesus, Saviour, pilot meJESUS, SAVIOUR, PILOT METextPage Scan
43God loved the world of sinners lostWONDROUS LOVETextPage Scan
44If never the gaze of sun and moonTHE LAMB IS THE LIGHT THEREOFTextPage Scan
45I love to sit at Jesus' feetAT JESUS' FEETTextPage Scan
46More like Jesus would I beMORE ABOUT JESUSTextPage Scan
47Tell me the Old, Old storyTELL ME THE OLD, OLD STORYTextPage Scan
48I am coming to the crossI AM COMING TO THE CROSSTextPage Scan
49There's a great day comingARE YOU READY FOR THE JUDGMENT DAY?TextPage Scan
50We speak of the land of the blestWHAT MUST IT BE TO BE THERE?TextPage Scan
51Jesus, gracious One, calleth now to theeJESUS CALLS THEETextPage Scan
52I know I love Thee better, LordHALF HAS NEVER YET BEEN TOLDTextPage Scan
53Pass me not, O gentle SaviourPASS ME NOTTextPage Scan
54Safe in the arms of JesusSAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUSTextPage Scan
55When Jesus comes to reward His servantsWILL JESUS FIND US WATCHING?TextPage Scan
56Nothing but leaves! The Spirit grievesNOTHING BUT LEAVESTextPage Scan
57O daughter, take good heedTHE PALACE OF THE KINGTextPage Scan
58My life, my love I give to TheeI'LL LIVE FOR HIMTextPage Scan
59Oh, think of the home over thereTHE HOME OVER THERETextPage Scan
60There is a fountain filled with bloodTHERE IS A FOUNTAINTextPage Scan
61I love to tell the StoryI LOVE TO TELL THE STORYTextPage Scan
62Onward, Christian soldiers!"ONWARD"TextPage Scan
63"Go, work in My vineyard," There's plenty to doGO WORK IN MY VINEYARDTextPage Scan
64Father! I stretch my hands to TheeI DO BELIEVETextPage Scan
65Let us gather up the sunbeamsSCATTER SEEDS OF KINDNESSTextPage Scan
66Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wholeWHITER THAN SNOWTextPage Scan
67The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not wantHIS YOKE IS EASYTextPage Scan
68Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing[Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing]TextPage Scan
69There is a green hill far awayTHERE IS A GREEN HILL FAR AWAYTextPage Scan
70Shall we gather at the riverGATHER AT THE RIVERTextPage Scan
71Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem cameSEEKING FOR METextPage Scan
72Nearer the cross my heart can sayNEARER THE CROSSTextPage Scan
73Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!BLESSED ASSURANCETextPage Scan
74Saviour, lead me, lest I strayLEAD ME, SAVIOURTextPage Scan
75Look, ye saints, the sight is gloriousCROWN HIMTextPage Scan
76In the Royal armyIN THE ROYAL ARMYTextPage Scan
77My Jesus, I love TheeMY JESUS, I LOVE THEETextPage Scan
78Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cryTAKE ME AS I AM TextPage Scan
79There is joy among the angelsJOY IN HEAVENTextPage Scan
80There's a wideness in God's mercyTHERE IS WIDENESS IN GOD'S MERCYTextPage Scan
81I was once far away from the SaviourHE SAVED METextPage Scan
82God is near thee, therefore cheer theeCHEER THEE, SAD SOULTextPage Scan
83There is a land of pure delightI'LL BE THERETextPage Scan
84"Almost persuaded" now to believeALMOST PERSUADEDTextPage Scan
85What mean this eager, anxious throngALMOST PERSUADEDTextPage Scan
86At the feast of Belshazzar and a thousand of his lordsTHE HANDWRITING ON THE WALLTextPage Scan
87Draw near, O Christ! to meNEARER TO METextPage Scan
88Ho! reapers of life's harvestLIFE'S HARVESTTextPage Scan
89Brother, you may work for JesusCHRISTIAN'S MISSIONTextPage Scan
90Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindnessBRINGING IN THE SHEAVES!TextPage Scan
91God be with you till we meet againGOD BE WITH YOUTextPage Scan
92I've reach'd the land of corn and wineBEULAH LANDTextPage Scan
93In the early spring-timeLET THE CHILDREN COMETextPage Scan
94Beautiful the little handsBEAUTIFUL, THE LITTLE HANDSTextPage Scan
95Call'd to the feast by the King are weWHEN THE KING COMES INTextPage Scan
96Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling, gloomLEAD, KINDLY LIGHTTextPage Scan
97What can wash away my stain?NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUSTextPage Scan
98I gave my life for theeTHIS I DID FOR THEETextPage Scan
99I am now a child of GodI AM SWEEPING THROUGH THE GATETextPage Scan
100Art thou weary, art thou languidART THOU WEARY?TextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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