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Showing 301 - 350 of 494
TitleTopicsLectionary Weeks
God's Girding for WarfareChrist Anointed; Christ Confessing; Christ Power of; Christian Activity; Christians Conflicts of; Deliverance From Foes; God Adored and Exalted; God Preserver; God Works of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Missions Encouragements; Nations Conversion of; Praise For Works of Providence; Praise Of the Lord; Providence of God Over Saints; Retribution Belongs to God; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred
Ye Servants of GodExalt the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father
Luke 2:29-35 / Now Let Your ServantHoly Family; Presentation of the Lord February 2nd; Comfort; Compassion; Evening, Night; Jesus Christ; Love of God for Us; Peace; Praise; Promise of God; Prophecy; Sickness; Word of God; Gospel; Worship and Adoration
The dawn of God's dear SabbathAdoration and Worship The Lord's Day
This is the day of lightAdoration and Worship The Lord's Day
The praises of JehovahGod Adored; God Condescension of; God Greatness of ; God Majesty of; God Mercy of; God Prayer-hearing; Joy In the Lord; Praise Calls to; Praise To Jehovah; Worship Calls to
Children of the heavenly King!The Lord Jesus Christ Contemplation and Adoration
Now begin the heavenly themeThe Lord Jesus Christ Contemplation and Adoration
Hallelujah, raise, O raiseThe Lord Jesus Christ Contemplation and Adoration
Oh, could I speak the matchless worthThe Lord Jesus Christ Contemplation and Adoration
Holy RestChurch, Family of Believers; Holiness and Purity; Satan; The Lord's Day; Worship and Adoration
His Glorious NameAdoration and Praise God Our Father; Adoration and Praise Jesus Our Savior; Magnify the Lord
Angels, from the realms of gloryThe Lord Jesus Christ: His Person, Offices, and Work The Adoration of Christ
The Majesty and Glory of Your NameWorship the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father
As with gladness men of oldAdoration; Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ Birth of; Christ Epiphany of; Coming to Christ
Think About His LoveWorship the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father
Christ's universal sovereigntyAnger of God Fearful; Character Value of Good; Christ Exaltation; Christ Godhead of; Christ The Savior; Christ Worshiped; Christians Duties of; Christians Graces of; Christians Happiness of; Faith Blessedness of; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Holy; God Invisible; God the judge; God King; God Righteous; Gospel Invitations of ; Grace Growth in; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure, and Upright; Holiness; Idolatry; Joy Exhortations to; Judgment; Love To God; Missions Encouragements; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Praise For God's Holiness; Praise Of the Lord; Prayer Promises to; The Righteous Reward of; Royalty of Christ For the Salvation of His People; Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Judgment His Prerogative; Sin Hatred of; Thanksgiving Due to God; Worship Only as God Appoints
Messiah Now Has ComeChristmas Season; Epiphany of the Lord; Freedom; Hope; Jesus Christ; Messianic; Music; Peace; Redemption; Reign of God, Kingdom; Salvation; Song; Worship and Adoration
We Three Kings of Orient AreEpiphany of the Lord; Light; Offering, Giving; Paschal Mystery; Worship and Adoration
Trust and PraiseAdoration; Afflictions Comfort under; Afflictions Refuge in; Blessedness Of Those Who Trust Christ; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christ The Savior; Christ Worshiped; Christians Happiness of; Comfort in Trials; Death Of the Wicked; Glory of God In Creation; God Adored and Exalted; God Compassionate; God Creator; God Father; God Glorious; God the judge; God King; God Source of All Good; Hope in God; Life Short; Mercy of God Celebrated; Miracles; Missions Influence of; Parents and Children; Praise For God's Goodness; Praise For Temporal Mercies; Praise Of the Lord; Providence of God Over Saints; The Righteous Blessed; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Over All; Safety Enjoyed; Truth; Vanity Of Men and Riches
The comeliness of divine praiseAdoration; Afflictions Comfort under; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christ Worshiped; Christians Graces of; Godly Fear The Blessedness of; Glory of God In Creation; God Compassionate; God Glorious; God Loving and Merciful; God Omnipotent; God Source of All Good; God Works of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Privileges of; Heart Broken and Contrite; Humility; The Meek; Mercy of God Celebrated; Missions Influence of; Nature A Revelation of God; Praise For Temporal Mercies; Praise Is Pleasant; Praise Of the Lord; Providence of God Over His Creatures; Royalty of Christ Over All; Royalty of Christ Providential
The Universal Chorus of PraiseAngels; Children Piety in; Christ Worshiped; Families; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Supremacy of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Old Age; Praise By Angels; Praise By All men; Praise By Saints; Praise By the Entire Creation; Praise Calls to; Praise Of the Lord; Purposes of God; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ Over All; Royalty of Christ Will Subject the World to God
Go Ye ThereforeAscension of the Lord; Holy Orders Sacraments; Commissioning; Encouragement; Evangelization; Praise; Promise of God; Worship and Adoration
Creation's tribute to its creatorAngels; Children Piety in; Christ Worshiped; Families; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Supremacy of; Gospel Invitations of ; Old Age; Praise By Angels; Praise By All men; Praise By Saints; Praise By the Entire Creation; Praise Calls to; Praise Of the Lord; Purposes of God; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ Over All; Royalty of Christ Will Subject the World to God
The Holy Adoration of Heaven and EarthAngels; Children Piety in; Christ Worshiped; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Supremacy of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Old Age; Praise By Angels; Praise By All men; Praise By the Entire Creation; Praise Calls to; Praise Of the Lord; Purposes of God; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ Over All; Royalty of Christ Will Subject the World to God
The Anthem of JoyChrist Communion with; Christ Worshiped; Christians Happiness of; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; Gospel Invitations of ; Joy Exhortations to; The Meek; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Of the Lord; Salvation God's Gift
Jesus Shall ReignEaster Vigil ; Easter Season Resurrection; Ascension of the Lord; Christ the King; Blessing; Holy Name of Jesus; Jesus Christ; Majesty and Power; Morning; Music; Praise; Reign of God, Kingdom; Song; Worship and Adoration
Cantemos al Amor (Come Sing to God)Solemnities of the Lord Most Holy Body and Blood of christ; Solemnidades del Señor Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo; Rites of the Church Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction; Ritos de la Iglesia Adoración y Bendición Eucaristica; Alabanza; Praise; Alegría; Joy; Amor de Dios para Nosotros; Love of God for Us; Canción; Song; Comfort; Consuelo; Cordero de Dios; Lamb of God; Dar Gracias; Thanksgiving; Grace; Gracia; Jesucristo; Jesus Christ; Majestad y Poder; Majesty and Power; Petition/Prayer; Súplica/Oración; Presence of God; Presencia de Dios; Unidad; Unity
Eternal Spirit, we confessThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Father of mercies, God of loveThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Come, Sacred Spirit, from aboveThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stayThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
How helpless guilty nature liesThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Blest Comforter divine!The Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
O Holy Spirit comeThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathedThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Gracious Spirit, Love divineThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Holy Ghost, with light divineThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Oft in danger, oft in woeThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Holy Ghost, dispel our sadnessThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Saviour, I Thy word believeThe Holy Ghost - the Spirit of the Lord Contemplation and Adoration
Great God, this sacred day of thineAdoration For the Lord's Day
Praise, My Soul, the King of HeavenPraise the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father
O for a Thousand Tongues to SingPraise the Lord; Adoration and Praise Jesus Our Savior
Praise the Name of JesusPraise the Lord; Adoration and Praise Jesus Our Savior
The God of Abraham PraisePraise the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father
Luke 1:68-79 / Now Bless the God of IsraelHoly Family; Presentation of the Lord February 2nd; Comfort; Compassion; Faithfulness of God; Jesus Christ; Love of God for Us; Peace; Praise; Promise of God; Prophecy; Sickness; Word of God; Gospel; Worship and Adoration
Show TeethPraise and Adoration The Joy of the Lord
My TributeBless the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father
Our God Is Lifted UpBless the Lord; Adoration and Praise God Our Father


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