William Bengo Collyer

William Bengo Collyer
Short Name: William Bengo Collyer
Full Name: Collyer, William Bengo, 1782-1854
Birth Year: 1782
Death Year: 1854

William Bengo Collyer was born at Blackheath Hill, in 1782, and studied at Homerton College. Before completing his twentieth year he became pastor of a Congregational society at Peckham, continuing in that position through his life. He died in 1854. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1808. For many years he was one of the most popular Dissenting ministers in London. He published many hymns and some works on theology.
--Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.


Collyer, William Bengo, D.D., born at Blackheath, April 14, 1782, educated at Homerton College, where, when 16 years old, he was enrolled as a student for the ministry. At 20 he began his ministry at Peckham on Dec. 17, 1801 ordained pastor of a small church consisting of ten communicants. From 1814 to 1826 he was also pastor of a Church meeting in Salters' Hall. On June 17, 1817, a new chapel was opened for him at Peckham. There, from the time of his settlement in 1801, he laboured with great success and honour until Dec. 11, 1853, on which clay he preached for the last time. He died Jan. 8, 1854.

Dr. Collyer was eminent in his day as an eloquent Evangelical preacher, when formalism in worship, and Arianism in doctrine, prevailed. He was a man of amiable disposition, polished manners, and Christian courtesy; popular with rich and poor alike. He was the author of a series of lectures on Divine Revelation, in seven volumes: Scripture Facts, Prophecies, Miracles, Parables, Doctrines, Duties, Comparisons. Dr. Collyer compiled a hymn-book with the title, Hymns partly collected and partly original, designed as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, 1812. It was intended at first for the use of his own congregation only, and was to include many hymns composed by himself, to be sung after sermons which he had preached to them, but he was led to alter the plan. It comprises 979 hymns, 6 choruses, and 4 doxologics, arranged in groups according to their authors, and not subjects. Of this number 57 were written by Dr. Collyer, and are for the most part short descriptive or didactic poems, religious or moral essays in verse, and not hymns addressed to the Creator and Redeemer. Some of them are devoid of Christian truth, and are poems of nature or of sentiment. Some of them were written during the hard and sorrowful times of the wars of Bonaparte, and relate to famine and national calamity. Several were prepared for the public meetings of missionary and benevolent societies, which had their origin in his time. He also published Services suited to the Solemnization of Matrimony, Baptism, &c, 1837, which contained 89 of his hymns, &c.; Hymns for Israel, a Tribute of Love for God's Ancient People, 1848 (41 hymns). In Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843, there are also 39 of his compositions. Many of his pieces appeared in the Evangelical Magazine, and were also appended to his numerous published Sermons. A few of his hymns are still in common use, including. "Another fleeting day is gone"; "Assembled at Thy great command"; "O Jesu, in this solemn hour"; "O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope"; "Return, O wanderer, return," and the fine cento, "Great God, what do I see and hear."

[Rev. F. J. Faulding, D.D.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Collyer, William Bengo, p. 243, ii. The following hymns by Dr. Collyer are also in common use:—
1. Another fleeting day is gone. Evening. (1812.)
2. 0 Jesus, in this solemn hour. Reception of Church Officers. (1842.)
3. O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope. On Behalf of Orphans. In the Evangelical Magazine, 1808, p. 48.
4. See the clouds upon the mountain. Sunday Morning. (1842.)
5. Soft be the gently breathing notes. Praise to the Redeemer. (1812.)
6. Softly the shade of evening falls. Evening. (1812.) From this, “Soon shall a darker night descend" is taken.
7. Thou Prince of glory slain for me. Good Friday. (1812.)
The date 1812 is that of his Collection, and 1842 of Leifchild's Original Hymns.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Texts by William Bengo Collyer (53)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Another fleeting day is goneWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English42
Assembled at Thy great commandCollyer (Author)English102
Assembled at thine own commandCollyer (Author)4
By the thoughtless world deridedWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English8
Cease, ye mourners, cease to languishWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English119
Daughter of anguish, child of woeWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)2
Deign this union to approveWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English7
Eil! Wanderer, der Abend nahtWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)German2
Faith I need, O Lord, bestow itWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)3
Father of mercies, God of love! O hear an humble suppliant's cryCollyer (Author)English4
Father of the human raceWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English11
From his low bed of mortal dustWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)12
Great God, what do I see and hear!Wm. B. Collyer (Translator (v. 1 & 2))English77
Great God, when I approach Thy throneRev. W. B. Collyer (Translator)English2
Happy the Christian familyWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English6
Traveler, haste, the night comes onW. B. Collyer (Author)English76
High on the mount the Savior standsWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)3
I leave the world with willing feetCollyer (Author)8
I soon shall accomplish my raceWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)10
It is the voice of love divineCollier (Author)5
Jesus, Thou Shepherd of the sheep (Collyer)William Bengo Collyer (Author)English7
Join all who love the Savior's nameCollyer (Author)English1
Lord, in this dark, this awful hourWilliam B. Collyer (Author)English2
Morning breaks upon the tombWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English159
O Jesus, in this solemn hourWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English9
O thou the helpless orphan's hopeWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)13
O thou whose beams serenely brightWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)6
Oft in danger, oft in woeW. B. Collyer (Alterer)English1
On Tabor's top the Savior standsCollyer (Author)4
Return, O wanderer, now return, Thy Savior bids thee liveWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English1
Return, O wanderer, to thy homeRev. William B. Collyer (Author)English2
Return, O wanderer, return And seek an injured Father's faceCollyer (Author)English371
Round the awful tomb we standWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)2
Saints for whom the Savior bledWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English11
See the clouds upon the mountains Collyer (Author)English7
Soft be the gently breathing notesWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English55
That solemn hour will surely comeWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)4
The angels that watched round the tombWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English35
The angels watched over the tombWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)2
The dawning day at length appearsWilliam B. Collyer (Author)1
The day is far spent, the evening is nighWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)7
The night shall hear me raise my songWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)11
Think, O ye who fondly languishWilliam B. Collyer (Author)English27
Thou Prince of glory, slain for me, Breathing forgiveness in thy prayerWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)14
To the cross where Jesus diesWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)14
United prayers ascend to TheeWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English21
Wędrowcze, wróć do Ojca, wróćWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)Polish2
When bending over the brink of lifeWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English71
When dreadful o’er a mourning landWilliam B. Collyer (Alterer)English2
When I tread the mortal valeWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)5
When on the brink of deathWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)English15
Ye saints, assist me in my songWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)13
Young men exhort, the apostle saidWilliam Bengo Collyer (Author)8

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