Livesey Carrott › Tunes

Short Name: Livesey Carrott
Full Name: Carrott, Livesey, 1864-1900
Birth Year: 1864
Death Year: 1900

Born: Prob­ab­ly 1864, Bos­ton, Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.
Died: Cir­ca No­vem­ber 1900, Ken­sing­ton, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Carrott was in Skir­beck, Lin­coln­shire, in 1871. By 1881, he was in Lon­don. He played the or­gan at St. Mat­thew’s, Bays­wa­ter, West Lon­don, and at St. James’, Hol­lo­way, London.

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Tunes by Livesey Carrott (12)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
BROTHERTOFTLivesey Carrott (Composer)353721 71326 67217
CHORLEYWOODLivesey Kennington R. Carrott, 1864-1900 (Composer)613354 32315 11176
FANDIALALivesey Carrott (Composer)233333 54143 22345
[Lo, a loving friend is waiting] (Carrott)Livesey Kennington R. Carrott, 1864-1900 (Composer)235432 61712 35235
[March onward, march upward! Our banner of light]Livesey Carrott, 1867-1900 (Composer)151132 11345 56223
PARAGUAYLivesey Carrot (Composer)255515 76534 34524
PROTECTION (Carrott)Livesey Carrott (Composer)253512 11765 45653
RESTORATION (Southern Harmony)Carrot (Composer)213171 33175 77171
ROSEBURSTLivesey Carrott (Composer)215512 32171 17655
SOUTHWOOD COURTLivesey Carrott (Composer)213213 55435 17765
ST. MATTHEW'S, BAYSWATERLivesey Carrott (Composer)251532 11653 42712
TABERNACLE (Carrott)Livesey Carrott (Composer)255153 54332 65435
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