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R. Michael Cullinan
Short Name: R. Michael Cullinan
Full Name: Cullinan, R. Michael, 1937-
Birth Year: 1937

Robert George Cullinan
[Michael Cullinan]

Born: November 22, 1937, Dear­born, Mi­chi­gan.

Cullinan pre­pared for the min­is­try of the Lu­ther­an Church - Mis­sou­ri Synod at Con­co­rdia The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary in Spring­field, Il­li­nois. He was or­dained in 1964, and served par­ish­es both in Os­we­go, Kan­sas, and West­land, Mi­ch­igan.

After half a dozen years as a Lu­ther­an pas­tor, he left the par­ish min­is­try to work on a mas­ter’s de­gree in Guid­ance and Coun­sel­ing at Wayne State Un­i­ver­si­ty in De­troit, Mi­ch­igan. He con­tin­ued with post-Mas­ter’s cours­es there, and served on the ac­a­dem­ic fa­cul­ty.

Cullinan con­tin­ued to feel drawn to the min­is­try, though, even af­ter a de­cade or so in ac­a­dem­ia. That sense of call­ing and a cer­tain wan­der­lust en­ticed him west, where he joined a small Church of the East mon­as­tery in south­ern Cal­i­for­nia. There he was or­dained as a priest on the Feast of the Dor­mi­tion, Au­gust 15, 1982, and took the re­li­gious name of Mi­chael.

That com­mun­i­ty ul­tim­ate­ly dis­band­ed, and sev­er­al years later, Cul­li­nan and other priests or­gan­ized the Ho­ly In­car­na­tion Mon­as­te­ry in Al­pine, Cal­i­for­nia. This small group of bro­thers in­volved it­self in the min­is­try of pray­er and char­it­a­ble serv­ices. Cul­li­nan him­self worked among de­vel­op­ment­al­ly dis­a­bled adults. Af­ter a few years in Al­pine, it be­came evi­dent Cal­i­forn­ia was too ex­pens­ive a place for those few monks to live fru­gal­ly, and the mon­as­tery dis­band­ed.

Cullinan stayed in the San Di­e­go area for a cou­ple of years, liv­ing the life of an asce­tic on Mount Pal­o­mar. In 1993, he left for Or­e­gon, where he be­gan work­ing among adults with de­vel­op­ment­al dis­a­bil­i­ties. Dur­ing this time, he wrote sev­er­al hymns while serv­ing as priest for a lo­cal Ang­li­can par­ish.


Texts by R. Michael Cullinan (8)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Come, Lord Jesus, our RedeemerR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
Holy Father, God almightyR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God in Heaven--on earth adoredR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, Bearing such a heavy loadR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
O Lord, our God, in adorationR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
On this night, most holy, in circumstance lowlyR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
Our Father's love, so vast and boundlessR. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
While the world awaited God’s redeeming love—R. Michael Cullinan (Author)English2
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