Macon Delevan › Hymnals

Macon Delevan
Short Name: Macon Delevan
Full Name: Delavan, Macon, 1932-1995
Birth Year: 1932
Death Year: 1995

[Erin Macon Delavan, Jr.]

Born: Sep­tem­ber 7, 1932.
Died: Jan­u­ary 15, 1995, Tul­sa, Ok­la­ho­ma.
Buried: Me­mor­ial Park Cem­e­tery, Tul­sa, Ok­la­ho­ma.

Son of Erin Ma­con De­la­van, Sr. and Ed­na May Johns­ton, Ma­con was a per­form­er and ed­u­cat­or. His last teach­ing po­si­tion was at Or­al Ro­berts Un­i­ver­si­ty, Tul­sa, Ok­la­ho­ma.

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