Ella Allen Edmiaston › Texts

Short Name: Ella Allen Edmiaston
Full Name: Edmiaston, Ella Allen
Birth Year: 1882
Death Year: 1955

Ella Allen Edmiaston [Mrs. B. B. Edmiaston] (1882-1955)
Born: Ap­ril 21, 1882, Ken­tucky.

Died: Jan­u­ary 8, 1955, Coke Coun­ty, Tex­as.
Buried: Fair­view Cem­e­te­ry, Bronte, Tex­as.
Ella mar­ried Ber­nard Bates Ed­mi­as­ton, bro­ther of Wal­ter Ed­mi­as­ton, in 1905.

1.Are You Work­ing?


Texts by Ella Allen Edmiaston (16)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Are you working for the Master, Are you toiling day by day?Mrs. B. B. Admiaston (Author)English8
Do you walk with the Lord in the light of His wordE. A. E. (Author)English1
Give thought to the seed that you sow on the wayElla A. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am on my way to the land of day (Edmiaston)Mrs. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am thinking today of the far away homeElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English2
In summer's heat, in winter's coldElla A. Edmiaston (Author)2
Jesus sought me when a stranger, Burdened with a load of careElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lift me higher, blessed JesusElla A. Edmiaston (Author)2
Look to Jesus, dying sinnerElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English2
My faith in Jesus, the solid RockElla A. Edmiaston (Author)2
O Master of the winds and watersElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English5
Sing songs of love, of peace and joyElla A. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The Savior's love, his matchless loveElla A. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is a stairway built by GodElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's joyous contentment, while walking each dayElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the clouds hang heavy over youElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English2
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