Charles Price Jones › Tunes

Charles Price Jones
Short Name: Charles Price Jones
Full Name: Jones, Charles Price, 1865-1949
Birth Year: 1865
Death Year: 1949

Charles Price Jones born December 9, 1865, near Rome, Georgia. He grew up in Kingston, Georgia, and attended the Baptist church. He was converted in 1884 while living in Cat Island, Arkansas. In 1885 he was called to the ministry and began preaching. In 1888 he attended Arkansas Baptist College and taught school in Grant County, Arkansas. He preached and pastored several Baptist churches. After asking God for a deeper experience of grace and fasting and praying for three days, Jones experienced a closeness with God, and in 1895, along with other Baptist holiness adherents, who taught that a second work of grace can cleanse the Christian of original sin. They started a holiness movement in the Baptist church, and he began teaching holiness in his congregation, Mount Helm Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi. He faced much opposition from some members of his congregation and other Baptist churches. Eventually the church voted to remove "Baptist" and change it to "Church of Christ." For several years, Jones led a non-denominational holiness movement. In 1899 he began to write songs for his church. Most of his hymns were inspired by a scripture passage. The congregation built the Christ Temple campus which included a 1000 seat sanctuary, a printing press, a school building, and a girl's dormitory. In 1917, Jones organized Christ Temple Church in Los Angeles and moved the printing press there. He died January 19, 1949 in Los Angeles

Dianne Shapiro, from Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A. website and "Charles Price Jones (1865-1949) Religious Leader" by David Daniels, Mississippi Encyclopedia website (both accessed 10/9/2020)

Wikipedia Biography

Charles Price Jones Sr. (December 9, 1865 – January 19, 1949) was an American religious leader and hymnist. He was the founder of the Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A.

Tunes by Charles Price Jones (255)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
A CHRISTMAS MELODY (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255321 21216 56711
[Abound in hope, in hope, the guiding star]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234535 35353 13455
[After thy grace, O Lord, I press]Charles P. Jones (Composer)511113 16512 21233
[Alas! and did my Savior bleed] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)234556 51235 66721
[And did my Savior die for me]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213334 56532 22311
[Another day of holy service]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255555 65155 55554
[Are we waiting for the coming of the Lord]Charles P. Jones (Composer)254545 45454 53335
[Are you a Christian, little friend?]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251513 21567 13321
[Are you weary, needing rest]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211156 71222 17653
[Arrayed in white garments all shining with gold]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251765 43176 55111
[As I am running this race of life]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255556 71112 22212
AWAKE (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211123 45653 55432
[Be of good cheer, the Lord of hosts]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256716 53217 65645
[Beautiful story of Jesus who died]Charles P. Jones (Composer)254532 11765 55543
[Behold, I stand at the door, and knock] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)251115 12333 71222
[Belov'd of all the saints most dear]Charles P. Jones (Composer)254315 42765 47654
[Bless the day, bless the day]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233133 13465 43211
[Bless the Lord! Bless the Lord] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)212312 31233 21354
[Bless the Lord, O Soul of mine]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232176 51665 17121
[Blessed are they His commandments who keep]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253517 65653 43426
[Blow! blow! blow]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211111 15321 11765
[Blow, ye winds of chill November]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211765 43253 11176
BOOKER (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255651 72155 65123
[Built on the Rock, not on the sand]Charles P. Jones (Composer)455453 16555 45123
[Calling us deeper still into His perfect will]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256711 13215 43555
CHRISTMAS CAROL (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)234556 53156 77165
[Come, come to Jesus] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)217653 11765 33211
[Come to the Savior, ye children of men]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253332 11765 54443
[Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed]Charles P. Jones (Composer)3633345 31176 54465
[Consecrated, Lord to Thee] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)233432 31556 54323
[Dark the days and long the journey]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232116 56153 32132
[Dear Lord, we join with Thee in prayer]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234565 34565 34565
[Death hath no terrors for the blood-bought one] (Jones)Charles Price Jones (Composer)1151111 76532 51111
[Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)4553153 33216 51712
[Do you know why I love Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234556 71171 25123
[Do you know why I love the Lord so well]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234532 17615 34554
[Drink, O drink the fount is flowing]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251321 65351 32352
[Ever, ever onward, banners flying]Charles P. Jones (Composer)334565 31765 34565
[Fade, fade, each earthly joy] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)254321 61721 54321
[Farewell! farewell! farewell]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211356 55313 21511
[Farewell! goodbye! 'tis sad from friends to part]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255653 12165 11353
[Fear not! fear not]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211544 32123 22171
FISHER (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)251234 56531 22123
GAINES (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)311117 65355 55423
GAYNORCharles P. Jones (Composer)211355 45655 67135
[Glorious gath'ring of the ransomed]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256511 71221 23216
GLORIOUS NAME (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255315 51123 12217
[Glory! glory! my dear Savior has shown mercy to my soul]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255112 23344 55123
[God calls for volunteers to fight]Charles P. Jones (Arranger)232133 23132 13155
[God forbid that I should glory only in the cross of Christ]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256543 21356 53132
[God is my portion, saith my soul]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251116 53151 11712
[God moves in a mysterious way] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255431 76535 52543
[God's ways are ever right]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234321 23322 32132
[Hail, hail, ye sons of men]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251356 53324 71513
[Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)254316 65431 66543
[Hallelujah! Jesus saves me] (White)Charles P. Jones (Harmonizer)256532 32156 53432
[Have faith in God, my brother] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)251176 51655 42351
[Have you learned the precious secret of the Holy Spirit's pow'r]Charles P. Jones (Composer)254333 33211 11223
[He that observeth the winds shall not sow]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211117 65353 16276
[Hear, O hear the Holy Spirit, as He tells the Savior's merit]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)2
[Hear, O ye children of the Lord]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253451 32116 71653
[Hear you not the Savior calling, pleading, pleading]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212345 67155 31123
[Hide me, O Savior, holy and true]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)211131 21651 11221
[Hold us, Savior, to Thy will]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211335 65113 32123
[Holiness Thy house becomes]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255533 21225 43455
[Holy! Holy! Holy] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)233551 13322 16677
[Holy Saviour, day by day]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251353 21165 15325
[How great the mercy of our King]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213332 16512 22123
[How long, O Lord, how long] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255135 11765 65317
[How long outside wilt thou have Me stand]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251116 65351 22512
[I am on my way to glory, to the mansions bright]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234554 56512 33337
[I am resting, Lord, Thy promised grace upon]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234515 65545 33451
[I am so glad I've believed on the Savior]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255555 55556 54444
[I am walking in the highway] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)212333 33211 22171
[I am wholly sanctified]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232112 23445 64433
[I believe it, yes, I'll trust Him]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212343 31312 34321
[I care not for riches, I care not for fame]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233445 35176 55171
[I've found the Savior who died for man]Charles P. Jones (Composer)413332 11655 11122
[I have surrendered to Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)353517 65355 35543
[I have tarried for the power of the Holy Ghost]C. P. Jones (Composer)555111 11567 11112
[I have the Witness burning in my soul]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233332 12165 17712
[I love Thy kingdom, Lord] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)254565 13234 31111
[I never shall forget that day]Charles P. Jones (Arranger)335553 55555 55557
[I once was a self-banished soul from the Lord]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251111 11333 31222
[I want to be filled with the Spirit of glory]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251113 33555 65111
[I was as glad as I could be]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255516 54355 52171
[I was glad when they said unto me] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)234513 45134 53451
[I will make the darkness light before thee]Charles Price Jones (Composer)1555111 23155 55111
[I will not yield to the tempter]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213332 31513 32121
[If the Lord has justified you]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232113 45112 13211
[If you would be a pillar in the church of God]Charles P. Jones (Composer)511351 76543 21556
[I'll bring my cause unto the throne of grace]Charles Price Jones (Composer)251131 21615 51131
[I'll go all the way with my Savior]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)413333 22151 77712
[I'm nearing the city, so fair and bright]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255543 11767 15555
[I'm pressing on my way to glory]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)313333 45653 22231
[I'm trusting Jesus, yes I am]Charles P. Jones (Composer)235653 12332 23213
[In the carnal state of sin and fear]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234531 56426 77165
[In the meekness of the Spirit]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255151 23234 53132
[In the secret of Thy presence I will hide]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232111 11512 34322
[In the upper room they tarried]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234516 15313 32123
[In the valley of decision, are you standing there today]Charles P. Jones (Composer)231533 15342 55321
[In thee, hallelujah! in Thee, O God]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212333 32135 51122
[In these days of sin and peril as the end of time draws near]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212317 65312 35421
[In those regions of bright glory]Charles P. Jones (Composer)313555 55613 55565
[Is thy life too good for Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234517 65171 22123
[It is all on Jesus, yes indeed]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212331 61655 11313
[It was early Sunday morning]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234517 65326 75153
MCANALLY (51111)Charles P. Jones (Composer)251111 76551 11712
[I've a message of salvation sent from God to man]Charles Price Jones (Composer)212343 12312 16512
[I've believed the true report]Charles Price Jones (Composer)1634555 55321 17653
[I've determined to obey my Lord]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234513 12161 75671
[I've received a mighty blessing from above]Charles P. Jones (Harmonizer)255112 23342 55511
[I've tasted the sweets of forgiveness and peace]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253231 11176 55171
[Jesus came from heav'n, and for our sins He died]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256545 32176 55654
[Jesus Christ is made to me]Charles Price Jones (Composer)2411151 23322 23111
[Jesus has told us to proclaim]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251324 31535 56553
[Jesus, I love Thee, O how I love Thee]C. P. Jones (Composer)333451 32116 17653
[Jesus is calling, sinner, to you]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211131 17651 71222
[Jesus is the only way]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253215 44572 43532
[Jesus, Jesus, I would be]Charles P. Jones (Composer)112123 23135 12325
[Jesus, Jesus! wonderful name of salvation and holiness]C. P. Jones (Composer)3
[Jesus, my Savior, I love and adore Thee]Charles Price Jones, 1865-1949 (Composer)611132 11766 51113
[Jesus only is my motto]Charles P. Jones (Composer)334311 21616 51232
[Jesus Savior, I have turned to Thee]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255112 21711 65355
[Jesus the strong man has bound for us all]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211111 13215 54313
JONES (Charles P. Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)2
JUBILEE TUNECharles P. Jones (Composer)211333 33113 33211
[When judgment day is drawing nigh]Charles P. Jones (Composer)1751133 11316 65511
[Judgment is coming, sinner]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232153 76765 55355
[Lead us, O Lord, nor let us stray]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255465 11235 54651
[Let us press a little farther on the way]Charles P. Jones (Composer)216551 23322 11655
[Life itself is very brief]Charles P. Jones (Arranger)332113 45556 64617
[List! there's a stranger knocking at the door!]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253451 17767 52346
[List to the sound of the trumpet]C. P. Jones (Composer)4
[Lost in the wilderness]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232154 37321 32154
LOVE (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211111 22223 31123
[Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)215151 32153 15345
[Marching on with armor bright]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213555 65351 11211
MOISECharles P. Jones (Composer)217123 23456 53212
[More like Jesus I would be] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)215651 32111 65132
[Mourn on, ye strangers long oppress'd]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234553 21651 22123
[My eyes are on the mountain top]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)1251116 54351 12235
[My God, the spring of all my joys] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)251234 56543 34215
[My heart is all on fire]Charles Price Jones (Composer)213343 21355 63551
[My hopes are placed on high] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)251123 16121 65513
[My soul, O Lord, doth thirst for Thee]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213556 51765 13554
[My soul, O Lord, is much distressed]Charles P. Jones (Composer)351131 16551 11313
["None but Christ," my soul is crying]Charles P. Jones (Composer)355513 33455 65321
[Nothing doth so rejoice the heart]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255653 17121 55653
[O behold the harvest field! what a rich and golden yield]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234555 51345 55513
[O brother, is thy pathway drear]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251112 34513 34312
[O come, come, come]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232111 32111 35555
[O come, let us walk in the Light of God]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234555 56711 17122
[O do not falter, sinful one]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251113 16512 21231
[O do not let the word depart] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)234543 15431 76521
[O go and fall to Jesus! go, call upon His name]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213332 11766 16513
[O God, command Thy people's strength]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251231 54312 21655
[O God, we pray to be like Thee]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232155 55651 17655
[O helpless sinner, born to die] (57571)Charles P. Jones (Arranger)157571 54557 57146
[O how sad to have lived as did Israel of old]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212372 15566 21653
[O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232311 51111 24335
[O Jerusalem, get you out of the dust]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232155 71222 23212
[O Jesus, the Savior, I plead unto Thee]Charles P. Jones (Composer)215655 43232 13565
[O my gentle, loving Savior]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234513 21534 51712
[O sinner, hear the clarion cry]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255311 21235 61171
[O soul beset with sorrows deep]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213171 23111 12254
[O tell me, tell me, do you know the Lord]Charles P. Jones (Composer)253344 32165 34551
[O the night is past and the morn doth shine]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255553 22165 55551
[O the wretched, wretched state]Charles P. Jones (Composer)254345 31176 17655
[O what can little children do]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251332 21171 25123
[O what happy ones are we]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232171 23321 71233
[Of the mansions bright and fair]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234554 53321 16155
[Oft times when in God's furnace]Charles P. Jones (Composer)235545 65355 45351
[O how I love the narrow way]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213332 13532 22212
OKOLONACharles P. Jones (Composer)256535 61332 12345
OLD PLANTATION SONGCharles P. Jones (Composer)212333 32113 55532
OLD SOUTHERN MELODY (16535)Charles P. Jones (Arranger)216535 55355 31531
[Once a leper came to Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213554 56513 55453
[Our little band is weak and few]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213331 32132 25435
PASTOR WILLIAMSCharles P. Jones (Composer)251113 16512 22213
PATTERSON (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211213 32123 13453
PEEPLESCharles P. Jones (Composer)232153 32165 32153
PERFECTIONCharles P. Jones (Composer)235653 12135 65323
PLEA OF PENITENCECharles P. Jones (Composer)211234 32354 32432
[Praise Him, praise Him all ye nations]Charles P. Jones (Composer)533321 65171 22123
[Praise waiteth for Thee] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211235 55555 11235
[Praise ye the Lord] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211111 11133 32155
[Praise ye the Lord in faith and hope forever]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233331 21765 17712
[Pray, pray, pray] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255153 12334 32244
[Precious Saviour, I implore Thee]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256711 32116 17651
PRINCEPSCharles P. Jones (Composer)255171 53242 17166
[Reap what we sow! O solemn thought]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211115 54333 21323
[Rivers of living water flow]C. P. Jones (Composer)233344 55344 23133
[Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211111 11111 31567
[Scattered and lost have My people long been]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233332 15553 11154
[Sick of sin, I come, O Savior]Charles Price Jones (Composer)255651 23155 65432
SIMMONS (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211113 17134 43554
[Sing, sing the new song]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255565 17654 34555
[Sinner, look to Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211111 53333 31555
SOUTHERN MELODYCharles P. Jones (Composer)351117 51651 11751
ST. PAUL (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)255511 32133 36756
[Sweet sounds of glory greet mine ears]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213333 23132 22212
[Tell me pray tell me, what profit 'twill be]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232343 21712 22261
[Tell the Savior all about it]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211176 55553 53543
[The Lord in perfect peace will keep]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251654 32116 52654
[The word of God is holy]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234556 51512 21231
[There is a land of peace and joy]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213231 21235 67171
[There is a river, there is a river]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213451 43215 51111
[There is no peace to the conscience defiled]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212355 56715 55544
[There is nothing in the world like Jesus]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)612333 33121 34565
[There is sunshine beaming in my soul today]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212333 21234 35653
[There shall be showers of blessing] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)211132 16511 12123
[There's a fountain of blood that is flowing] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)232111 11176 55165
[There's a happy day at hand, Hallelujah!]Charles P. Jones (Composer)432113 45655 13211
[There's a happy time a-coming, there's a happy time a-coming] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)234565 43555 11176
[There's liberty in Christ for thee]Charles P. Jones (Composer)231113 55556 65543
[There's an humble, blood-washed band]Charles P. Jones (Arranger)256711 13111 13333
[There's coming a time when all who have journeyed]Charles P. Jones (Composer)235553 53213 55432
[There's in the house of David now a fountain]C. P. Jones (Composer)233455 65671 53234
[There's nothing so precious as Jesus to me] (Jones)Chas. P. Jones (Composer)3251113 21176 55111
ASCENSIUSCharles P. Jones (Arranger)153535 35565 432
[Thou camest once nor had a home]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256516 54354 32435
[Trust in Jesus, never, never fear]Charles P. Jones (Composer)231313 21217 12321
[Trusting Thee, whatever betide]C. P. Jones (Composer)712312 16512 31212
VIRGIN (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)456513 16512 21231
[Washed in the blood, by the Spirit sealed]C. P. Jones (Composer)1455653 45136 66216
[Watch, O my soul! be on thy guard]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255453 21176 55671
[We have come into the presence]Charles P. Jones (Composer)232117 65546 55423
[What are you going to do about Jesus?]Chas. P. Jones (Composer)255556 71116 52222
[What means this eager, anxious throng] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)235316 53555 32465
SNOWDEN (Robertson)Charles Jones (Composer)133333 44432 22254
[When near to the grave draws the soul of man]Charles P. Jones (Composer)234555 56711 17122
[When pangs of death seized on my soul]Charles P. Jones (Composer)4613555 65331 22123
[When the Lord to heav'n ascended]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255536 55444 42543
[When the overflowing scourge is passing swiftly o'er the land]Charles P. Jones (Composer)235117 21535 11721
[When the toils of life are done]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255651 23221 17653
[When we all were weak and wandering, last in darkest night]Charles P. Jones (Arranger)234565 45132 32134
[When you start for the land of eternal day]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255122 34455 31112
[Where Jesus sets the wedding feast]Charles P. Jones (Arranger)232116 51131 22212
[Who believes upon the Savior, who believes?]C. P. Jones (Composer)254345 51512 35434
[Who has borne my sin and shame]Charles P. Jones (Composer)215123 45513 12115
[Who in the secret place doth abide]Charles P. Jones (Composer)213217 65451 22254
[Who is on the Lord's side] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)212345 34257 11234
[Who was it found me when I was lost]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233313 21651 11222
[Who would not sing of such a King]Charles P. Jones (Composer)251234 56513 34325
[Why art thou cast down, O my soul] (Jones)Charles P. Jones (Composer)254565 45343 26533
[Why should I live, O Lord]Charles P. Jones (Composer)256712 34671 55671
[Win the precious souls to Jesus]Charles P. Jones (Composer)255113 21655 11312
[Woe to the prophets]Charles P. Jones (Composer)517653 51112 12313
[Woe, woe, woe to the rebellious children]Charles P. Jones (Composer)215356 71231 26712
[Wonderful cleansing in Jesus' blood]Charles P. Jones (Composer)211133 35651 11352
[Ye blind that sit beside the way]Charles P. Jones (Composer)254333 56616 55654
[Yes, I hear my Savior calling]Charles P. Jones (Composer)212333 33213 55555
[Yo sé que me ama Jesús]P. Jones (Composer)253215 61754 32
[Yonder are the golden gates]Charles P. Jones (Composer)233445 53543 21334

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