John Kent › Hymnals

John Kent
Short Name: John Kent
Full Name: Kent, John, 1766-1843
Birth Year: 1766
Death Year: 1843

Kent, John, was born at Bideford, Devonshire, Dec. 1766, and died Nov. 15, 1843. As a working shipwright his opportunities for acquiring the education and polish necessary for the production of refined verse were naturally limited. His hymns are strongly worded, very earnest and simple, and intensely Calvinistic. A few were published in Samuel Reece's Collection, 1799. The first edition of his Collection of Original Gospel Hymns, was published in 1803, and the 10th edition, with "The Author's Experience," in verse, 264 hymns, 15 longer pieces, and a Life by his Son in 1861. The Calvinistic teaching so prominent in his hymns has restricted their use to a limited number of collections. The greatest use made of them in modern hymnbooks has been by Mr. Spurgeon (Our Own Hymn Book, 1866) and Mr. Snepp (Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872). In the following list the dates in brackets indicate the dates of publication:—
1. Before the Almighty began (1841). Election.
2. Betroth'd in love, ere time began (1803). Election.
3. Christ exalted is our song (1803). Christ the sin tier's Surety.
4. Come saints, and sing in sweet accord (1803). Stability of the Covenant.
5. Hark, how the blood-bought host above (1803). Election.
6. How sweet the notes of yonder choir (1841). Christmas.
7. In types and shadows we are told (1803). Pardon.
8. Indulgent God, how kind (1803). Electing Love.
9. Let Zion in her songs record (1803). Pardon--Grace exalted.
10. Love was the great self-moving cause (1803). Free Grace.
11. Precious is the Name of Jesus (1841). The Precious Name.
12. Salvation by grace, how charming the song (1803). Free Grace.
13. Saved from the damning power of sin (1803). Eternal Love.
14. Sons of God, in tribulation (1803). Affliction.
15. Sons of peace, redeemed by blood (1803). Good Friday.
16. Sovereign grace o'er sin abounding (1827). Perseverance of the faint.
17. 'Tis the Church triumphant singing (1803). Praise.
18. 'Twas not to make Jehovah's love (1803). Election.
19. 'Twas with an everlasting love (1803). Election.
20. What cheering words are these (1803). Safety in God.
21. With David's Lord, and ours (1803). The Divine Covenant.

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

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