Rodolfo Gaedo Neto › Recommendations

Rodolfo Gaedo Neto
Short Name: Rodolfo Gaedo Neto
Full Name: Neto, Rodolfo Gaedo, 1951-
Birth Year: 1951

Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Gaede Neto is pastor of IECLB and Ph.D. in Practical Theology.

He was born on July 26, 1951, in Itueta / MG, as their son Charles Hermann Ludwig Gaede and Hilda Dummer Gaede. Erli Mansk He married and is the father of Eva Emilia Mansk Gaede and Sara Mansk Gaede. He currently resides in São Leopoldo, RS.

Rodolfo attended the Lutheran Gymnasium Diacônico in Serra Pelada / ES. Then he took a course of secondary education in the Normal School Evangelical in Ivoti / RS. Then went to the Faculty of Theology in São Leopoldo / RS. Post-graduated with Masters and PhD at the School of Theology in São Leopoldo / RS.

Exercised Pastoral Ministry from 1979 - 1985 in the Parish of Alto Jatibocas, municipality Itarana in ES, and 1985 - 1987 in the Parish of St. John Carboy, Santa Maria de Jetibá also in ES.

From 1987 - 1996 he served in the Lutheran Association Diacônica (ADL) in Serra Pelada, municipality of Afonso Claudio, in ES, and general director of this institution between 1993 and 1996.

Since 2003 he holds the position of Professor of Practical Theology ns School of Theology (now Colleges EST), São Leopoldo / RS. Furthermore, from 2007 until today, is also coordinator of the Bachelor of Theology EST. And coordinator of vocal group Anima.

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