J. W. Randolph › Tunes

Short Name: J. W. Randolph
Full Name: Randolph, J. W.
Birth Year: 1842

James Weldon Randolph was born October 15, 1842, at Philadelphia, Pa. He attended Northern Liberty and James Bird's Schools. He has given special study to the subjects of music, French, German and Spanish, and received the D.D. degree from Paul Quinncollege. He was converted in 1863 and joined the A. M.E. Chruch the same year. He was licensed to preach and was ordained deacon in 1870 and elder in 1871 at Columbus, Ga. He has held appointments in George, Arkansas, Texas, California, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.

From Centennial Encyclpaedia of the African Methodist Episcopal Church by Richard R. Wright, Jr. and John R. Hawkins (Philadelphia: 1916)

Tunes by J. W. Randolph (70)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
ADVOCATE (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255543 33321 66653
[Ah! guilty sinner, ruined by transgression] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)253453 21766 21765
ALLEN (Randolph)Dr. J. W. Randolph (Composer)653212 57651
[Angels roll the stone away] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)212345 55555 53166
ARMOR (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255225 43365 45655
[As down in the sunless retreat of the ocean] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)213333 21135 65133
[Away to the water of life]J. W. R. (Composer)255555 65355 55565
BALMOREL (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)254334 51743 22346
[Behold thy King, O Zion]J. W. R. (Composer)213213 54232 21765
CANTON (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)212712 34277 12123
CHAMP (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251531 35132 32176
[Chant] (Randolph 11171)J. W. Randolph (Composer)111171 12313 56176
[Christians are you waiting for the Savior]J. W. R. (Composer)255555 43451 11111
[Come and unite all your voices and raise]J. W. R. (Composer)233354 32346 55531
EGYPT (Randolph)J. W. Randolph (Composer)135613 21333 44534
EXALTATION (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)313516 65556 21654
FARM-HOUSEJ. W. R. (Composer)253455 66527 56455
[Father in heaven, lo before Thee kneeling]J. W. R. (Composer)256535 56554 33332
GENTILITY (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251324 31135 46531
[God doth not leave His own] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251232 11444 44453
[Hallelujah, best and sweetest] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255533 33123 44332
[Hark, sinner, while God from in high doth entreat thee] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)215543 32171 55513
[Hear my prayer, O Lord] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)234321 76567 12323
HODLYJ. W. R. (Composer)234511 65116 53321
[How beautiful the sight]J. W. R. (Composer)253554 42354 33234
[How honored, how dear is that sacred abode] (Randolph)J. W. Randolph (Composer)212333 32345 23435
[I will praise Him, I will praise Him] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251321 56165 12432
LULA (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)217153 67134 32176
MACBETH (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)213212 33543 21132
MANTEO (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)253135 16542 35423
[March forth to the conflict ye soldiers for Jesus]J. W. R. (Composer)255555 11212 31567
[Mark the soft falling snow] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)212333 45556 53123
MOSSELLJ. W. R. (Composer)213513 33117 65416
MT. TABOR (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)234345 43456 43464
[Must Simon bear the cross alone] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251121 76513 12672
[My God, I am Thine] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)234531 62342 65345
[My rest is in heaven, my home is not here]J. W. R. (Composer)213333 11556 53133
[No night shall be in heaven! no gathering gloom] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255565 31616 15566
[No sickness there] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Arranger)255345 11666 16655
[O the value of that word]J. W. R. (Composer)212333 33215 12333
[O when shall I see Jesus] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)234556 55332 34533
[O where shall the soul find relief from its foes] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)234565 51232 34571
[Our Father, who art in heaven] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)211777 71177 77713
[Peace, peace, on earth, the heart of man forever] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)256717 12176 65321
[Peacefully, tenderly] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)211132 11234 32225
PLYMOUTH (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251135 65122 32756
REEDY'S CHAPPELLJ. W. R. (Composer)217143 23231 71666
[Saved by faith, saved by faith, in the blood of Jesus]J. W. R. (Composer)234567 17654 65345
SECTION (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)234512 16765 56533
[Shepherd of souls I wait for Thee]J. W. R. (Composer)233332 15553 34565
ST. JOSEPH (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)231513 21715 31354
[Star of Redemption, Star of renown]J. W. R. (Composer)255553 32126 44444
[The church has waited long] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)251132 14431 27151
[The night cometh on and our race is most run]J. W. R. (Composer)234555 54566 66217
[There is a fountain filled with blood] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)254567 17123 32221
[Through the love of God our Savior] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)233321 65121 23555
TIVIOLAJ. W. R. (Composer)253216 54571 23133
TRIBUTE (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)253423 12713 42312
WALTER (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)211172 22132 35432
WARD (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)253217 67121 76621
[Welcome, delightful morn] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)213135 53422 53131
[When Jordan hushed her waters still] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255316 53234 23465
[When silent night spreads its mantle of darkness]J. W. R. (Composer)256533 33335 42125
[When the Lord shall appear in His glory]J. W. R. (Composer)211323 43453 36661
[Where the martyrs wave their palms of victory bright]J. W. R. (Composer)255554 56535 16666
[While with ceaseless course the sun] (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)233432 23216 21712
WILBERFORCE (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255132 17652 23454
[Chant] (Randolph 33212)J. W. R. (Composer)233212 36165 71
WRIGHT (Randolph)J. W. R. (Composer)255123 21565 55231
[Yes, lay his form beneath the sod]J. W. R. (Composer)256551 23216 71212
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