Cyril C. Richardson › Tunes

Short Name: Cyril C. Richardson
Full Name: Richardson, Cyril Charles, 1909-1976
Birth Year: 1909
Death Year: 1976

Richardson, Cyril Charles. (London, England, 1909--November 16, 1976, New York City). Anglican. University of Saskatchewan, B.A., 1930; L.Th., 1931; Union Theological Seminary, S.T.M., 1932; Th.D., 1934. Professor of church history at Union, 1935-1974, also dean of graduate studies, 1954-1974. Author and editor of many books and articles in his chosen field. Considering how drought, storms, and economic depression combined to ravage the Canadian prairies all through the 1930s, Richardson's writing of the hymn "God of the prairies" and its inclusion in the 1938 Book of Common Praise, must both have been acts of great faith and hope.

--Hugh D. McKellar, DNAH Archives

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