Ellis Short › Tunes

Short Name: Ellis Short
Full Name: Short, Ellis
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Ellis Short (29)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[As we journey through this life, with its sin and its strife]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[As you walk the narrow way, pressing onward day by day]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[Brother, if you are sad, gone all the joy you had]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)365356 52123 21656
[Happy on the road that leads to glory]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)211556 35653 55113
[I am delighted with my precious Friend]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[I am happy as on I travel]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[If you're groping in sin and its deep sorrow]Mr. Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[I'm happy and free since I started living for God and right]Ellis Short (Composer)255653 56563 21123
[I'm happy each day, along this bright way]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[In this land of sin and sadness]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)212333 23532 11232
[In this world of sin and sorrow, when the cross is hard to bear]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[In this world of sin and strife, as we travel each day]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[I've got the love of Jesus away down in my heart]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)253235 31321 12153
[Jesus came to this world from heaven, gave His life to reveal God's love]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)235111 76531 23323
[Like a flower in bloom we soon fade away]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[My heart resounds with joy that nothing can annoy]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[Once a stranger I wandered in darkness of sin]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[Once I was lost, a slave to my sin, lonely was I, no comfort within]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)456533 56533 23213
[Once in sin I had wandered, drifting farther in darkness]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)4
[Since the blessed Savior came into this world of sin and shame]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)212334 43234 55465
[Some glad day I'm going to mansions in the sky]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[The love of God was shown on Calvary]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[There are many that are wandering out in the cold]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)255556 76533 33254
[There is a city, bright and fair, beyond the crystal sea]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)235555 65556 11653
[There is a land of love beside the crystal sea]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[There is a place of gladness beyond the starry sky]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[There's a land of fadeless beauty across the mystic sea]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)2
[Wake up, reapers, see the harvest is white]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)233323 45653 21612
[When the time comes, yes, when the time comes]Ellis Short, Jr. (Composer)211356 51565 31335
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