Henry Hallam Tweedy › Tunes

Henry Hallam Tweedy
Short Name: Henry Hallam Tweedy
Full Name: Tweedy, Henry Hallam, 1868-1953
Birth Year: 1868
Death Year: 1953

Born: Au­gust 5, 1868, Bing­ham­ton, New York.
Died: Ap­ril 11, 1953, Brat­tle­bo­ro, Ver­mont.
Buried: Moun­tain View Cem­e­tery, New Fair­field, Con­nec­ti­cut.

Tweedy at­tend­ed Phil­lips An­do­ver Acad­e­my, Yale Un­i­ver­si­ty (BA & MA), Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary, and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin. Or­dained a Con­gre­ga­tion­al­ist min­is­ter in 1898, he pas­tored at Ply­mouth Church, Uti­ca, New York (1892-1902), and South Church, Bridge­port, Con­nec­ti­cut (1902-09). He then be­came Pro­fess­or of Hom­i­le­tics at Yale Di­vin­i­ty School (1909-37). He taught lit­ur­gy, mu­sic, and the arts, and was in­ter­est­ed in re­li­gious ar­chi­tect­ure. His works in­clude:
The Min­is­ter and His Hym­nal
Christian Wor­ship and Praise, 1939

"Eternal God, Whose Pow­er Up­holds"
"O Gra­cious Fa­ther of Man­kind"
"O Spir­it of the Liv­ing God"


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