White, Smith & Co.

Short Name: White, Smith & Co.
Full Name: White, Smith & Co.
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Hymnals by White, Smith & Co. (8)sort descendingAsPublication Year
Boundless LoveWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1883
Glorious TidingsWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1878
Songs for Sunday Schools and Gospel MeetingsWhite & Smith Co. (Publisher)1876
Soul Songs for Sunday SchoolsWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1885
Sparkling Diamonds: a collection of new music for Sabbath School, gospel meetings, and the home circleWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1884
The School Hymn BookWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1889
The Shining StrandWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1881
The Watchword or The World of GoldWhite, Smith & Co. (Publisher)1871
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