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Hymnal, Number:phss1742

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To the chief Musician upon Neginoth. A Psalm of David

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PLXI (1742) First Line: Give ear, O God, unto my cry Lyrics: 1 Give ear O God unto my cry, Unto my pray'r attend, 2 When my heart is opprest, to thee Cry will I from earth's end. Lead thou me up into the rock, That higher is than I. 3 For thou my shelter and strong fort Hast been from th' enemy. 4 Within thy tabernacle I Forever will abide; Within the covert of thy wings I'll seek my self to hide. Selah. 5 For thou, O God, hast heard the vows That I to thee have past: The heritage to them that fear, Thy name thou given hast. 6 Unto the king his days, there shall Be added days by thee His years as generation And generation be. 7 In presence of the mighty God He shall abide for aye: Benignity and truth prepare, That him preserve they may. 8 So then will I for evermore Unto thy name sing praise; That I the vows that I have made Perform may all my days. Scripture: Psalm 61 Languages: English
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Mashil of Asaph

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PLXXVIII (1742) First Line: Give listening ear unto my law Lyrics: 1 Give list'ning ear unto my law, Ye people that are mine: Unto the sayings of my mouth Do you your ear encline. 2 My mouth I'll ope with parables, I'll speak of things hid of old: 3 Which we have heard and known, and which Our fathers have us told. 4 Them from their children we'll not hide But shew the age to come, The Lord his praise, his strength and works Of wonder, he hath done. 5 In Jacob he a witness set, A law in Israel He gave, which he our fathers charg'd They should their children tell. 6 That th' age to come, and children which Are to be born might know; That they who should arise the same Might to their children show 7 That they upon the mighty God Their confidence might set: God's works and his commandements Might keep and not forget, 8 And might not like their fathers be, A cross, stiff race, a race That set not right their hearts; nor firm With God their spirit was. [2] 9 The armed sons of Ephraim, That went out with their bow, Did turn their back the day wherein They did to battle go. 10 God's cov'nant they observed not, To walk in' law deny'd. 11 His works and wonders they forgot, That he to them prescrib'd. 12 He many wondrous things did work Before their father's eyes; Within the land of Egypt seen, In Zoan's field likewise. 13 Asunder he the sea did part, And caus'd them through to pass: And he the waters made to stand, That as an heap it was. 14 With cloud by day, with fire by night 15 He led the. Rocks he clave In wilderness: as from great deeps Drink unto them he gave 16 Ev'n from out the stony rock Streams he did bring also, And caused the water to run down Like as the rivers do. [3] 17 Moreover they did add yet more Against him for to sin: By their provoking the most high The wilderness within. 18 Moreover they within their heart By tempting God did try: By asking earnestly for meat Their lusts to satisfy. 19 And spake against the mighty God; Is God able (they said) Within the desart wilderness A table us to spread? 20 Lo, he the rock smote, waters thence Gush'd out, and streams did flow: Can he for's people flesh provide? Can he give bread also? 21 The Lord heard, he was wroth for this So kindled was a fire 'Gainst Jacob, and 'gainst Israel There came up wrathful ire. 22 For they in God believed not, Nor in his health did hope. 23 Tho' from above he charg'd the clouds, And door of heav'n set ope. 24 On them he manna rain'd to eat, And gave them heaven's wheat. 25 Each man of them eat angel's food; To th' full he sent them meat. 26 I'th' heav'ns he made the east wind blow Brought south wind by his pow'r. 27 He flesh on them like dust, wing'd fowls Like sand of seas did show'r. 28 And in the middest of their camp He caused it to fall; Ev'n round about on ev'ry side Their dwelling places all: 29 So they did eat, they willed were Abundantly also: For that which was their own desire He did on them bestow. [4] 30 They from their lusting appetite Were not estrang'd at all: But while their meat was in their mouth, 31 God's wrath did on them fall, And slew their fat ones, and smote down The choice of Israel's men. 32 Yea for all this they sinn'd, nor did Believe his wonders then. 33 Therefore in vanity the days He of their life did spend; And he their years brought hastily Unto a fearful end. 34 When he them slew, then after him They sought with their desire: And they return'd and after God They early did inquire. 35 Likewise that God was their strong rock They call'd to memory. And how that their redeemer was The mighty God most high. 36 Yet with their mouth they flattered, And to him their tongues ly'd. 37 Nor was their heart right with him, nor In's cov'nant did abide. 38 But full of mercy he forgave Their sin, nor them destroy'd, Nor all his anger rais'd, but oft He turn'd his wrath aside. 39 For he recalled unto mind, How that frail flesh they were; And as it were a passing wind That doth no more appear. [5] 40 How oft in desart vex'd they him, And grief put him upon? 41 Yea, they did turn, tempt God,and did Stint Israel's holy one. 42 His hand they did not keep in mind, Nor on the day they thought Wherein he from the enemy For their deliv'rance wrought. 43 He he his signs miraculous In Egypt wrought likewise: And also in the field of Zoan His fearful prodigies. 44 Also how he their rivers had Converted into blood; That they, tho' thirsty, could not drink The waters of the flood. 45 Among them which did them devour, He sent forth divers flies: Yea, to destroy them, he sent forth The noisome frogs likewise. 46 To caterpillars gave their fruit, To locusts gave their toil. 47 He did their vines destroy with hail, With frost their fig-trees spoil. [6] 48 Their cattle he deliver'd up Unto the hail also: And he their herds of cattle gave Hot thunder bolts unto. 49 He cast on them fierce ire and wrath and indignation strong: And sore distress by sending forth Ill angels them among. 50 He made a way unto his wrath, Their soul he did not save From death, but unto pestilence Their sinful lives he gave. 51 He within Egypt land also The first-born all did smite; Those who within the tents of Ham Were chiefest of their might. 52 But like a flock of sheep he made His people forth to go. And in the desart like a flock He guided them also. 53 In safety he them led likewise, So that they did not fear: But in the sea their enemies He overwhelmed there. 54 To border of his holy place Them happily he brought: Yea, even to his mountain which By his right hand be bought. 55 For them he cast the heathen out, He did their lot divide By line, and Israel's tribe he made In their tents to abide. [7] 56 Yet they did tempt and bitterly Did grieve the God most high; Also his testimomies they Kept not attentively. 57 But like their fathers back they turn'd And faithlessness did show. They turned were aside ev'n like To a deceitful bow. 58 For they to anger did provoke Him with their places high; And with their graven images Mov'd him to jealousy. 59 God hearing this was wrath, and loath'd Isr'el with hatred great. 60 So Shiloh's tent he left, the tent Which he among men set. 61 And he deliver'd up his strength Into captivity; Also into the en'mies hand His glorious majesty. 62 To sword his people gave, and was Wroth with his heritage. 63 Their young men are devour'd, their maids None gave in marriage. 64 Their priests fell by the sword; likewise Their widows did not weep. 65 Then did the Lord arise as one Awaken'd out of sleep. Like as a strong man after wine 66 Doth shout. He also smote His foes behind; so gave he them An everlasting blot. [8] 67 Then he did Joseph's tent refuse, Nor Ephraim's tribe approv'd. 68 But did the tribe of Judah chuse, Mount Zion which he lov'd. 69 His holy place he builded then Like palaces on high: Like to the earth which he confirm'd To perpetuity. 70 He of his servant David then Did his election make; And from the place of folding in The sheep he did him take. 71 From following the ews with young He did him then advance His people Jacob for to feed, Isra'ls inheritance. 72 So he them fed according to His heart's integrity; And by his skilfulness of hand Them led accordingly. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English
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To the chief Musician, Neginoth. A Psalm of Song

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PLXVII (1742) First Line: God gracious be to us, and give Lyrics: 1 God gracious be to us, and give His blessing us unto; Let him upon us make to shine His countenance also. Selah. 2 That there may be the knowledge of Thy way the earth upon: And also of thy saving health In every nation. 3 O God let thee the people praise, Let people all praise thee, 4 O let the nations rejoyce, And glad O let them be. For judgment thou with righteousness Shall give thy folk unto; The nations that are on the earth, Thou shalt them lead also. 5 O God, let thee the people praise Let people all praise thee 6 Her fruit abundant by the earth Shall then forth yielded be. 7 God ev'n our own God shall us bless, God bless us surely shall: And of the eartjh the utmost coasts They shall him rev'rence all. Scripture: Psalm 67 Languages: English
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To the chief Musician for the Sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PXLVI (1742) First Line: God is our refuge, strength, and shield Lyrics: 1 God is our refuge, strength and shield, In troubles very near, 2 Therefore we will not be afraid, Tho' th' earth removed were: Tho' moutnains move to midst of seas, 3 Tho' waters roaring make, And troubled be, tho' at their waves The mountains trembling shake. 4 There is a river, streams whereof Make glad th' city of God: The holy place where the most high Doth settle his abode. 5 God is within the midst of her, Be moved shall not she: When early morning doth appear, God shall her helper be. 6 The nations made tumultuous noise, The kingdoms moved were: He did give forth his thund'ring voice, The earth did melt with fear. 7 The God of armies is with us, The everlasting Jah: The God of Jacob is for us A refuge high. Selah. 8 O come ye forth, behold the works The which Jehovah wrought: the fearful desolations Which on the earth he brought. 9 Unto the utmost ends of th' earth Wars into peace he turns; the spear he cuts, the bow he breaks, In fire the chariot burns. 10 Be still and know that i am God; Exalted be will I Among the heathen, through the earth I'll be exalted high. 11 The God of armies is with us, The everlasting Jay: The God of Jacob is for us A refuge hig. Selah. Scripture: Psalm 46 Languages: English
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To the chief Musician on Neginoth. A Psalm of David

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PIV (1742) First Line: God of my justice, when I call Lyrics: 1 God of my justice, when I call, O hear me when distress'd, Thou hast enlarg'd me; shew me grace And hear thou my request. 2 Ye sons of men my glory turn To shame, how long will you? How long will ye love vanity, And still deceit pursue? Selah. 3 But know the Lord hath set apart For him the gracious saint: The Lord will hear when unto him I pour out my complaint. 4 Be stirred up, but do not sin, Consider seriously Within your heart with silence deep When on your bed you lie. 5 The sacrifice of righteousness Let sacrificed be, And confidently put your trust Upon the Lord do ye. 6 Many there be that say, O who Will cause us good to see? The light, Lord, Of thy countenance, Let on us lifted be. 7 Thou hast put gladness in my heart More than the time wherein Their corn and their new wine also Have much increased been. 8 In peace with him I will lie down, And I my sleep will take: For me in confidence to dwell, Thou Lord alone dost make. Scripture: Psalm 4 Languages: English
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To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PCIX (1742) First Line: God of my praise, hold not thy peace Lyrics: 1 God of my praise, hold not thy peace: 2 For they who wicked be, Their mouth, and mouth of guilefulness Are open against me: Against, me speak with lying tongue. 3 And compass me about With words of hate: and me against Without a cause they fought. 4 They for my love mine en'mies are But I my prayer do make. 5 They ill for good rewarded me, And hate for my love's sake, 6 Appoint a wicked person that O'er him may have command; And likewise at his right hand let The adversary stand. 7 When he is judged, let him then Condemned be therein: And let the pray'r that he doth make Be turned into sin. 8 Yea, let his days be few, and let His charge another take. 9 His children let be fatherless, His wife a widow make, 10 His children let be vagabonds: Let them a begging go, And from their places desolate, Let them seek bread also. [2] 11 Yea, let th' extortioner catch all That doth to him pertain; And let the strangers spoil what he Did by his labour gain. 12 Let there not any be to him That mercy may express? Nor any one that favour may His children fatherless. 13 Let go into perdition The race that of him came; In the next generation Out-razed be his name. 14 Remembred with the Lord be his Father's iniquity; And of his mother let the sin Out blotted never be. 15 Before Jehovah let them be Continually put: That from out of the earth he may The mem'ry of them cut. 16 Because that he remembred not, Compassion. to impart; But did pursue the needy poor To slay the broke in heart. [3] 17 As he did cursing love, so let The same unto him come: And he did not in blessing joy, So be it far him from. 18 With cursing like a robe, as he Him cloath'd: so let it go: Into his bowels water like, Like oyl his bones into. 19 Like as a garment unto him So let it him array: And like a girdle wherewith he May gird himself alway 20 Thus let mine adversaries be Rewarded from the Lord, Thus them reward against my soul Who speak an evil word. [4] 21 But thou Jehovah Lord, deal well For thy name's sake with me: Because that good thy mercy is, O do thou set me free. 22 For poor and needy I, my heart In me is wounded too. 23 Like falling shade I pass, I'm toss'd As locusts too and fro. 24 Thro' fasts my knees are weak: my flesh Its fatness doth forsake. 25 And I am their reproach, they look At me, their heads they shake. 26 Jehovah, O my God me help In mercy save thou me. 27 That they may know this is my hand Lord, that its done by thee. 28 Though they do curse, yet do thou bless: Let them ashamed be When they arise: but let him joy That servant is to thee. 29 Mine adversaries, O let them With shame be cloath'd upon: And be they cloath'd as with a cloak With their confusion. 30 Unto Jehovah with my mouth Give hearty thanks will I: Yea, him among the multitude With praise I'll glorify. 31 For he shall stand at the right hand Of the airlifted one, From those that do condemn his soul To give salvation. Scripture: Psalm 109 Languages: English
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A Song and Psalm for the Sons of Korah

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PXLVIII (1742) First Line: Great is Jehovah, greatly he Lyrics: 1 Great is Jehovah, greatly he Is to be praised still: Within the city of our God, Within his holy hill. 2 Mount Sion's fairly situate, The joy of th' earth so wide: The city of the mighty king Is on the northern side. 3 God in her palaces is known To be a refuge high: 4 For lo, the kings assembled were, they past together by. 5 They saw, and so they marvelled, They greatly troubled were: They also hasted fast away, 6 Fear fell upon them there: As on a woman travailing, They such a pain did find. 7 In pieces thou the Tarshish ships Didst break with eastern wind. [2] 8 I' th' city of the Lord of hosts, We saw as we heard say: I' th' city of our God, God will Establish it for aye. 9 O God our thoughts have been upon Thy free beningity: And that within the middest of Thy house of sanctity. 10 According to thy name, O God, So is thy praise unto Th' ends of the earth, thy right hand's full Of righteousness also. 11 O let mount Sion joyful be, And triumph let them make: They that of Judah daughters are, Ev'n for thy judgments sake. 12 About the hill of Sion walk, And go about her ye: And do ye recon up thereof The tow'rs that therein be. 13 Do ye full well her bulwarks mark, Her palaces view well: That to the generation To come, ye may it tell. 14 Because this God, he is our God For ever and for aye; And he will be a guide to us, Ev'n to our dying day. Scripture: Psalm 48 Languages: English
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A Song of Degrees of David

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PCXXIV (1742) First Line: Had not the Lord been on our side Lyrics: 1 Had not the Lord been on our side May Isra'l now proclaim. 2 Had not the Lord been on our side When men against us came, 3 They then had swallowed us alive, When their wrath on us burn'd. 4 Then had the waters us o'envhelm'd, The stream our soul o'ertum'd. 5 The waters proud then o'er our soul Had passed on their way. 6 Blest be the Lord who to their teeth Did not give us a prey. 7 Our soul is as a bird escap'd Out of the fowler's snare; The snare asunder broken is, And we escaped are. 8 The succour which we do enjoy, Is in Jehovah's name: Who is the maker of the earth, And of the heavens frame. Scripture: Psalm 124 Languages: English
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Have mercy upon me, O God

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PLIb (1742) Lyrics: 1 Have mercy upon me, O God According to thy grace: According to thy mercies great, My trespasses deface. 2 O wash me throughly from my guilt, And from my sin me clear. 3 For I my trespass know, my sins Before me still appear. 4 'Gainst thee, thee only have I sinn'd, This ill done thee before: When thou speak'st, just thou art, and clear When thou dost judge therefore, 5 Behold, how in iniquity I did my shape receive: Also my mother that me bar In sin did me conceive. 6 Behold thou dost desire the truth Within the inward part: And thou shalt make me wisdom know In secret of mine heart 7 With hyssop do me purify, I shall be cleansed so: O wash thou me, and then shall I Be whiter than the snow. 8 Of joy and gladness make thou me To hear again the voice: That so the bones which thou hast broke, May chearfully rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sin Hide thou away thy face; Likewise all mine iniquities O do thou clean deface. [2] 10 Clean heart, O God in me create. Also a spirit right 11 In me renew. O cast me not Away out of thy sight: Nor from me take thy holy sp'rit. 12 Restore the joy to me Of thy salvation, and uphold Me with thy spirit free. 13 Then will I teach thy ways to those That work iniquity, And by this means shall sinners be Converted unto thee. 14 O God, God of my heath, set me Free from blood-guiltiness; And so my tongue shall joyfully Sing of thy righteousness. 15 Lord, open thou my lips, and forth My mouth thy praise shall show, 16 For thou desir'st not sacrifice, I would it else bestow; Burnt off'rings thou delight'st not in: Of God the sacrifice A broken sp'rit: a contrite heart God,thou wilt not despise. 18 In thy good pleasure O do good Unto thy Sion hill: The walls of thy Jerusalem, O do thou build up still. 19 The sacrifice of justice shall Pleas thee with burnt off'ring, And whole burnt off'ring: then they shall Calves to thine altar bring. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English
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He that within the secrecy

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PXCI (1742) Lyrics: 1 He that within the secrecy Of the highest doth reside, In shadow of th' Almighty he Shall lodging safe abide. 2 He is my hope and fortress high, I of the Lord will say: He is my God, and in him I My confidence will stay. 3 The fowler's snare surely from thence He shall deliver thee; And from th' infections pestilence He also shall thee free. 4 He with his feathers shall thee hide; Thy trust in 's wings shall be: His truth shall as a shield abide, And buckler unto thee. 5 With fear thou shalt not be dismay'd, For terror by the night: Nor of the arrow be afraid, That hath by day his flight. 6 Nor for the plagues infection, That walks in darkness fast. Nor for the sure destruction that doth at noon-day waste. 7 A thousand at thy side shall fall, Yea, and ten thousand here At thy right hand; but yet it shall Not unto thee come near. 8 This thing thou only with thine eyes Shall heedfully regard; Thou shalt behold how that likewise The wicked have reward. 9 For (thou hast said0 Jehovah thou Art my protection: The highest one thou mak'st also Thine habitation, 10 Not any evil casually Shall unto thee befall: Nor yet shall any plague come nigh Thy dwelling-place at all. 11 Because he his strong angels will command concerning thee; That they may keep thee from all ill Which in thy way may be. 12 The hollow of their hands upon Thee safe they shall up-bare, Lest thou thy foot against a stone Should dash at unaware. 13 Thou shalt upon the lion strong And on the adder go: The dragon and the lion young Thou trample shalt also. 14 For he hath set his love on me, Him therefore free will I; Because that known my name hath he, I will him set on high. 15 He shall in pray'r call on me, And I will answer him: I will with him in trouble be, I'll freely him redeem, And I will honour him also. 16 Him I will satisfy With length of days, and to him shew My saving health will I. Scripture: Psalm 91 Languages: English


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