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Hymnal, Number:phss1742

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The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament

Publication Date: 1742 Publisher: Daniel Henchman and Thomas Hancock Publication Place: Boston


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A Song and Psalm for the Sons of Korah

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: His ground works in the holy hills Lyrics: 1 His ground works in the holy hills, 2 Jehovah's love excels To Sion's gates, more than to all The tents where Jacob dwells. 3 God's city, things of glorious fame Are uttered of thee. 4 I'll Rahab name, and Babel to Them that acknowledge me; Behold Philistia and Tyre, With Ethiopia there 5 This man was born. This and that man Was also born in her. Of Sion thus it shall be said, And he that is most high, Ev'n he himself shall her prepare A place of constancy. 6 The Lord when he the people tells, Shall count there born was he. 7 There fingers and musicians are My springs are all in thee. Scripture: Psalm 87
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How beautiful thy feet with shoes

Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 How beautiful thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter stand! Thy thighs their joints like jewels are Works of a skilful hand. 2 Thy navel like a goblet cup Of liquor full and round: Thy belly like an heap of wheat About with lillies crown'd. 3 Thy two fair breasts are like two roes, That young and twinlins be. 4 Thy neck is also like unto A tow'r of ivory. Thine eyes like Heshbon's fish pools are, Beth-rahbim's entrance by: Thy nose as tow'r of Lebanon That doth Damascus eye. 5 Thine head on thee like Carmel is Hair of thy head likewise Like purple is; the king is held Within the galleries. 6 How fair and delicate art thou, love for pleasancy? 7 This stature thine is like the palm, Thy breasts as clusters be. 8 I said I'll to the palm ascend, Its boughs then seize I will. Like to vine-clusters are thy breasts, Thy nose as apples smell. 9 Like the best wine thy palate is, Which to my love runs sweet. Causing the lips to utter speech Ev'n theirs who are asleep. 10 I am my love's, and his desire Is placed me upon. 11 Come my beloved, let us forth Into the field be gone: Let's lodge within the villages. 12 Let us get up betime Unto the vineyards, let us see If flourish doth the vine: If that the tender grapes appear, The pomegranates also, If that they bud, and there my loves. 1 will on thee bestow. 13 The mandrakes give a smell and at Our gates all sweet fruits be: Both new and old, O my belov'd, Which I have stor'd for thee.
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To the chief Musician on Nehiloth: a Psalm of David

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: O Lord, give ear to what I say Lyrics: 1 O Lord give ear to what I say, My meditation understand. 2 My King, my God, to thee I pray, Voice of my cry do thou attend. 3 My voice the morning time within O Thou Jehovah shalt it hear: I will to thee i' th' morning time Address, and will mine eyes up rear. 4 For thou'rt a God hast no delight In sin; nor ill dwell with thee shall. 5 Fools shall not stand before thy sight, Who mischief work thou hat'st them all. 6 Thou wilt bring to destruction qutie, Them that do lying falshood prate: The man of blood and of deceit Jehovah will abominate. 7 But in thy many mercies now Enter into thy house will I: I in thy fear my self will bow Before thy house of sanctity. 8 Because of mine observing spies Lead me forth in thy righteousness: Before my face thy way likewise Do thou Jehovah strait express. 9 For in there mouth no truth they have, Their inward part iniquities; Their throat is as an open grave: Their tongue is smooth with flatteries. 10 O God make thou them wholly waste, From their own plots let them fall far; Out in their heaps of sin them cast, For they against thee rebels are. 11 Let them who trust in thee repose Rejoyce, and ever shouting be: For thou defend'st them, ye let those That love thy name be glad in thee. 12 Because Jehovah thou wilt yield A blessing to the righteous one. And wilt him crown as with a shield, With gracious acceptation. Scripture: Psalm 5


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Appears in 41 hymnals Tune Key: G Major Incipit: 15135 43215 14655
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Appears in 3 hymnals Tune Key: a minor Incipit: 13122 13432 12712
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Appears in 1 hymnal Tune Key: G Major


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All blest are men upright of way

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PCXIXa (1742) Lyrics: A 1 All blest are men upright of way, Walk in Jehovah's law who do. 2 Who keep his records, blest are they, With all their heart, who seek him too. 3 And that work no iniquity, But in his ways do walk indeed. 4 Thou charged hast attentively Unto thy precepts to give heed. 5 O that my ways thou would'st direct To keep thy statutes heedfully. 6 When I all thy commands respect, Then be ashamed shall not I. 7 When thy just judgments I shall know With hearts uprightness I'll thee praise. 8 Me utterly forsake not thou. I will observe thy statute-ways. [2] B 9 By what may youth redress his way? Thy word by heeding thereunto. 10 I sought thee with whole heart, me stray Therefore let not thy precepts fro. 11 Thy word I hid within my heart, That sin I might not against thee. 12 O thou Jehovah blessed art, Thy statutes therefore teach thou me. 13 I with my lips did forth display The judgments of thy mouth, ev'n all 14 I in thy testimonies way Rejoyce more than in riches all. 15 I'll in thy precepts meditate, And have respect unto thy ways. 16 Me in thy laws I'll recreate, And not forget what thy word says. [3] C 17 Confer this grace thy servant to, That I may live thy word to keep, 18 Unveil mine eyes that I may see Out of thy law the wonders deep. 19 On earth I am a sojourner; Hide not thy laws therefore me fro. 20 My soul is broken with desire In seasons all thy judgments to. 21 Thou hast rebuk'd the proud, the same Are curst who from thy statutes swerve. 22 Roll off from me reproach and shame For I thy records do observe. 23 Ev'n princes sat, and 'gainst me spake, But on thy laws thy servant mus'd. 24 Thy records for my joy I take, And them men of my counsel us'd. [4] D 25 Down to the dust my soul cleaves fast, O quicken me after thy word, 26 I shew'd my ways, thou heard me hast, Thy statutes learning me afford. 27 Make me to know thy precepts way; So I'll muse on thy wondrous ways: 28 My soul with grief doth melt away According to thy word me raise. 29 The way of lying from me take, And thy law grant me graciously. 30 The way of truth my choice I make, Thy laws before me laid have 1. 31 Thy records I do closely heed: O Lord, on me shame do not cast. 32 I'll run thy precepts way with speed, When thou my heart enlarged hast. [5] E 33 Enform me Lord, in thy laws ways, And I will keep it to the end. 34 Light give me and I'll keep thy law, Yea, it with all my heart attend. 35 In thy laws path make me to go, Because that I delight therein 36 My heart unto thy records bow, And bow it not to coveting. 37 From vain fights turn away mine eyes, And in thy way revive thou me. 38 Unto thy servant ratify Thy word, who stands in awe of thee. 39 The slander which I fear remove: Because thy judgments good they be. 40 Lo for thy laws I longing love: O in thy justice quicken me. [6] F 41 Find me, Lord, let thy mercies all, After thy words salvation too. 42 So I my scorners answer shall, Because thy word I trust unto 43 Truth's words my mouth quite take not fro Because ( on thy judgments stay. 44 And I continually shall so, Thy laws keep to perpetual aye. 45 Yea I will walk at liberty Because I do thy precepts seek. 46 Nor will before kings blush when I Shall of thy testimonies speak. 47 Also my self in thy commands Which I have lov'd, delight I will. 48 And to thy precepts dear my hands Lift up, and mind thy precepts still. [7] G 49 Good to thy servant make thy word, On which to hope thou didst me give, 50 In grief this did me joy afford, Because thy word doth make me live. 51 The proud have much derided me, Yet have I not thy law declin'd 52 Thy judgments Lord of old that be, I did recall and comfort find. 53 Me caught hath dreadful trembling. For wicked men thy laws forsake. 54 I in my house of my wandering, My songs did of thy statutes make. 55 O Lord, thy name I mind by night, And kept with care thy laws have I. 56 This had I, for 1 kept arignt Thy precepts very heedfully. [8] H 57 He ev'n the Lord is my choice part, I said that I will keep thy word. 58 Thy favour beg'd with all my heart, Thy promis'd mercies me afford. 59 When as I thought upon my ways I turn'd my feet thy records to 60 I hasted and made no delays, To keep with heed thy statutes so. 61 The bands of wicked men robb'd me, Yet did I not forget thy laws. 62 I'll rise at midnight to praise thee, Thy righteous judgments are the caufs. 63 Companion to them all am I That fear thee, and thy laws keep too, 64 Tj' earth's full cf thy benignity; O Lord, thy statutes let me know. [9] J 65 Jehovah with thy servant thou After thy word right well hast done. 66 Good taste and knowledge teach me now. For I believe thy precepts on. 67 I stray'd e'er thou didst me chastise: But I thy word observ'd have now. 68 Thou art good, good thou dost likewise Thy statutes cause thou me to know, 69 The proud against me lies do raise, Thy laws I'll keep with my heart's might. 70 The heart of them is fat as grease; But in thy laws I do delight. 71 It's good for me I was chastis'd, That so thy statutes learn I should. 72 Laws of thy mouth I more have priz'd, Than siver thousands of and gold. [10] K 73 Knowledge me give, to keep thy law: Thy hands me formed have and made. 74 Who fear thee, me shall see and joy: For hope I in thy word have had. 75 Thy judgments Lord are just I know And faithfully thou chastendst me. 76 As thou hail spoke thy servant to, Now let thy grace my comfort be. 77 Send me thy grace that live may I, For as my joy thy law I chuse. 78 Shame proud ones that me wrongfully Do harm, who on thy precepts muse, 79 Let them that fear thee turn to me, And such as have thy records known. 80 Sound in thy laws my heart let be, That so I shame may suffer mone. [11] L 81 Look for thy word I do, likewise My soul doth faint for help from thee. 82 And for thy word have fail'd mine eyes: I said when wilt thou comfort me? 83 I like a smoke-dry'd bottle am, Yet do I not thy laws forego. 84 What are thy servants days? O when Wilt judgment on thy troublers do? 85 The proud have digged pits for me Which do not to thy precepts suit. 86 All thy laws faithful are: Help me Whom wrongfully they persecute. 87 On earth they almost did me waste, But I thy laws did not forsake. 88 The law of thy mouth to hold fast Me in thy mercy lively make. [12] M 89 Made fast thy word in heaven is O Lord for ever to endure 90 From age to age thy faithfulness: Thou form'd the earth, and it stands sure. 91 They stand as thou didst set them right, For all are servants thee unto 92 Had not thy law been my delight, Then had I perish'd in my wo . 93 Thy precepts ne'er forget will I, Because by them thou quicknedst me. 94 Thine own am I, save me, for why? I sought thy precepts studiously. 95 The wicked watch, me to destroy, But I thy testimonies mind. 96 Of ail perfection end I see, But very large thy law I find. [13] N 97 Now O how much thy law I prize? It is my study all the day. 98 Thou than my foes mad'st me more wise, By thy law, for it's with me aye. 99 More than my teachers all I know, Because thy laws my study are. 100 I know more than the ancients do, Because I keep thy laws with care. 101 From each ill path my feet I stay, That so I may thy word observe. 102 Because thou hast me taught the way, I did not from thy judgments swerve. 103 Thy words are to my taste how sweet! More to my mouth than honey they. 104 I from thy precepts wisdom get, I therefore hate each lying way. [14] O 105 Of my feet is the lamp thy word, And to my path the shining light. 106 I sware, and to perform accord, That I will keep thy judgments right. 107 I am afflicted very sore. Lord, quicken me after thy word. 108 My mouth's free off'ring own therefore, And me thy judgments teach O Lord, 109 My soul is in my hand alway, But I have not thy law forgot. 110 Vile men for me a snare did lay, Yet from thy precepts stray'd I not. 111 Thy records I inherit do For aye, for my heart's joy they be. 112 My heart to do thy laws I bow, To th' end ev'n to eternity. [15] P 113 Pursue vain thoughts with hate I do, But dearly love thy law do I. 114 My covert and my shield art thou, I on thy word wait hopefully. 115 Depart from me vile men that I May keep my God's commandments just. 116 By thy word stay me, live shall I: Nor shame me for my hopeful trust. 117 I shall be safe if thou me stay, And still with joy thy laws I'll eye. 118 Thou tread'st down from thy laws who stray, For their deceit is vanity. 119 Earth's lewd like dross thou put'st away, Thy laws I dearly love therefore. 120 My flesh doth quake for fear of thee, And I do dread thy judgments sore. [16] Q 121 Quite to oppressors leave not me. I judgment do and righteousness. 122 For good thy servant's surety be, Let not the proud ones me oppress. 123 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail, As also for thy righteous word. 124 In mercy with thy servant deal, And thy laws learning me afford. 125 I am thy servant make me wise, Thy testimonies for to know. 126 Time for thee Lord to work it is; For men thy law do overthrow. 127 Therefore do I thy precepts love Above gold, yea the finest gold. 128 All false ways hate I, for above All things thy laws most right I hold. [17] R 129 Right wondrous, Lord, thy records be Therefore my soul keeps them with care, 130 Light thy words entrance gives to me, Them prudent makes that simple are. 131 With open mouth I panted for Thy laws, I longed for the same; 132 Look on me, and such grace confer As thou on them that love thy name. 133 Guide by thy words my steps, and let No wickedness bear rule in me. 134 From men's oppression free me set, And keeper of thy laws I'll be. 135 Thy face let on thy servant shine, And me to learn thy statutes cause. 136 For water floods flow from mine eyes Because men do not keep thy laws. [18] S 137 Sincerely just art thou O Lord, Thy judgments upright are also. 138 The precepts which thou dost record Are right; yet very faithful too. 139 My zeal consumed me, for why? Mine enemies thy word forget, 140 Thy word is pure exceedingly, Therefore thy servant loveth it. 141 Small am I and despis'd therefore' Let thy commands forget not I. 142 Thy justice is for evermore The same, thy law is verity. 143 On me seiz'd anguish and distress, Yet thy commands delight me give 144 Aye lasts thy records righteousness; Make thou me wise, and I shall live. [19] T 145 To thee with all my heart I cry Lord hear me, keep thy laws I will 146 I cry'd to thee, save me that I May keep thy testimonies still. 147 The dawning I prevent and cry: I for thy word do hopeful wait. 148 Mine eyes prevent the watch, that I Upon thy word may meditate. 149 My voice Lord of thy mercy hear, After thy judgments quicken me. 150 Who follow mischief they draw near, And from thy law far off they be. 151 But O Jehovah near art thou And all thy precepts verity. 152 I long since of thy records knew: Thou sett'st them for eternity. [20] V 153 View mine affliction, and me free: For I thy law do not forget. 154 Plead thou my cause, and ransom me: For thy word's sake alive me set. 155 From vile men in salvation far, Since they do for thy laws ne'er strive: 156 Thy tender mercies Lord great are; After thy judgments me revive. 157 Great my pursuing enemies: Yet nothing from thy laws I swerve. 158 I sinners saw, was griev'd likewise, For they thy word do not obfsrve. 159 See Lord, thy precepts love do I: Grant of thy grace that live I may. 160 Thy word, from first, is verity, And all thy judgments right for aye. [21] W 161 Without cause princes do me wound, But of thy word my heart's in awe, 162 As one that plenteous spoii hath found, So I rejoice do in thy law. 163 I lying hate and do abhor, But dearly love thy law do I. 164 Sev'n times a day I praise thee, for The judgments of thy equity. 165 Who love thy law, great peace have they, And such shall find no stumbling stone. 166 Lord, I for thy salvation stay; And thy commandments I have done. 167 My soul thy testaments doth keep, And them abundantly love I. 168 Thy records and thy laws I keep, For all my ways before thee lie. [22] Y 160 Yield Lord my cry t' approach thy face X As thou haft spoke, me prudent make 170 To thee let my request for grace Approach: free me for thy word's sake. 171 My lips shall utter praise when thou Thy statutes hast made known to me. 172 And forth thy word my tongue shall show, For all thy precepts righteous be. 173 To help me let thy hand be near, For thy commandment chose have I. 174 I long for thy salvation dear, Lord, and my joys in thy law lie. 175 Let my soul live to shew thy praise, And let thy judgments give me aid. 176 Because I have not left thy laws Thy servant seek like lost sheep stray'd. Scripture: Psalm 119 Languages: English
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All blest the pure are

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PCXIXb (1742) Lyrics: [1 Part] Aleph 1 All blest the pure are in the way, Who in the Lord's law go. 2 Who keep his records blest are they, Whose whole heart seeks him too. 3 Yea, they do no iniquity, In his ways walking are 4 To keep thou hast commanded me Thy precepts with much care. 5 O that to keep thy statutes then, My ways were so direct! 6 Then shall I not be shamed when I all thy laws respect. 7 With upright heart I'll praise thee, when I learn thy judgments right. 8 I will observe thy statutes; then O do not leave me quite [2] Beth 9 By what may youth redress his way? Thy word by heeding tim 10 I sought thee with whole heart, me stray Let not thy precepts fro. 11 I hid thy word within my heart, Lest I should sin 'gainst thee. 12 O thou Jehovah blessed art, Thy statutes teach thou me. 13 I all the judgments of thy mouth Did with my lips declare. 14 More in thy records way my joys, Than in all riches are. 15 I'll on thy precepts muse, and still Mine eyes on thy ways set 16 Delight me in thy laws I will: I'll not thy word forget [3] Gimel 17 Grant to thy servant bounteously, To live thy word to keep: 18 Unveil mine eyes that I may see In thy law wonders deep. 19 On earth I am a sojourner: Hide not thy laws me fro. 20 My soul is broken with desire All times thy judgments to. 21 The proud accurst rebuk'd thou hast, Who from thy precepts swerve. 22 Reproach and scorn far from me cast, For I thy laws observe. 23 Against me princes sat, and spake, But on thy laws I mus'd. 24 Me glad thy testimonies make, My couns'lers I them us'd. [4] Daleth 25 Down to the dust my soul cleaves fast Revive me by thy word. 26 I shew'd my ways, me heard thou hast Teach me thy statutes Lord. 27 Learn me thy precepts way, and I Thy wonders will record. 28 My soul with grief doth melt away; Me strengthen by thy word. 29 From me the way of lying take, Thy law give graciously. 30 The way of truth my choice I make, Thy laws before me lay. 31 I to thy records cleaving stay; To shame Lord put not me. 32 I'll of thy precepts run the way, When thou my heart sett'st free. [5] He 33 Help me to know Lord thy laws way, I'll keep it to the end. 34 Instruct me, and I'll keep thy law; Yea with whole heart it tend. 35 In thy laws path make me to go: For I delight therein. 36 My heart unto thy records bow, And not to coveting. 37 From vain sights turn away mine eyes, Me quicken in thy way. 38 Unto thy servant ratify Thy word who feareth thee. 39 Turn from me the reproach I fear, For good thy judgments be. 40 Lo, I long for thy precepts dear, In thy truth quicken me. [6] Vau 41 Unto me come thy mercies all, Thy word's salvation, Lord. 42 And I my scorners answer shall, For I trust in thy word. 43 Truth's word quite take not from my mouth Who on thy judgments stay, 44 I'll constant keep thy law, in truth. Unto perpetual aye. 45 Then I will walk at liberty; For I thy precepts seek. 46 Nor blush when ev'n before kings I Shall of thy records speak. 47 Then in thy dearly lov'd commands My self delight I will. 48 To thy dear laws I'll lift my hands, And mind thy statutes still. [7] Zain 49 So to thy servant mind the word On which thou mad'st me rest. 50 Because thy word revives me, Lord, This glads me when distress'd. 51 The proud much scorn'd me, yet have I Not from thy laws declin'd. 52 Lord, I refresh'd my self when I Thy judgments old did mind. 53 Horror takes hold on me, because Vile men thy law forsake. 54 My song thy statutes in my house Of pilgrimage I make. 55 O Lord thy name I mind by night, And kept thy law have I. 56 This I obtained, for I kept right Thy precepts carefully. [8] Cheth 57 Choice portion mine, O Lord thou art, I said I'll keep thy word 58 I beg'd thy favour with whole heart, Grace promis'd me afford. 59 I turn'd my feet thy records to, In thinking on my ways. 60 I hastned, and thy laws to do I did not make delays. 61 The bands of wicked men rob'd me Yet left I not thy laws. 62 I'll rise at midnight to praise thee, Thy judgments just because. 63 All who thee fear, and keep thy word, Companion theirs am I. 64 Teach me thy laws, for earth's full, Lord, Of thy benignity. [9] Teth 65 To me thy servant, Lord, thou hast After thy word well done. 66 Teach thou me knowledge and good taste, For I thy laws trust on. 67 I stray'd before I was chastis'd, Thy word yet keep I now. 68 Thou art good, good thou dost likewise, Thy statutes make me know. 69 The proud against me forged lies; Thy laws I'll keep with might. 70 Their heart is fat become as grease, Thy law is my delight. 71 That so I might thy statutes learn, "Tis good I was chaitis'd. 72 Thy mouth's law above thousands I Of gold and silver priz'd. [10] Jod 73 I by thy hands am made and form'd Teach me thy laws to know. 74 Who fear thee joy when they me see, For I thy word trust to 75 Thy judgments righteous are I know, Thou right afflict'st me, Lord. 76 Thy grace let chear thy servant now, According to thy word. 77 Send me thy grace, that I may live; Thy law my joy I chuse. 78 Shame proud ones, who me causeless wrong, I'll on thy precepts muse. 79 Who fear thee and thy records know, Let them turn unto me. 80 Sound let my heart be in thy law, That sham'd I may not be. [11] Caph 82 Cast down my soul is for thy health; But on thy word I stay. 82 Mine eyes fail for thy word, when wilt Thou comfort me I say? 83 Thy law forget not I; altho' A bottle smoak'd I'm like. 84 What are thy servants days? when thou Wilt my pursuers strike? 85 The proud have digged pits for me Which do not thy law suit. 86 Truth all thy laws are, help, for me They causeless persecute. 87 Tho' they me nigh condum'd on earth, Thy laws forsake not I. 88 To keep the records of thy mouth, Let thy grace quicken me. [12] Lamed 89 Lord, aye thy word in heaven stands Thy truth for aye doth last. 90 Earth stablifh'd is by thy command, And still it standeth fast. 91 They stand this day as thou ordain'st For all thy servants be. 92 Were not thy law my joy, I'd fail'd In my adversity. 93 I'll not forget thy laws, whereby Thou life in me hast wrought. 94 I am thine own, O save thou me. For I thy records sought. 95 The wicked watch me, me to stay; But I thy precepts mind. 96 Of all perfection end I see: Thy law most large I find. [13] Mem 97 Most wond'rously I love thy law, My muse its all the day. 98 More wise thou mad'st me than my foes For thy law's with me aye. 99 More know I than my teachers, for My muse thy records are. 100 More wile than th' ancients I'm because Thy laws 1 keep with care. 101 My feet I draw from each ill way, That keep thy word I might. 102 Mov'd frcm thy judgments have not I, For thou me taught'st aright. 103 Most sweet I taste thy words, more to My mouth than honey they: 104 Much skill I get thy precepts thro', Thence hate I each false wau [14] Nun 1055 Now to my feet thy word's a lamp, And to my path a light. 106 Sworn have I, and will it perform, To keep thy judgments right. 107 I'm sore distress'd, Lord quicken me According to thy word. 108 My mouth's free ofF'ring own, I pray Teach me thy judgments, Lord. 109 My soul's still in my hand: yet I Have not thy laws forgot. 110 The vile laid snares for me; yet from Thy precepts err'd I not; 111 Thy records ever I possess, For glad my heart they do. 112 I bent my heart to do thy law, Always the end unto. [15] Sameth 113 Such thoughts as wav'ring are I hate, But love thy law do I. 114 My hiding place and shield thou art, I on thy word rely. 115 Depart from me lewd men, for keep My God's commands I must. 116 Support me by thy word to live: Me shame not of my trust. 117 Stay me, I shall be safe, and aye, With joy thy laws I'll eye. 118 Thou tread'st down from thy laws who stray, For their deceit's a lie. 119 Earth's lewd ones off as dross thou throw'st, Thy laws I love therefore, 120 My flesh doth quake for fear of thee: I dread thy judgments fore. [16] Ayn 121 I Judgment do and right, leave me To none who me distress: 122 Be surety for thy servants good, Lest proud ones me oppress. 123 Mine eyes for thy salvation fail. For thy just word also. 124 In mercy with thy servant deal, Thy statutes make me know. 125 To me thy servant skill afford: Thy records for to know. 126 It's time for thee to work, O Lord, For men thy law o'erthrow. 127 Therefore thy laws I love much more Than gold, yea finest gold. 128 All false ways hate I, therefore all Thy laws all right I hold. [17] Phe 129 For that thy, records wondrous be My soul them keeps with care. 130 The entrance of thy words gives light, Makes wise who simple are. 131 My mouth I open'd, and did pant In longing for thy law. 1132 As thou dost those who love thy name, See me, and mercy show. 133 My steps guide by thy word, o'er me O let not sin bear sway. 13A From man's oppression set me free, So I'll thy laws obey. 135 Thy face let on thy servant shine, Thy laws to learn me cause. 136 The water-floods flow from mine eyes, For men keep not thy laws. [18] Tsaddi 137 Thou Lord art righteous, and upright Thy judgments are also. 138 The records thou command'st are right, And very faithful too. 339 My zeal consumed me because Thy words my foes forget. 140 Thy word's moll pure: therefore thereon Thy servant's love is set. 141 Small I and flighted am: thy laws Forget yet do not I. 142 Thy justice is the same for aye, And thy laws verity. 143 Distress and anguish on me seiz'd, Thy laws my joys yet be. 144 Thy righteous records last for aye, That I may live, teach me. [19] Coph 145 Cry'd with whole heart I have, hear me, Lord keep thy laws I will. 146 1 cried have to thee, save me, And I'll thy laws fulfil: 147 The dawning I prevent and cry, Thy word 1 hoped on. 148 Mine eyes prevent the watch, that I Might muse thy word upon. 149 As thou art kind, my voice, Lord, hear, As just, so quicken me. 150 Who follow mischief they draw near, Far from thy law they be. 151 Jehovah thou art near, and all, Thy precepts truth are they. 152 I of thy records knew of old, Thou didst them found for aye. [20] Resh 153 Regard my trouble, and me free, For I thy law record. 154 Plead thou my cause, deliver me, Revive me by thy word. 166 Salvation's from the wicked far, For thy laws seek not they. 156 Great are thy mercies, Lord, revive Me in thy judgments way. 157 My troubles many and my foes ; Nought from thy laws I stept. 158 I sinners saw,and griev'd because Thy word they have not kept. 159 See how I love thy precepts, Lord, Revve me by thy grace. 160 Thy word from first is truth, and all Thy judgments just always. [21] Shin 161 Strong princes causeless me pursue, Thy word yet awes my mind. 162 Yea, in thy word I joy as one That doth great riches find. 163 I lying hate, and do abhor, But love thy law most dear. 164 Sev'n times a day I praise thee, for Thy judgments just which are. 165 Great peace have they who love thy law, And stumbhng-block have none. 166 Lord, I for thy salvation hope, And thy commands have done. 167 My soul thy testimonies keeps, My love to them is dear. 168 Thy rules and laws I kept, for all My ways before thee are. [22] Thau 169 To thee, Lord, let my cry come near, Wise by thy word make me. 170 Thee let my humble suit approach, Me by thy word set free. 171 Thy statutes when thou hast me taught, My lips praise utter shall. 172 Thy word my tongue shall forth resound, For just thy laws are all. 173 Thy precepts since I chosen have; O help me by thy might. 174 Thy saving health I long for Lord, Thy law is my delight. 175 Thy praise to show let my soul live, Thy judgments help me let 176 Thy servant seek like lost sheep stray'd, Thy laws Til not forget. Scripture: Psalm 119 Languages: English
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All nations, praise the Lord, him praise

Hymnal: PHSS1742 #PCXVIIc (1742) Lyrics: 1 All nations praise the Lord, him praise 2 All people For his grace To us abounds, his truth aye lasts; Therefore Jehovah praise. Scripture: Psalm 117 Languages: English


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

Daniel Henchman and Thomas Hancock

Publisher of "" in The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament