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Showing 11 - 20 of 72Results Per Page: 102050
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God the All-Terrible!

Author: Henry F. Chorley; John Ellerton Meter: Appears in 203 hymnals Topics: Chastisement First Line: God the all-terrible! King, who ordainest Lyrics: 1 God the all-terrible! King, who ordainest great winds thy clarions, lightnings thy sword, show forth thy pity on high where thou reignest; give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 2 God the omnipotent! Mighty avenger, watching invisible, judging unheard, save us in mercy, O save us from danger; give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 3 God the all-merciful! Earth hath forsaken thy ways of blessedness, slighted thy Word; bid not thy wrath in its terrors awaken; give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 4 God the all-righteous One! Man hath defied thee; yet to eternity standeth thy Word; falsehood and wrong shall not tarry beside thee; give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 5 God the all-wise! By the fire of thy chast'ning, earth shall to freedom and truth be restored; through the thick darkness thy kingdom is hast'ning; thou wilt give peace in thy time, O Lord. Scripture: Psalm 29:10-11 Used With Tune: RUSSIAN HYMN
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Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer

Author: John H. Gurney Meter: Appears in 74 hymnals Topics: Chastisement Lyrics: 1 Great King of nations, hear our prayer, while at your feet we fall, and humbly, with united cry, to you for mercy call. 2 The guilt is ours, but grace is yours, O turn us not away; but hear us from your lofty throne, and help us when we pray. 3 Our fathers' sins were manifold, and ours no less we own, yet wondrously from age to age your goodness has been shown. 4 When dangers, like a stormy sea, beset our country round, to you we looked, to you we cried, and help in you was found. 5 With one consent we meekly bow beneath your chast'ning hand, and, pouring forth confession meet, mourn with our mourning land. 6 With pitying eye behold our need, as thus we lift our prayer; correct us with your judgments, Lord, then let your mercy spare. Scripture: Luke 1:50 Used With Tune: ST. ANNE (Croft)
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God our Support and Comfort; or Deliverance from Temptation and Persecution

Appears in 36 hymnals Topics: Saints chastised and Sinners destroyed; Saints chastised and Sinners destroyed First Line: Who will arise and plead my right Lyrics: 1 Who will arise and plead my right Against my numerous foes? While earth and hell their force unite, And all my hopes oppose. 2 Had not the Lord, my rock, my help, Sustain'd my fainting head; My life had now in silence dwelt, My soul amongst the dead. 3 Alas! my sliding feet! I cry'd, Thy promise bore me up Thy grace stood constant by my side, And rais'd my sinking hope. 4 While multitudes of mournful thoughts Within my bosom roll, Thy boundless love forgives my faults, Thy comforts cheer my soul. 5 Powers of iniquity may rise, And frame pernicious laws; But God my refuge rules the skies, He will defend my cause. 6 Let malice vent her rage aloud, Let bold blasphemers scoff; The Lord our God shall judge the proud, And cut the sinners off. Scripture: Psalm 94:16-23
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How gracious and how wise

Author: Philip Doddridge Meter: D Appears in 46 hymnals Topics: Christian Chastisement Used With Tune: SHAWMUT
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O how kindly hast thou led me

Author: Grinfield Appears in 35 hymnals Topics: Christian Chastisement Used With Tune: MIDDLETOWN
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The Punishment of Luxury and Intemperance;or, Chastisement and Salvation

Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints First Line: When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves Lyrics: 1 When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves And fills their Hearts with Dread; Yet he forgives the Men he loves, And sends them heav'nly Bread. 2 He fed them with a lib'ral Hand, And made his Treasures known; He gave the Midnight Clouds command To pour Provision down. 3 The Manna, like a Morning Show'r, Lay thick around their Feet; The Corn of Heav'n, so light, so pure, As though 'twere Angels Meat. 4 But they in murm'ring Language said, "Manna is all our Feast; "We loath this light, this airy Bread; "We must have Flesh to taste." 5 Ye shall have Flesh to please your Lust, The Lord in Wrath reply'd, And sent 'em Quails, like Sand or Dust, Heap'd up from Side to Side. 6 He gave 'em all their own Desire, And greedy as they fed, His Vengeance burnt with secret Fire, And smote the Rebels dead. 7 When some were slain, the rest return'd And sought the Lord with Tears; Under the Rod they fear'd and mourn'd, But soon forgot their fears. 8 Oft he chastis'd, and still forgave, 'Till, by his gracious Hand, The Nation he resolv'd to save Possess'd the promis'd Land. Scripture: Psalm 78

Psalm 78 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints First Line: O What a stiff rebellious house Lyrics: O What a stiff rebellious house Was Jacob's ancient race! False to their own most solemn vows, And to their Maker's grace. They broke the cov'nant of his love, And did his laws despise; Forgot the works he wrought to prove His power before their eyes. They saw the plagues on Egypt light From his revenging hand; What dreadful tokens of his might Spread o'er the stubborn land! They saw him cleave the mighty sea, And marched in safety through, With wat'ry walls to guard their way, Till they had 'scaped the foe. A wondrous pillar marked the road, Composed of shade and light; By day it proved a shelt'ring cloud, A leading fire by night. He from the rock their thirst supplied The gushing waters fell, And ran in rivers by their side, A constant miracle. Yet they provoked the Lord most High, And dared distrust his hand: "Can he with bread our host supply Amidst this desert land?" The Lord with indignation heard, And caused his wrath to flame; His terrors ever stand prepared To vindicate his name. Scripture: Psalm 78
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Great GOD, how oft did Isr'el prove

Appears in 32 hymnals Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints Lyrics: 1 Great GOD, how oft did Isr'el prove By Turns thine Anger and thy Love? There in a Glass our Hearts may see How fickle and how false they be. 2 How soon the faithless Jews forgot The dreadful Wonders GOD had wrought! Then they provoke him to his Face, Nor fear his Pow'r, nor trust his Grace. 3 The Lord consum'd their Years in Pain, And made their Travels long and vain; A tedious March through unknown Ways, Wore out their Strength, and spent their Days. 4 Oft when they saw their Brethren slain, They mourn'd, and sought the Lord again; Call'd him the Rock of their Abode, Their high Redeemer, and their GOD. 5 Their Pray'rs and Vows before him rise, As flatt'ring Words, or solemn Lyes, While their rebellious Tempers prove False to his Cov'nant and his Love. 6 Yet did his sov'reign Grace forgive The Men who not deserv'd to live; His Anger oft away he turn'd, Or else with gentle Flame it burn'd. 7 He saw their Flesh was weak and frail, He saw Temptations still prevail; The GOD of Abra'm lov'd them still, And led them to his holy Hill. Scripture: Psalm 78:32-72
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To GOD the great, the ever-blest

Appears in 87 hymnals Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints Lyrics: 1 To GOD, the great, the ever-blest, Let Songs of Honour be addrest; His Mercy firm for ever stands; Give him the Thanks his Love demands. 2 Who knows the Wonders of thy Ways? Who shall fulfil thy boundless Praise? Blest are the Souls that fear Thee still, And pay their Duty to thy Will. 3 Remember what thy Mercy did For Jacob's Race, thy chosen Seed; And with the same Salvation bless The meanest Suppliant of thy Grace. 4 O may I see thy Tribes rejoice, And aid their Triumphs with my Voice! This is my Glory, Lord, to be Join'd to thy Saints, and near to Thee. Scripture: Psalm 106:1-5
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Let Children hear the mighty Deeds

Appears in 180 hymnals Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints Lyrics: 1 Let Children hear the mighty Deeds Which GOD perform'd of old; Which in our younger Years we saw, And which our Fathers told. 2 He bids us make his Glories known; His Works of Pow'r and Grace; And we'll convey his Wonders down Through ev'ry rising Race. 3 Our Lips shall tell them to our Sons, And they again to theirs, That Generations yet unborn May teach them to their Heirs. 4 Thus shall they learn, in GOD alone Their Hope securely stands, That they may ne'er forget his Works, But practise his Commands. Scripture: Psalm 78


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