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Saints chastised, and Sinners destroyed; or Instructive Affilctions

Appears in 30 hymnals Topics: Saints chastised and Sinners destroyed; Saints chastised and Sinners destroyed First Line: O God! to whom revenge belongs Lyrics: 1 O God! to whom revenge belongs, Proclaim thy wrath aloud; Let sovereign power redress our wrongs, Let justice smite the proud. 2 They say, "The Lord nor sees nor hears;" When will the vain be wise? Can he be deaf, who form'd their ears? Or blind, who made their eyes? 3 He knows their impious thoughts are vain, And they shall feel his power; His wrath shall pierce their souls with pain In some surprising hour. 4 But if thy saints deserve rebuke, Thou hast a gentler rod; Thy providence, thy sacred book Shall make them know their God. 5 Blest is the man thy hands chastise, And to his duty draw; Thy scourges make thy children wise When they forget thy law. 6 But God will ne’er cast off his saints, Nor his own promise break; He pardons his inheritance For their Redeemer’s sake. Scripture: Psalm 94:1-2
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How Firm a Foundation, Ye Saints of the Lord

Meter: Appears in 2,154 hymnals Topics: Chastisements Lyrics: 1 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! What more can He say than to you He has said, To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled? To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled? 2 "Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed; For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand, Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand. 3 "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 4 "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply; The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine, Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. 5 "The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake! I'll never, no never, no never forsake!" Used With Tune: ADESTE FIDELES Text Sources: "K" in Rippon's Selections, 1787
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Jehovah Reigns in Majesty

Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Chastisements First Line: God Jehovah reigns Lyrics: 1 Jehovah reigns in majesty, Let all the nations quake; He dwells between the cherubim, Let earth's foundations shake. Supreme in Zion is the Lord, Exalted gloriously; Ye nations, praise His Name with awe, The Holy One is He. 2 The mighty King loves justice well, And equity ordains; He rules His people righteously And faithfulness maintains. O magnify the Lord our God, Let Him exalted be; In worship at His footstool bow, The Holy One is He. 3 When priests and prophets called on God, He their petitions heard; His cloudy pillar led them on, And they obeyed His word. Though sending judgments for their sins, He pardoned graciously; Exalt the Lord and worship Him, The Holy One is He. Scripture: Psalm 99 Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE


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Meter: D Appears in 80 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: C. Hubert H. Parry Topics: Chastisement Tune Key: F Major Incipit: 11432 17511 65453 Used With Text: In Thy Wrath and Hot Displeasure
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Meter: D Appears in 463 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: L. Bourgeois Topics: Chastisements Tune Sources: Adapted from Psalm 42 in Genevan and Dutch Psalter Tune Key: G Major or modal Incipit: 12321 65312 32352 Used With Text: O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah
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Meter: Appears in 1,389 hymnals Topics: Chastisements Tune Sources: J. F. Wade's Cantus Diversi, 1751 Tune Key: G Major or modal Incipit: 11512 55323 43211 Used With Text: How Firm a Foundation, Ye Saints of the Lord


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Published text-tune combinations (hymns) from specific hymnals
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The Punishment of Luxury and Intemperance;or, Chastisement and Salvation

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #140 (1740) Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints First Line: When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves Lyrics: 1 When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves And fills their Hearts with Dread; Yet he forgives the Men he loves, And sends them heav'nly Bread. 2 He fed them with a lib'ral Hand, And made his Treasures known; He gave the Midnight Clouds command To pour Provision down. 3 The Manna, like a Morning Show'r, Lay thick around their Feet; The Corn of Heav'n, so light, so pure, As though 'twere Angels Meat. 4 But they in murm'ring Language said, "Manna is all our Feast; "We loath this light, this airy Bread; "We must have Flesh to taste." 5 Ye shall have Flesh to please your Lust, The Lord in Wrath reply'd, And sent 'em Quails, like Sand or Dust, Heap'd up from Side to Side. 6 He gave 'em all their own Desire, And greedy as they fed, His Vengeance burnt with secret Fire, And smote the Rebels dead. 7 When some were slain, the rest return'd And sought the Lord with Tears; Under the Rod they fear'd and mourn'd, But soon forgot their fears. 8 Oft he chastis'd, and still forgave, 'Till, by his gracious Hand, The Nation he resolv'd to save Possess'd the promis'd Land. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English

Mighty LORD, the God of Vengeance

Hymnal: Trinity Psalter Hymnal #94A (2018) Meter: D Topics: Chastisement Scripture: Psalm 94 Languages: English Tune Title: BLAENHAFREN
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Israel's Rebellion and Punsihment; or, The Sins and Chastisements of GOD's People

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #139 (1740) Topics: Sin and chastisement of saints First Line: O what a stiff rebellious House Lyrics: 1 O what a stiff rebellious House Was Jacob's ancient Race! False to their own most solemn Vows, And to their Maker's Grace. 2 They broke the Cov'nant of his Love, And did his Laws despise; Forgot the Works he wrought, to prove His Pow'r before their Eyes. 3 They saw the Plagues on Egypt light From his revenging Hand; What dreadful Tokens of his Might Spread o'er the stubborn Land. 4 They saw him cleave the mighty Sea, And march'd in Safety through, With watry walls to guard their Way, 'Till they had 'scaped the foe. 5 A wond'rous Pillar mark'd the Road, Compos'd of Shade and Light; By day it prov'd a shelt'ring cloud, A leading Fire by Night. 6 He from the rock their Thirst supply'd The gushing Waters fell, And ran in Rivers by their Side, A constant Miracle. 7 Yet they provok'd the Lord most High, And dar'd distrust his Hand: "Can he with Bread our Host supply "Amidst this desart Land?" 8 The Lord with Indignation heard, And caus'd his Wrath to flame; His Terrors ever stand prepar'd To vindicate his Name. Languages: English


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

John Bacchus Dykes

1823 - 1876 Person Name: Rev. John B. Dykes Topics: Chastisements Composer of "NICEA" in Psalter Hymnal (Red) As a young child John Bacchus Dykes (b. Kingston-upon-Hull' England, 1823; d. Ticehurst, Sussex, England, 1876) took violin and piano lessons. At the age of ten he became the organist of St. John's in Hull, where his grandfather was vicar. After receiving a classics degree from St. Catherine College, Cambridge, England, he was ordained in the Church of England in 1847. In 1849 he became the precentor and choir director at Durham Cathedral, where he introduced reforms in the choir by insisting on consistent attendance, increasing rehearsals, and initiating music festivals. He served the parish of St. Oswald in Durham from 1862 until the year of his death. To the chagrin of his bishop, Dykes favored the high church practices associated with the Oxford Movement (choir robes, incense, and the like). A number of his three hundred hymn tunes are still respected as durable examples of Victorian hymnody. Most of his tunes were first published in Chope's Congregational Hymn and Tune Book (1857) and in early editions of the famous British hymnal, Hymns Ancient and Modern. Bert Polman

Louis Bourgeois

1510 - 1561 Person Name: L. Bourgeois Topics: Chastisements Composer of "AUTUMN" in Psalter Hymnal (Red) Louis Bourgeois (b. Paris, France, c. 1510; d. Paris, 1561). In both his early and later years Bourgeois wrote French songs to entertain the rich, but in the history of church music he is known especially for his contribution to the Genevan Psalter. Apparently moving to Geneva in 1541, the same year John Calvin returned to Geneva from Strasbourg, Bourgeois served as cantor and master of the choristers at both St. Pierre and St. Gervais, which is to say he was music director there under the pastoral leadership of Calvin. Bourgeois used the choristers to teach the new psalm tunes to the congregation. The extent of Bourgeois's involvement in the Genevan Psalter is a matter of scholar­ly debate. Calvin had published several partial psalters, including one in Strasbourg in 1539 and another in Geneva in 1542, with melodies by unknown composers. In 1551 another French psalter appeared in Geneva, Eighty-three Psalms of David, with texts by Marot and de Beze, and with most of the melodies by Bourgeois, who supplied thirty­ four original tunes and thirty-six revisions of older tunes. This edition was republished repeatedly, and later Bourgeois's tunes were incorporated into the complete Genevan Psalter (1562). However, his revision of some older tunes was not uniformly appreciat­ed by those who were familiar with the original versions; he was actually imprisoned overnight for some of his musical arrangements but freed after Calvin's intervention. In addition to his contribution to the 1551 Psalter, Bourgeois produced a four-part harmonization of fifty psalms, published in Lyons (1547, enlarged 1554), and wrote a textbook on singing and sight-reading, La Droit Chemin de Musique (1550). He left Geneva in 1552 and lived in Lyons and Paris for the remainder of his life. Bert Polman

John Ellerton

1826 - 1893 Topics: Chastisement Author (stanzas 4-5) of "God the All-Terrible!" in Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) John Ellerton (b. London, England, 1826; d. Torquay, Devonshire, England, 1893) Educated at King William's College on the Isle of Man and at Trinity College, Cambridge, England, he was ordained in the Church of England in 1851. He served six parishes, spending the longest time in Crewe Green (1860-1872), a church of steelworkers and farmers. Ellerton wrote and translated about eighty hymns, many of which are still sung today. He helped to compile Church Hymns and wrote its handbook, Notes and Illustrations to Church Hymns (1882). Some of his other hymn texts were published in The London Mission Hymn Book (1884). Bert Polman ========================= Ellerton, John, M.A., son of George Ellerton, was born in London, Dec. 16, 1826, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1849; M.A. 1854). Taking Holy Orders he was successively Curate of Easebourne, Sussex, 1850; Brighton, and Lecturer of St. Peter's, Brighton, 1852; Vicar of Crewe Green, and Chaplain to Lord Crewe, 1860; Rector of Hinstock, 1872; of Barnes, 1876; and of White Roding, 1886. Mr. Ellerton's prose writings include The Holiest Manhood, 1882; Our Infirmities, 1883, &c. It is, however, as a hymnologist, editor, hymnwriter, and translator, that he is most widely known. As editor he published: Hymns for Schools and Bible Classes, Brighton, 1859. He was also co-editor with Bishop How and others of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871. His Notes and Illustrations of Church Hymns, their authors and translators, were published in the folio edition of 1881. The notes on the hymns which are special to the collection, and many of which were contributed thereto, are full, accurate, and of special value. Those on the older hymns are too general for accuracy. They are written in a popular form, which necessarily precludes extended research, fulness, and exactness of detail. The result is acceptable to the general public, but disappointing to the hymnological expert. Mr. Ellerton's original hymns number about fifty, and his translations from the Latin ten or more. Nearly every one of these are in common use and include:— 1. Before the day draws near its ending. Afternoon. Written April 22, 1880, for a Festival of Choirs at Nantwich, and first published in the Nantwich Festival Book, 1880. In 1883 it passed into the Westminster Abbey Hymn Book. 2. Behold us, Lord, a little space. General for Weekdays. Written in 1870 for a mid-day service in a City Church, and published in Church Hymns in 1871. It has passed into several collections. 3. Come forth, 0 Christian brothers. Processional for Choral Festival. Written for a Festival of Parochial Choirs held at Chester, May, 1870, and 1st printed in the Service-book of the same. In 1871 it passed into Church Hymns. 4. Father, Name of love and fear. Confirmation. Written in 1871 for a Confirmation in the North of England, and published in Church Hymns, 1871, and other collections. 5. God, Creator and Preserver. In Time of Scarcity. Written for and first published in The Hymnary, 1870; and again in the revised edition, 1872, and other hymnbooks. 6. Hail to the Lord Who comes. Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Written Oct. 6, 1880, for Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, and published therein, 1881. 7. In the Name which earth and heaven. Foundation of a Church. Written for and first published in Church Hymns, 1871, and repeated in several collections. The hymn sung at the re-opening of the Nave of Chester Cathedral, January 25, 1872, was compiled by Mr. Ellerton from this hymn, and his "Lift the strain of high thanksgiving.” 8 King Messiah, long expected. The Circumcision. Written Jan. 14, 1871, and first published in Church Hymns, 1871. It has passed into other collections. 9. King of Saints, to Whom the number. St. Bartholomew. Written for and first published in Church Hymns., 1871. It is very popular, and has been repeated in many hymnals. 10. Mary at the Master's feet. Catechizing. Written for and first published in Church Hymns, 1871. 11. O Father, all-creating. Holy Matrimony. Written Jan. 29, 1876, at the request of the Duke of Westminster, for the marriage of his daughter to the Marquess of Ormonde. It was published in Thring's Collection, 1880 and 1882. 12 O! how fair the morning broke. Septuagesima. Written March 13, 1880, for Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, and included therein, 1881. 13. O Lord of life and death, welcome. In Time of Pestilence. Written for and first published in Church Hymns, 1871. 14. O shining city of our God. Concerning the Hereafter. First published in the Rev. R. Brown-Borthwick's Sixteen Hymns with Tunes, &c, 1870; and again in Church Hymns, 1871. 15. O Son of God, our Captain of Salvation. St. Barnabas. Written April 5, 1871, and first published in Church Hymns, 1871; and again in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875, Thring's Collection, 1882, and others. 16. O Thou in Whom Thy saints repose. Consecration of a Burial Ground. Written for the consecration of an addition to the Parish Churchyard of Tarporley, Cheshire, 1870, and published in Church Hymns, 1871. 17. O Thou Whose bounty fills the earth. Flower Services. Written for a Flower Service at St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, June 6, 1880, and published in Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 18. Praise to our God, Whose bounteous hand. National Thanksgiving. Written in 1870 for Church Hymns, but first published in the Rev. R. Brown-Borthwick's Select Hymns, &c., 1871, and then in Church Hymns later the same year. 19. The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended. The darkness, &c. Evening. Written in 1870 for A Liturgy for Missionary Meetings (Frome, Hodges), and revised for Church Hymns, 1871. The revised form has passed into other collections. 20. The Lord be with us when we bend. Close of Afternoon Service. Written [in 1870] at the request of a friend for use at the close of Service on Sunday afternoons when (as in summer) strictly Evening hymns would be unsuitable. It was published in Church Hymns, 1871, Thring's Collection, 1882, and others. 21. This day the Lord's disciples met. Whitsuntide. "Originally written in 1855 for a class of children, as a hymn of 8 verses of 5 lines each, beginning, 'The Fiftieth day was come at last.’ It was abridged, revised, and compressed into C.M. for Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1880," and published therein, 1881. 22. Thou in Whose Name the two or three. Wednesday. Appeared in the Parish Magazine, May, 1871, as a hymn for Wednesday. After revision it was included in Church Hymns, 1871, and repeated in other collections. 23. Thou Who sentest Thine Apostles. SS. Simon and Jude. Written in June, 1874, for the revised edition of Hymns Ancient & Modern, and published in the same in 1875. 24. We sing the glorious conquest. Conversion of St. Paul. Written Feb. 28, 1871, for and published later the same year in Church Hymns. It was repeated in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875. 25. When the day of toil is done. Eternal Best. Written in Jan., 1870, and first published in the Rev. R. Brown-Borthwick's Sixteen Hymns with Tunes, &c. 1870, Church Hymns, 1871, and subsequently in several Scottish hymn-books. The tune "Preston," in Church Hymns was written for this hymn. To these hymns must be added those which are annotated under their respective first lines, and the translations from the Latin. The grandest of his original compositions is, "Throned upon the awful tree," and the most beautiful and tender, "Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise"; and of his translations, "Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise," and "Welcome, happy morning, age to age shall say," are the most successful and popular. The subjects of Mr. Ellerton's hymns, and the circumstances under which they were written, had much to do with the concentration of thought and terseness of expression by which they are characterized. The words which he uses are usually short and simple; the thought is clear and well stated; the rhythm is good and stately. Ordinary facts in sacred history and in daily life are lifted above the commonplace rhymes with which they are usually associated, thereby rendering the hymns bearable to the cultured, and instructive to the devout. His antitheses are frequent and terse, almost too much so for devotional verse, and are in danger of interrupting the tranquil flow of devotion. His sympathy with nature, especially in her sadder moods, is great; he loves the fading light and the peace of eve, and lingers in the shadows. Unlike many writers who set forth their illustrations in detail, and then tie to them the moral which they are to teach, he weaves his moral into his metaphor, and pleases the imagination and refreshes the spirit together. Now and again he falls into the weakness of ringing changes on words; but taken as a whole his verse is elevated in tone, devotional in spirit, and elegant in diction. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Ellerton, John, p. 326, i. Other hymns are:— 1. O Father, bless the children. Holy Baptism. Written in 1886, and published in his Hymns, &c, 1888, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. Also in the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 2. O Thou Who givest food to all. Temperance. Written Aug. 30, 1882, and printed in the Church of England Temperance Chronicle, Sept. 1882. Also in his Hymns, &c, 1888. 3. Praise our God for all the wonders. St. Nicholas's Day. Dated in his Hymns, 1888, "December 1882." It was written for the Dedication Festival of St. Nicholas's Church, Brighton, and first printed as a leaflet in 1882. 4. Praise our God, Whose open hand. Bad Harvest. Written as a hymn for the bad harvest of 1881, and printed in the Guardian in August of that year. Also in his Hymns, &c, 1888. 5. Praise to the Heavenly Wisdom. St. Matthias's Day. Dated in his Hymns, &c, 1888, "January, 1888." Also in the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 6. Shine Thou upon us, Lord. For a Teachers' Meeting. Contributed to the 1889 Suppl. Hymns to Hymns Ancient & Modern. 7. Thou Who wearied by the well. Temperance. Written for the Opening of a Workmen's Coffee Tavern, and dated in his Hymns, &c, 1888, "September 23, 1882." It was printed in the Church of England Temperance Chronicle the same year. 8. Throned upon the awful Tree. Good Friday. Written in 1875, and published in the 1875 ed. of Hymns Ancient & Modern. It has passed into many collections, and is one of the finest of Mr. Ellerton's productions. Mr. Ellerton's original and translated hymns to the number of 76 were collected, and published by Skeffington & Son in 1888, as Hymns, Original and Translated. By John Ellerton, Rector of White Roding. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) =================== Ellerton, J., pp. 326, ii.; 1561, ii. He was appointed Hon. Canon of St. Albans in 1892. and died June 15, 1893. His Life and Works, by H. Housman, was published in 1896. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)