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Tune Identifier:"^aus_tiefer_not_luther$"

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For help, O whither shall I flee?

Author: J. Neander Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 For help, O whither shall I flee? Who now to peace will guide me? To none, dear Savior, but to Thee, Can I with hope confide me. 'Tis Thine to give the weary rest, The mourning soul in Thee is blest,-- Help, Jesus, the afflicted! 2 My sin, O Lord, is now my grief, Against my will it rages: Thy grace alone an bring relief, While sin its warfare wages, All that I need is known to Thee, And now a part myself can see,-- Help, Jesus, the sin-burdened! 3 Good Shepherd, bearest Thou the weak? Sustain me in my weakness! Thou great Physician of the sick, Heal Thou my moral sickness! A prey to death I helpless fall,-- For health and strength to Thee I call, Save, Jesus, or I perish! 4 To those who trust Thee--"Nothing fear? I am the life!"--Thou criest; Seeks not my soul, with strong desire, The life which Thou suppliest? Though all my sorrows Thou canst lead, In death provide for every need-- Help, Jesus, the confiding. 5 I would do good, but still I fail,-- Must I thus always waver? What grief it gives Thou knowest well. Who shall my soul deliver, And set the salve for ever free From sin and death to live with Thee?-- I thank Thee, God, through Jesus! Topics: The Church Year Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: [For help, O whither shall I flee?]
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Out of the deep I cry to Thee

Author: Dr. Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Rev. Benjamin LaTrobe, 1725-1786 Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Choosing Christ; Christ Grace of; Christ Shepherd; Conviction of Sin; Fall of Man; Fruits of Grace; God Mercy of; Pardon Sought; Repentance and Confession of Sin; Sin Used With Tune: DE PROFUNDIS

Af Dybsens Nød jeg raabe maa

Author: Luther; Landstad Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Af Dybsens Nød jeg raabe maa, O Herre du mig høre! Dit Naadens Øre merke paa Den Bøn, jeg frem vil føre! Om du i Naade ei ser bort Fra al den Synd, som her er gjort, Hvo kan da frelst vel blive? 2 For dig kun Naaden gjælde kan Til Synden at forlade, Min Gjerning hjælper ei en Grand, Og bøder ei den Skade; For dig er ingen funden reen, Thi frygte sig maa hver og een, Og tage Trøst af Naaden. 3 Derfor til Gud jeg holder mig I mine Synders Vaade, Mit Hjerte saare trøster sig Paa Jesu søde Naade, Som er mig i hans Ord tilsagt, Det staar evindelig ved Magt; Paa Naaden, Gud, jeg bier! 4 Og varer det fra Morgenstund Alt indtil Aftens Ende, Da skal mitHjerte ingenlund Mistrøstet bort sig vende. Saa gjør Guds Folk af rette Art, Som han med Tugt har tvunget hart, De bie paa Guds Time. 5 Og om vor Synd er stor og svar, End større er Guds Naade; Den Hjælp, som han i Hænde har, Er uden Maal og Maade. Traads al den Synd og Sorg, er til, Han Hyrden er, som frelse vil, Og fri sit Folk af Nøden. Topics: Anden Søndage i Faste Til Høimesse; Second Sunday in Lent High Mass; Synden; Sin; 11 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Hoimesse; Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass; 22 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Hoimesse; Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity Sunday High Mass Used With Tune: [Af Dybsens Nød jeg raabe maa]
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Z głębokiej nędzy

Author: ks. Marcin Luter Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Z głębokiej nędzy, w grzechu mym Lyrics: 1 Z głębokiej nędzy, w grzechu mym do Ciebie wołam, Panie! Ach, w miłosierdziu wielkim swym wysłuchaj me błaganie! Bo jeśli chcesz nasz każdy błąd pod sprawiedliwy wziąć swój sąd, któż wtedy się ostoi? 2 Me grzech tylko łaska Twa przebaczy mi obficie; daremna jest zasługa ma jak i najlepsze życie. Bo czym się człek pochlubić chce? Wszak Ciebie bać powinien się, łaskę błagać każdy. 3 Na litość Twą się całkiem zdam, nie liczę na me czyny, mą ufność tylko w tobie mam, że mi odpuścisz winy, jak mi przyrzeka słowo Twe; toć ma pociecha, światło me, nadzieję w nim pokładam. 4 A choćbym ciężko boleðć miał od zmierzchu aż do rana, w ufności jednak będę trwał, że pomoc mam u Pana, Tak prawy ʼzraelu, bądż odrodzon z Ducha, Nim się rządż i ufaj Bogu stale. 5 Choć ogrom wielki naszych win, możniejsza łaska Bosak, choć grzeszny każdy ludzki czyn, ratować Jego troska, On, dobry Pasterz, owce swe wybawić i odkupić chce od nieprawości wszelkich. Niemiecki: Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, Herr Gott, erhör mein Rufen. Dein gnädig' Ohren kehr zu mir und meiner Bitt sie öffne; denn so du willst das shen an, was Sünd und Unrecht ist getan, wer kann, Herr, vor dir bleiben? Angielski: Out of the depths I cry to you; O Father, hear me calling. Incline your ear to my distress In spite of my rebelling. Do not regard my sinfuld eeds. Send me the grace my spirit needs; Without it I am nothing. Czeski: Z hlubokosti volåm k tobě, slyš, Bože, krřik smutného; nakloň u˜si Svých v mé mdlobe k hlasu bzdycháni mého! Budešli miti jen zřeni na hříchy a provinení, kto před tebou ostoji? Slowacki: Z hlbokosti k Tebe volám, čuj, Bože, smutný mǒj hlas, praj sluchu úprimným slavåm, skloň sa ku mne, pomǒž včas; ved; ak vidiš len nerestí, previnenia, neprávosti, kto pred Tebou obstoji? Used With Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT SCHREI ICH ZU DIR

Do You Speak Right Decrees, You Mute?

Author: Donald P. Owens Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Supplication Scripture: Psalm 58 Used With Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT

Why Boast in Evil, Mighty Man?

Author: Donald P. Owens Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Supplication Used With Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT
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Oppressed by sin, O Lord, to Thee

Author: C.F. Gellert Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Oppressed by sin, O Lord, to Thee I come in my affliction: O, full of pity, look on me, Impart Thy benediction. My sins are great, where shall I fell? The blood of Jesus speaks for me; For all our sins He carried. 2 Repentant at Thy feet I fall, To Thy cross humbly clinging, O Jesus, hear me when I call, My wants before Thee bringing. My trust is in Thy grace and power; For all was finished in that hour, When Thou didst make atonement. 3 When I approach Thine altar, Lord, May I this comfort cherish, That on the cross Thy blood was poured For me, lest I should perish. Thou didst for me God's law fulfill, That holy joy my heart might thrill When on Thy love I'm feasting. 4 Be Thou my shield 'gainst Satan's power, Whene'er he would assail me; The victor's crown, when come death's hour, O let it never fail me! Lord Jesus,Thou who savedst me, My life I would devote to Thee, To praise Thy name forever. Topics: The Church Confession; The Church Confession; Confession of Sin Used With Tune: [Oppressed by sin, O Lord to Thee]

Out Of The Deep I Cry To Thee

Author: Martin Luther; Arthur T. Russell Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Out of the deep I cry to Thee; O Lord God, hear my crying; Incline Thy gracious ear to me, With prayer to Thee applying. For if Thou fix Thy searching eye On sin and all iniquity, Who, Lord, can stand before Thee? 2 But love and grace with Thee prevail, O God! our sins forgiving! The holiest deeds can naught prevail Of all before Thee living. Before Thee none can boast him clear; Therefore must each Thy judgment fear, And live on Thy compassion. 3 For this my hope in God shall rest, Naught building on my merit: My heart confides, of Him possessed: His goodness stays my spirit. His precious blood assureth me My solace, my sure rock is He; Hereon my soul abideth. 4 And though I wait the livelong night, And till the morn returneth, My heart undoubting trusts His might, Nor in impatience mourneth. Born of His Spirit Israel In the right way thus fareth well, And on his God reposeth. 5 What though our sins are manifold, Supreme His mercy reigneth; No limit can His hand withhold, Where evil most obtaineth. He the good Shepherd is alone, Who Israel will redeem and own, Forgiving all transgression. Used With Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT Text Sources: Psalms and Hymns (Cambridge, England: John Deighton, 1851)

Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee

Author: Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878; Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Confession and Commitment Used With Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT
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O sinner, for a little space

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O sinner, for a little space Lift up thine eyes, discerning How terrible a thing is sin; And so to wisdom turning, Upon the crucified One look, And thou shalt read, as in a book, What well is worth thy learning. 2 Look on His head, that bleeding head, With crown of thorns surrounded; Look on His sacred hands and feet, Which piercing nails have wounded; See every limb with scourges rent; On Him, the just, the innocent, What malice hath abounded! 3 'Tis not alone those tender limbs With so much pain are aching; For the ingratitude of man His heart within is breaking. O fearful was the chastisement The Son of Mary underwent, The place of sinners taking. 4 No man has any sorrow borne Like unto that affliction, When Jesus for our sake endured His people's contradiction; Beyond imagination were The sufferings He willed to bear In that dread crucifixion. 5 Now mark, O man, and ponder well Sin's awful condemnation. For whom were all those wounded endured? To purchase thy salvation. Had Jesus never bled and died, Then what could thee and all betide But fiery reprobation? 6 Flee, therefore, sinner, flee from sin And Satan's wiles ensnaring; Flee from those everlasting flames For evil ones preparing. O thank thy Savior, and entreat To rest hereafter at His feet, The life eternal sharing. Topics: The Church Year Holy Thursday; The Church Year Holy Thursday; Atonement Used With Tune: [O sinner, for a little space] Text Sources: Latin


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