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Paulus Speratus

1484 - 1554 Person Name: Paul Speratus Hymnal Number: 188 Author of "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Speratus, Paulus, D.D., was born in Swabia, Dec. 13, 1484. In a poem, written circa 1516, on Dr. J. Eck, he calls himself Elephangius, i.e. of Ellwangen; and in his correspondence, preserved at Königsberg, he often styles himself "a Rutilis" or "von Rötlen." These facts would seem to indicate that he was born at the castle of Röthlen, near Ellwangen. This property belonged to the Probst of the ecclesiastical corporation at Ellwangen, and Speratus's father was probably their bailiff or agent. The family name seems to have been Hoffer or Offer, and to have been in later years, following a practice common in the 16th cent., Latinized by himself into Speratus. He is probably the "Paul Offer de Ellwangen," who matri¬culated at the University of Freiburg (Baden) in l503. He is also said to have studied at Paris, and at some of the Italian universities. In 1518 we find him settled as a preacher at Dinkelsbühl, in Bavaria. In the end of that year he was invited to become preacher in the cathedral at Würzburg. He went to Würzburg in Feb. 1519, but his preaching was much too evangelical for the new bishop, and he had to leave, apparently in the beginning of 1520. Proceeding to Salzburg he preached for sometime in the cathedral, until the archbishop there also would not tolerate his pronounced opinions. He left Salzburg in the autumn of 1520, and went to Vienna, where he appears to have graduated D.D. at the University. He was already married (probably as early as 1519), and was one of the first priests who had dared to take this step. After a violent sermon against marriage, delivered by a monk in St. Peter's church, at Vienna, the governor of Lower Austria (Count Leonhard von Zech) asked Speratus to make a reply. With the consent of the bishop he did so, and preached, on Jan. 12, 1522, a sermon in the cathedral (St. Stephen's), founded on the Epistle for the 1st Sunday after the Epiphany, in which he expressed his opinions very freely regarding the monastic life and enforced celibacy, and also clearly set forth the doctrine of Justification by Faith. This sermon (published at Königsberg in 1524) made a great impression, and was condemned by the Theological Faculty at Vienna, who also prevented Speratus from accepting an invitation to become preacher at Ofen, near Vienna. On his way from Vienna to the north he stayed at Iglau in Moravia, where the abbot of the Dominican monastery appointed him as preacher. Here the people became greatly enamoured of him and of the Reformation doctrines,and stood firmly by him, notwithstanding the remonstrances and threats of the king, and of the bishop of Olmütz. In the summer of 1523 king Ludwig came to Olmütz and summoned Speratus to him. Without even the form of a trial he put him in prison, but after three months he released him, probably through the influence of his queen (Maria of Hungary), and of his cousin, the Margrave Albrecht of Brandenburg, but on the condition of his leaving Iglau and Moravia. In the end of 1523 Speratus came to Wittenberg, where he worked with Luther, and assisted him in the preparation of the first Lutheran hymn book (the Etlich cristlich lider. It contained 4 German hymns by Luther, 3 by Speratus, and 1 anonymous German hymn). Luther then recommended him to the Margrave Albrecht, and about May 1524 the Margrave appointed him as court preacher at Königsberg. Here he had also charge of the Altstadt church till Graumann came into residence, in Oct. 1525. He seems to have had the principal share in drawing up the Liturgy and Canons (Kirchenordnung or "Book of Church Order") for the Prussian church, which was presented to the Diet in December 1525, and printed in 1526. On March 31, 1526, he was chosen as the clerical commissioner to visit the parishes of Prussia and see that the new arrangements were carried out; and in the end of 1529 he was appointed Lutheran bishop of Pomesania, with his residence at Marienwerder. Here he remained until his death on Aug. 12, 1551. Speratus was the author of various works, hut was best known as the Reformer of Prussia. Feeling that for the working of ordinary parishes it was necessary to have pastors who had been brought up in Prussia, and could preach, if need be, in Polish or Lettish, he gladly welcomed the foundation at Königsberg (1544) of the first Prussian university. Among other important events affecting his administration may be mentioned the Visitations of 1528, of 1538, and especially that which lasted from Dec. 15, 1542, to the middle of February 1543; the Synods of 1529 (the Synodical Constitutions were pub. in 1530), of 1530, and of 1531; the new Kirchenordnung of 1544; and the welcome he extended, in 1548, to the exiled Bohemian Brethren who settled iu Prussia. As a hymn writer Speratus is principally known by the three hymns published in the Etlich cristlich lider, 1524. He also published (no place or date but Königsberg, 1527), in 1527, a version of Ps. xxvii., beginning, " Erzurn dich nicht, sei nicht neidisch;" and a Hymn of Thanksgiving, to be used after the sermon, beginning, "Gelobet sei Gott, unser Gott." These five are all that can be confidently ascribed to him. Of the five hymns mentioned above two have passed into English, viz.:— i. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her. Law and Gospel. This, his most famous hymn, is founded on Rom. iii. 28. It was probably written in the autumn of 1523, either during his imprisonment at Olmütz, or else during his stay at Wittenberg. Included as one of the 8 hymns in the Etlich cristlich lider1524, dated 1523, and entitled, “A hymn of Law and Faith, powerfully furnished with God's Word. Doctor Paul Speratus." Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 236, calls it "the true confessional hymn of the Reformation, or, as Albert Knapp puts it, 'the poetical counterpart of Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans.'" He relates many instances of the effects it produced. It is a Scriptural ballad, setting forth, in what was, for the time, excellent verse, the characteristic teachings of the German Reformers; and is indeed of considerable historical importance. But for present day use it is too long, somewhat harsh in style, and too much a compend of doctrinal theology. The only version we have found in English common use is:— To us salvation now is come. In full by Dr. H. Mills, in his Horae Germanicae, 1845, p. 44. Other translations are:— (1) "Now is our health come from above." By Bishop Coverdale, 1539 (Remains. (2) "Our whole Salvation doth depend." By J. C. Jacobi, 1725, p. 23. (3) "Now comes salvation from above." By Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 79. (4) "Salva¬tion hath come down to us." By Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 123. ii. In Gott gelaub ich, dass er hat aus nich.The Apostles' Creed. This is a free version, in 9 stanzas of 19 lines. First published in the Etlich cristlich lider, 1524. It was included in V. Babst's Gesang-Buch, 1545, and many others, but on account of its length and its unusual metre it has not found a place in recent hymnals. It is translated as "In God I trust, for so I must." By Bishop Coverdale, 1539. (Remain, 1846, p. 547.) [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johannes Michael Dilherr

1604 - 1669 Person Name: Johann M. Dilherr Hymnal Number: 319 Author of "Nun lasset Gottes guete" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Dilherr, Johann Michael, was born at Themar in Meiningen, Oct. 14, 1604, and educated at the Universities of Leipzig, Altdorf and Jena. In 1646 he became first pastor of St. Sebaid's Church, and Antistes of the Nürnberg clergy, and died at Nürnberg, April 8, 1669. He was reckoned one of the most learned men and the greatest preacher of his time. He wrote some 60 hymns, which appeared in various devotional works, and in his Bey 1000 Alte und Neue Geistliche Psalmen, Lieder und Gebete, Nürnberg, 1654, &c. Only one has been translated:— Nun lasset Gottes Güte. [God's Care.] Appeared in his Weg zu der Seligkeit, Nürnberg, 1646, p. 491, in 16 stanzas, entitled "Hymn of God's Goodness and against fretting Cares." The translation is from the form in the Brüder Gesang-Buch 1778, No. 267, in 8 stanzas, beginning, "Lasst uns mit süssen Weisen." It is translated as "The prayers of the needy," No. 1111 in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801 (1849, No. 798). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Heermann

1585 - 1647 Hymnal Number: 590 Author of "Du weinest fuer [um] [vor] Jerusalem" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Johann Heermann's (b. Raudten, Silesia, Austria, 1585; d. Lissa, Posen [now Poland], 1647) own suffering and family tragedy led him to meditate on Christ's undeserved suffering. The only surviving child of a poor furrier and his wife, Heermann fulfilled his mother's vow at his birth that, if he lived, he would become a pastor. Initially a teacher, Heermann became a minister in the Lutheran Church in Koben in 1611 but had to stop preaching in 1634 due to a severe throat infection. He retired in 1638. Much of his ministry took place during the Thirty Years' War. At times he had to flee for his life and on several occasions lost all his possessions. Although Heermann wrote many of his hymns and poems during these devastating times, his personal faith and trust in God continued to be reflected in his lyrics. He is judged to be the finest hymn writer in the era between Martin Luther and Paul Gerhardt, one whose work marks a transition from the objective hymns of the Reformation to the more subjective hymns of the seventeenth century. His hymn texts were published in collections such as Devoti Musica Cordis, Hauss- und Hertz-Musica (1630, expanded in 1636, 1644), and Sontags- und Fest-evangelia (1636). Bert Polman =================== Heermann, Johann, son of Johannes Heermann, furrier at Baudten, near Wohlau, Silesia, was born at Baudten, Oct. 11, 1585. He was the fifth but only surviving child of his parents, and during a severe illness in his childhood his mother vowed that if he recovered she would educate him for the ministry, even though she had to beg the necessary money. He passed through the schools at Wohlau; at Fraustadt (where he lived in the house of Valerius Herberger, q. v., who took a great interest in him); the St. Elizabeth gymnasium at Breslau; and the gymnasium at Brieg. At Easter, 1609, he accompanied two young noblemen (sons of Baron Wenzel von Rothkirch), to whom he had been tutor at Brieg, to the University of Strassburg; but an affection of the eyes caused him to return to Baudten in 1610. At the recommendation of Baron Wenzel he was appointed diaconus of Koben, a small town on the Oder, not far from Baudten, and entered on his duties on Ascension Day, 1611, and on St. Martin's Day, 1611, was promoted to the pastorate there. After 1623 he suffered much from an affection of the throat, which compelled him to cease preaching in 1634, his place being supplied by assistants. In October, 1638, he retired to Lissa in Posen, and died there on Septuagesima Sunday (Feb. 17), 1647. (Koch, iii. 16-36; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xi. 247-249, &c.) Much of Heermann's manhood was spent amid the distressing scenes of the Thirty Years' War; and by his own ill health and his domestic trials he was trained to write his beautiful hymns of “Cross and Consolation." Between 1629 and 1634, Koben was plundered four times by the Lichtenstein dragoons and the rough hordes under Wallenstein sent into Silesia by the King of Austria in order to bring about the Counter-Reformation and restore the Roman Catholic faith and practice; while in 1616 the town was devastated by fire, and in 1631 by pestilence. In these troublous years Heermann several times lost all his moveables; once he had to keep away from Koben for seventeen weeks; twice he was nearly sabred; and once, while crossing the Oder in a frail boat loaded almost to sinking, he heard the bullets of the pursuing soldiers whistle just over his head. He bore all with courage and patience, and he and his were wonderfully preserved from death and dishonour. He was thus well grounded in the school of affliction, and in his House and Heart Music some of his finest hymns are in the section entitled "Songs of Tears. In the time of the persecution and distress of pious Christians." As a hymnwriter Heermann ranks with the beat of his century, some indeed regarding him as second only to Gerhardt. He had begun writing Latin poems about 1605, and was crowned as a poet at Brieg on Oct. 8, 1608. He marks the transition from the objective standpoint of the hymnwriters of the Reformation period to the more subjective and experimental school that followed him. His hymns are distinguished by depth and tenderness of feeling; by firm faith and confidence in face of trial; by deep love to Christ, and humble submission to the will of God. Many of them became at once popular, passed into the hymnbooks, and still hold their place among the classics of German hymnody. They appeared principally in— (1) Devoti Musica Cordis. Hauss-und Hertz-Musica &c. Leipzig and Breslau, 1630, with 49 hymns (2nd edition 1636, with 64; 3rd edition 1644, with 69). The first section is entitled "Hymns of Penitence and Consolation from the words of the Ancient Fathers of the Church." Seven of these, however, have no mention in their individual titles of the sources from which they are derived; and the remainder are mostly based not on Latin hymns, but on the prose meditations in Martin Moller's Meditationes sanctorum patrum, or on the mediaeval compilations known as the Meditationes and the Manuale of St. Augustine. (2) Sontags-und Fest-Evangelia. Leipzig and Breslau, 1636, being hymns on the Gospels for Sundays and festivals. (3) Poetische Erquickstunden, Nürnberg, 1656; and its Fernere Fortsetzung, also Nürnberg, 1656 [both in Wernigerode], are poems rather than hymns. The hymns of the Hauss-und Hertz-Musica, with a representative selection from Heermann's other poetical works, were edited by C. E. P. Wackernagel, prefaced by a long biographical and critical introduction, and published at Stuttgart, 1855. Six of the most important of Heermann's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines. The other hymns by Heermann which have passed into English are :— I. Hymns in English common use:-- i. 0 Jesu, du mein Bräutigam. Holy Communion. In his Devoti Musica Cordis, Breslau, 1630, p. 78, in 12 stanzas of 4 lines. Thence in Mützell, 1858, No. 34, in Wackernagel's ed. of his Geistliche Lieder, No. 22, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 283. Seems to be founded on Meditation xi. in the mediaeval compilation known as St. Augustine's Manuale. Translated as:— 0 Jesu, Lord, who once for me, a good translation of stanzas i., ii., iv., v., viii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 158 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Other translations are: (l) 0 Jesu! Bridegroom of my Soul," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 44 (1732, p. 73). (2) "Dear Saviour, who for me hast borne," by Miss Dunn, 1857. ii. Rett, 0 Herr Jesu, rett dein Ehr. In Time of Trouble. A prayer for deliverance and peace for the Church. In his Devoti Musica Cordis, 1630, p. 119, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, among the "Songs of Tears." Thence in Mützell, 1858, No. 48, in Wackernagel’s ed., No. 36, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 245. Translated as:— Thine honour rescue, righteous Lord, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. iii. Treuer Wächter Israel. In Time of War. 1630, p. 115, in 13 stanzas of 7 lines, among the "Songs of Tears." In Mützell, 1858, No. 47; in Wackernagel's edition, No. 35, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 594. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 549, says of it:— "It is a powerful hymn filled with that prevailing prayer that takes heaven by force," and relates of st. vii.,11. v-7, "Eine Mauer um uns bau," that on Jan. 6, 1814, the Allied Forces were about to enter Schleswig. A poor widow with her daughter and grandson lived in a little house near the entrance of the town. The grandson was reading in his hymnbook those in time of war, and when he came to this said, “It would be a good thing, grandmother, if our Lord God would build a wall around us." Next day all through the town cries of distress were heard, but all was still before their door. On the following morning they had courage to open the door, and lo a snowdrift concealed them from the view of the enemy. On this incident Clemens Brentano composed a beautiful poem "Draus vor Schleswig." It is translated as:— Jesu! as a Saviour, aid. A good tr. of st; vii., viii., xiii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 138 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. iv. Zionklagt mit Angst und Schmerzen. Church of Christ. First published in his Devoti Musica Cordis, 2nd ed., 1636 (1644, p. 196), in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, entitled, "From the beautiful golden saying of Isaiah, Chapter xlix." In Mützell, 1858, No. 101, in Wackernagel’s ed., No. 53, and the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 256. Translated as:— Sion bow'd with anguish weepeth A good translation of stanzas i., iii., v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 141 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Another translation is: "Zion mourns in fear and anguish," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 198. II. Hymns not in English common use:-- v. Ach Jesu! dessen Treu. Love to Christ. 1630, p. 144, in 33 stanzas. One of his finest hymns, full of deep love to Christ, but from its great length very little used in Germany. Translated as, "Ah! Jesus! Lord! whose faithfulness," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, May, 1867, p. 72. vi. Der Tod klopft bei mir an. For the Dying. 1656, p. 22, in 121. Translated as, "That Death is at my door," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 201. vii. Du weinest für Jerusalem. Christ weeping over Jerusalem. 1630, p. 81, in 6 stanzas, entitled, "On the Tears of Christ." Founded on St. Luke xix. 41-44, part of the Gospel for the 10 Sundays after Trinity. The translations are: (1) "With tears o'er lost Jerusalem," by Miss Cox, 1841, p. 159. (2) "Our Lord wept o'er Jerusalem," by Dr. H. Mills, 1845 (1856, p. 295). (3) "Thou weepest o'er Jerusalem," by Miss Winkworth, 1855,p. 70. viii. Herr Jesu Christe mein getreuer Hirte. Holy Communion. 1630, p. 74, in 9 stanzas, founded on M. Moller's Meditationes sanctorum patrum, pt. i. c. 11, and pt. v. c. 2. The translations are: (1) "Dear Saviour, Thou my faithful Shepherd, come” by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 111. (2) "Lord Jesus Christ, my faithful Shepherd, hear," by Miss Winkworth, 1858, p. 93, repeated in Lyra Eucharistica, 1863-64. ix. Herr unser Gott, lass nicht zu Schanden werden. Christ's Church. 1630, p. 114, as one of the "Songs of Tears," in 5 stanzas. Translated as, "Ah! Lord our God, let them not be confounded," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 197. x. Hilf mir, mein Oott, hilf dass nach dir. Christian Conduct. 1630, p. 32, in 7 stanzas, entitled, "For a better life. From the words of Augustine." Founded on No. i. of the Meditationes current under the name of St. Augustine. This meditation is apparently by St. Anselm of Canterbury. Translated as, "Lord, raise in me a constant Flame," by J. C. Jacobi, 1725, p. 27 (1732, p. 105). xi. Jesu, der du tausend Schmerzen. In Sickness. 1656, in the Fernere Fortsetzung, p. 79, in 12 lines, entitled, "In great bodily pain." Translated as, “Jesu, who didst stoop to prove," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 200. xii. Jesu Tilger meiner Sünden. Lent. 1656, in the Fernere Fortsetzung, p. 1, in 10 lines, entitled, "For Victory in Temptation." Translated as, "Jesu, Victor over sin," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 201. xiii. 0 Jesu, Jesu, Gottes Sohn. Love to Christ, 1630, p. 83, in 7 stanzas, entitled, “Of the Love, which a Christian heart bears to Christ, and will still bear." A beautiful expansion of his motto "Mihi omnia Jesus." The translations are: (1) "What causes me to mourn is this," a translation of stanza ii. by P. H. Molther, as No. 371, in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1886, No. 461). (2) "O Jesus, Jesus, Son of God," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Oct. 1865, p. 153, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. xiv. Treuer Gott ich muss dir klagen. In Trouble. 1630, p. 103, in 12 stanzas, entitled, "Hymn of a sorrowful heart for increase of faith." Translated as, "Faithful God! I lay before Thee," by J. C. Jacobi, 1720, p. 9(1722, p. 70; 1732, p. 117), and as No. 538 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. xv. Wollt ihr euch nicht, o ihr frommen Christen. Second Advent. 1636, p. 210, in 9 stanzas, entitled, "On the day of the Holy Bishop Nicolaus. Gospel of Luke, 12 Chapter." Translated as: (l) "0 dear Christians, as 'tis needful, wou'd ye," as No. 153 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. (2) “Help us, 0 Christ, to watch and pray," a tr. of st. ix. as st. iii. of No. 868 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789 (1849, No. 1221). xvi. Wo soll ich fliehen hin. Lent. 1630, p. 20, in 11 stanzas, entitled, "A hymn of consolation in which a troubled heart lays all its sins in true faith upon Christ. From Tauler." Based on M. Moller's Meditationes, vol. i. pt. i., No. 10. Translated as, "0 whither shall I fly," as No. 447 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In 1886, No. 279, it begins with "0 Jesus, source of Grace" (stanza ii.). [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Caspar Friedrich Nachtenhöfer

1624 - 1685 Person Name: Caspar Friedrich Nachtenhoefer Hymnal Number: 611 Author of "So gehst du dann, mein Jesu, hin" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Nachtenhöfer (Nachtenhoefer), Caspar Friedrich, son of Caspar Nachtenhöfer, advocate at Halle, was born at Halle, March 5, 1624. He entered the University of Leipzig in 1647, as a student of theology (M.A. 1651). He was then for a few months tutor in the house of the Chancellor August Carpzov at Coburg. In the end of 1651 he was appointed diaconus, and in 1655 pastor, at Meeder near Coburg. He was then, in 1671, called to Coburg as pastor of the Holy Cross Church, and diaconus of the St. Moritz Church. He afterwards devoted himself wholly to St. Moritz, and died as second senior in charge Nov. 23, 1685 (Wetzel ii. 203; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xxiii. 192, &c) He published a metrical history of the Passion under the title of Erklärung des Leidens- und Sterbens-Geschichte Jesu Christi, at Coburg in 1685. Four hyms are ascribed to him, two of which have been tr. viz.:— i. Diess ist die Nacht, da mir erschienen. Christmas. This is in J. H. Havecker's Kirchenecho, 1695, No. 406, in 5 st. of 6 1., marked as by M. C. F. N. It had previously appeared in the Coburg Gesang-Buch 1683 [Coburg Gymnasium Library], and is included in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 31. The translation in common use is:— This is the night wherein appeared. A good and full tr. by A. T. Russell, as No. 58 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. ii. So gehst du dann, mein Jesu, hin. Passiontide. This appears in the Neu -Vollständigers Marggräft. Brandenburgisches Gesang-Buch, Culmbach and Bayreuth, 1668, p. 81, in 4 st. of 8 1., entitled "A beautiful hymn for Lent." It is also in the Coburg Gesang-Buch, 1668, Appendix, p. 4, entitled "Christ's Death the sinner's Life." In both books it is without name of author. Wetzel ii. 206, ascribes it to Nachtenhöfer, and says it was written in 1651, while he was tutor at Coburg. It is a hymn on Christ's way to the Cross, and in the form of a dialogue between the soul and Christ. In order to complete the sense an additional stanza was inserted between the original iii. and iv., and this is the form in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851, No. 781. This new stanza, according to Wetzel ii. 210, is by Magnus Daniel Omeis, Professor at Altdorf (born at Nürnberg, Sept. 6, 1646; died at Altdorf Nov. 22, 1708), and was included in the Altdorf Gesang-Buch of 1699. The translation in common use is :— So, Lord, Thou goest forth to die. A good translation of st. i., v. by A. T. Russell, as No. 92 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Ludämiliä Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt

1640 - 1672 Person Name: Ludaemilie Elisabeth Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt Hymnal Number: 538 Author of "Ich bin in allem wohl zufrieden" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Ludämilia Elisabeth, second daughter of Count Ludwig Gunther I. of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, was born April 7, 1640, at the castle of Heidecksburg, near Rudolstadt, and was educated there along with her cousin Emilie Juliane (q.v.). In 1665 she went with her mother to the dowager castle of Friedensburg near Leutenberg; but after her mother's death, in 1670, she returned to Rudolstadt, where, on Dec. 20, 1671, she was formally betrothed to Count Christian Wilhelm of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. At this time measles was raging in the district, and her eldest sister, Sophie Juliane, was seized, and died Feb. 14, 1672. By attending on her, Ludämilia and the youngest sister, Christiane Magdalene, caught the infection, and both died at Rudolstadt on March 12,1672. (Koch, iv. 50-56; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie xix. 365-367, &c.) She received a careful and pious training, was a good Latin scholar, and well read in divinity and other branches of learning. Her hymns show her to have been of a deeply pious nature, and of intense love to Jesus. They were composed rather for her own edification than for use in public worship. Ten of them were included in the Budolstadt Gesang-Buch, 1682. They, were collected, to the number of 206, and edited by her cousin Emilie (probably assisted by A. Fritsch) as Die Stimme der Freundin, das ist: Geistliche Lieder welche, aus brünstiger und biss ans Ende beharrter Jesus Liebe verfertiget und gebraucht, &c. Rudolstadt, 1687. This was reprinted, with an introduction by W. Thilo, at Stuttgart, 1856. Three of those hymns have been translated viz.:— i. Jesus, Jesus, nichts als Jesus. [Love to Christ] 1687, No. 104, p. 312, in 5 st. of 6 1., entitled “Resignation to the Will of God." The initials of the stanzas form the word Jesus, and each stanza ends, "Herr, wie du willt." It seems to have appeared in the 2nd edition of A. Fritsch's Jesus Lieder (not in the first edition of 1668. No copy of the 2nd edition is now known), and in the 3rd edition, Jena, 1675, is No. 43, Rambach, iii. 188, gives it from the Vermehrtes Gesang-Büchlein, Halberstadt, 1673. In the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. The translation in common use is :__ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus only. In full, by A. Crull, as No. 282 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are :—(1) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish and," in the Supplement to German Psal., ed. 1765, p. 11. (2) "Jesus, 'tis my aim divine," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 107. (3) “ 'Tis Jesus that's my sole desire," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 92. (4) "Jesus, Jesus, naught but Jesus, Can my," by R. Massie, in the British Herald, July, 1865, p. 103, and in Reid's Praise Book, 1872, No. 393. (5) "Jesus, Jesus, nought but Jesus, Shall my wish be," in Cantica Sanctorum, 1880, No. 97. ii. Jesu Blut komm über mich. [Holy Communion.] A Passiontide Hymn on the Blood of Jesus. 1687, p. 45, No. 14, in 8 st. In the Blätter für Hymnologie, 1886, p. 180, it is cited as in the 2nd ed., 1679, of A. Fritsch's Himmels-Lust (1st ed., 1670, does not contain it); and as there marked "S. J. G. Z. S. V. H.," the initials of the elder sister, Sophie Juliane. Translated as:-—"Jesus' Blood come over me," as No. 448, in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. iii. Sorge, Vater! sorge du. [Morning.] 1687, No. 168, in 7 st., entitled "On Resignation to the Care of God," and founded on 1 Peter v. 7. Previously in the Rudolstadt Gesang-Buch,1682, p. 692. Translated as:—"Care, O Father, care for me," in the Monthly Packet, xiv., 1872, p. 211. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Balthasur Schnur

Hymnal Number: 276 Author of "O grosser Gott von Macht" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch

Christoph Knoll

1563 - 1650 Hymnal Number: 370 Author of "Herzlich thut mich verlangen" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Knoll, Christoph, was born in 1563 at Bunzlau in Silesia, and entered the University of Frankfurt a. Oder in 1583. In 1586 he was appointed assistant (Signator) in the school at Sprottau in Silesia. He then became, in 1591, diaconus, and in 1620 archidiaconus, at Sprottau. On Nov. 23, 1628, he was ex¬pelled by the Lichtenstein dragoons, but was eventually allowed to become pastor at the neighbouring village of Wittgendorf, where he died in 1650 (S. J. Ehrhardt's Presbyterologie Schlesiens, 1780-89, iii. pp. 386, 505, &c). His well-known hymn: Herzlich thut mich verlangen. For the Dying, is said to have been written during a pestilence in 1599, and was first printed at Gorlitz in 1605 (see Blatter für Hymnologie, 1887, pp. 8, 56, &c). In Wackernagel, v. p. 350 (from Buchwalder's Gesange-Buch, Görlitz, 1611, &c.) the Unverfälschter Liedersegen 1851, No. 822, &c, in 11 stanzas of 8 lines. Translated as "My heart is filled with longing," by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863, Appx. No. iv. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Josua Wegelin

1604 - 1640 Hymnal Number: 80 Author of "Allein auf Christi Himmelfahrt" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch Wegelin, Josua, D.D., son of Johann Wegelin, or Wegelein, then superintendent (Ephorus) of the Evangelical college at Augsburg, was born at Augsburg Jan. 11, 1604. After studying at the University of Tübingen (M.A. 1626), he was for a short time pastor at Budweiler, and was appointed in 1627 fourth diaconus of the Franciscan (Barfüsser) church at Augsburg. In 1629, along with 13 other Evangelical pastors, he was compelled to leave Augsburg by the decree of Restitution enacted by the Emperor Ferdinand III. After Gustavus Adolphus had become master of the city, in 1632, Wegelin was recalled to the Barfüsser Kirche as archidiaconus. In 1633 he was appointed preacher at the Hospital Church of the Holy Ghost, but in 1635, as a result of the battle of Nordlingen (Sept., 1634), he was again forced to flee from Augsburg. He found refuge at Pressburg, in Hungary, where he became pastor, and afterwards Senior, Inspector, and Doctor of Theology. He died at Pressburg, Sept. 14, 1640 (Koch, iii. 169; Goedeke's Grundriss, vol. iii. 1887, p 161, &c). Wegelin's hymns are simple and natural, and are the productions of an earnest, true-hearted and good pastor rather than of a skilful poet. Goedeke, as above, gives lists of their first lines from his (1) Augspurger Bet Büchlein, Nürnberg, 1636, and from his (2) Hand-Land-un Stand-Büchlein, Nürnberg, 1637 [Gottingen Library]. Some 20 of his hymns were included in J. M. Dilherr's Gesang-Buch, Nürnberg, 1654, and other collections of the 17th century. The only hymn by Wegelin which has passed into English is:— Allein auf Christi Himmelfahrt. Ascension. This is his most popular hymn. First published 1636 in 3 stanzas of 7 lines entitled, "iv. Short Psalm of Praise on the Ascension of Christ; " repeated in Dilherr's Gesang-Buch, 1654, p. 394. In the Lüneburg Gesang-Buch, 1661, No. 112, it is recast and begins, "Auf Christi Himmel-Fart allein.” Translated as:— 1. Raise your Devotion, mortal Tongues. By J. C. Jacobi, in his Psalt. Germanica, 1722, p. 24; repeated, altered, in his 2nd ed., 1732, p. 41. 2. Since Christ is gone to heaven, His home. This is a good translation from the second form, by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd ser., 1858, p. 47; and in Schaff s Christ in Song, 1869, p. 314. In her Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 64, it is altered in metre. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Wilhelm Gottlieb Tafinger

1691 - 1742 Hymnal Number: 599 Author of "Gott ist ein Gott der Liebe" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch

Johannes Englisch

Hymnal Number: 96 Author of "Gebenedeiet sei Gott dr Herr" in Vollständiges Marburger Gesang-Buch


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